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Cannibal Chrispy

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Everything posted by Cannibal Chrispy

  1. Which leads to todays lesson in irony. A guy hears about "steampunk" from a friend at a pirate festival. He and his wife "a musician" show interest and decide to modify a guitar. The first modification he plans to make utilizes knowledge gathered some 20 yrs. before, from a book written by the father of the friend who told him about "steampunk"! I know there are more ironic situations, but this one happened here!
  2. which leads to my next question, what else is he throwing away while cleaning out the garage? Inlay guys tend to hoard quality materials. I am sure the original pictures from "pearl inlay" would fetch a fair price on ebay! and why aren't your guns pearled up? The Initials on yer blunderbuss would look great in abalone or walrus ivory and be very p.c.
  3. Ohh Jenny, nice to have you join us! OOPS Nell posting as Chrispy again! I forget to check....
  4. Crudbeard and Bloodthirsty Barbara are the pirates of the Dark Rose!
  5. sounds like the perfect time to break into a few bars of Hello Dolly!
  6. my wife has a sigma from the early 70's when the martin builders went to train the japanese woodworkers, its so sweet! and for only $125.00! I refretted it with jumbos to get even more volume, you cant have a loud enough acoustic at these events! There out there, ya just have to know what to look for.
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