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Everything posted by Sjöröveren

  1. I think that's how this one works. If ye watch the video, ye can see all the sails turning at once. It's probably alot easier to just turn the whole sail than to train a bunch of hamsters to crew the ship.
  2. Aw, shucks, ma'am! 'Course it were a compliment. I were just kinda all overcome and shy-like, cuz o yer pretty white ass!
  3. People must have pirates on the brain lately (Thankee, Mssrs. Verbinski, Depp, et al.) I saw Anchorman today, and there are a few passing references to pirates. A video from a cat show features a cat dressed as a pirate. And Will Ferrell comes up with a number of ad-libbed insults that combine "pirate" with various sexist insults towards Christina Applegate's character. OK, so it's not much. What do you want? It's my day off, and I'm trying to work up to 200 posts!
  4. MerryD, ye are a right proper smut princess, and this post only drives the point home. I have learned that if one is to challenge Merry to a contest of innuendo, one must come armed with ten times the ordnance than ye ever expect to use. She will meet your volley with the full force of a ship of the line, and ye will soon meet your doom.
  5. Bess, I think discretion has always been your watchword when it comes to projects in progress. I have appreciated your insider's perspective, but I don't think you've been talking out of school. I'm sure most of us are employed by organizations with proprietary information. Take our members in the military for example. They give us a perspective on their life in the force, but they don't disclose operational details. I don't think anyone at Disney has anything to fear from your participation here. And if they decide otherwise, there's lots of other folks making movies around town.
  6. I think yar avatar be more kickass than most here. Where'd ye get yars?
  7. I'm not a diver, so I'll just mosey on back to the original topic if nobody minds... The mapping method described so far is called a "metes and bounds survey." It was the most commonly used method for mapping small parcels of land until the mid 19th century, at least in the US. Using the techniques described so far, you should get a usable, if not terribly accurate map. It's also the best method to use if you're working alone. Another method you might consider is using a plane table. It's too complicated to describe here, but you should be able to find a tutorial online somewhere. Now, if you're really just interested in getting a map, and not making a map, you should contact whatever park authority runs the park. They ar certain to have very detailed maps that they don't necessarily distribue to the public. Find someone in the planning department, and ask if they have an aerial survey map. If they don't have anything, find an aerial surveying company in your area. They'll charge you, but they should at least have a good quality aerial photo available. And if you still want a map, they could make one for you for about $10,000-$20,000.
  8. OK, let me get this straight. He's closed down the hand-drawn animation department, severed ties with Pixar and now they're going to stop making live action films. Aren't those the only kinds of films possible? Is there another kind of film that I'm forgetting? Why not just hold a press conference and say "Disney is no longer a film producing company." Then they should, as a symbolic action, kill a goose laying a golden egg. Let's face it folks. Disney is soon to be a company that used to make movies. I'm sure there's lots more money to be made in munitions or plumbing fixtures or baby furniture or something. That's what it's all about, isn't Mr. Eisner?
  9. amazon.com has it under the title "Pirates! Brigands, Buccaneers and Privateers in Fact, Fiction and Legend"
  10. There ain't no better father's day gift than becoming a father! Congratulations, Capt. Tito! And here's to ye, pirate lass Julia Rose!
  11. Now Bess, surely you understand the difference between a review and the whole damn book! It's jolly good fun! Get yarself a copy, a mug o' somethin refreshing, a big floppy hat and a blanket, go to the beach and relax! So what if it mostly malarky. it's light and frothy, like a Bud Light on a hot day. It ain't the finest, but it'll do for what it is.
  12. I just finished reading "Mistress of the Seas" by John Carlova. (Truth be told, I bought it for Red Bess off'n ebay, and I started reading it before she got home from work, and I couldna put it down.) It's a rollicking good read, but it can't decide if it's fiction or non-fiction. The author gives every indication that he considered it to be non-fiction, but most of the details are made up from whole cloth. There are conversations that could not have been documented, and relationships that hold no basis in reality. Example: Anne Bonny tried, unsuccessfully, to spring Stede Bonnet from the hoosegow in Charleston. Yes, she probably bedded him, but a jailbreak? First I've heard of it. Another tall-tale: after escaping the noose due to pregnancy, Anne was spirited away from Crown custody by a personal appeal by Woodes Rogers. Maybe there are some Anne experts out there who can set me straight, but these seem like total fabrications. That being said, the book reads like a screenplay, and a good one at that. It's very breezy and quite ribald. If you take it for what if really is, fiction, then it's a great read, and highly recommended. By the way, I see on amazon.com that it will be coming out in the UK in paperback very soon. It's been out of print for many years. Looks like we can again thank POTC for raising general pirate awareness.
  13. Whew! I'm Barbossa. I were afraid I were gonna turn out to be Norrington. I gotta get out more...
  14. Saw Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban this weekend, and they're showin the same teaser for POTC. If people are still wonderin about the "secret" in a few days, I'll go ahead and spill the beans, if anyone cares by then.
  15. AGREED! I'm assumin that ye ladies mean that the bow be filled, and not the stern!
  16. I aren't much for writin pomes, but I likes readin em. It'd be nice to have em all in one place so's it be easier t' read em.
  17. I always figgered a pirate could pee where ever he wanted. Sorry, but I just can't resist a straight line.
  18. Hate to burst yar bubble, Lady B, but it aren't a preview for POTC2, if that's what yar thinkin. But it still be a preview for POTC. A must see not for its importance, but for it's humor. (See first post in this thread)
  19. Flat, dry and unsalted, mostly. Though Minnesota is the Land of 10,000 Lakes, they be mostly little uns that ye can see acrost. The closest we have to the sea is Lake Superior, which is a proper stretch of big water. The seas can get pretty big on the lake: this is along the quay at the entrance to Duluth harbor. Out on the Lake, 30-40 seas aren't uncommon in November, like in the storm that sunk the Edmund Fitzgerald in '75.
  20. An award for excellence in naval history?!? I wish I had gone to your school! The biggest scholarship my high school (Coon Rapids, MN, Class of 75) gave away was from the company that gave us the Thermos. True, one of the great inventions of the 20th century, but about as cool a toenail clipper! I s'pose growin up in the middle of the continent probably nixed any chance of an award for excellence in naval history.
  21. Bess, ye wouldn't aborne me our two fine sons in the 18th century though. I never would of seen me first birthday! I were a sickly baby. Now if we pretends that I woulda lived to adulthood, then no, I couldna be a pirate. Too set in me ways, too nearsighted, too fat, too lubberly. I guess I'da been some sissy pantywaist type, readin mouldy books and never gettin any fresh air.
  22. Skål, good captain, and best birthday wishes to ye! I woulda stumbled in sooner, but I been hard at work at that writin project I told ye about. Red Bess will be sendin it out to ye by swiftest corsair, and ye should have it afore ye leave port for Arabee. May ye have many more happy birthdays to come!
  23. It's amazing what digital technology can do. They've taken an ugly awful fleshy ogre and created a loveable green human being!
  24. Just saw Shrek 2 with the crew tonight. There be pirates innit! They be providin local color in a tavern. A fellow with a hook plays the piano, with Tom Waits providin the vocals. (I think. I'm sure no one else on earth sounds like him.) But the best part wasn't even in the movie. I won't give it away. Just be sure you get to the theatre in time to see all the trailers and commercials and such before the film. Not sure if they'll show it in every market, but I hope so! Not to be missed!
  25. No, but I would very much like to try.
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