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Cannibal Chrispy

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Everything posted by Cannibal Chrispy

  1. Be that as it may, it does not release anyone from their contractual obligations.
  2. I am well aware of my clients contract and all clauses within as I have had well over one year to study it's contents. Perhaps it is not as clear on your "copy" as my original, on page 83 the initials of your representative, waving your rights in the event said monkey "which was rented for display purposes only, at a much cheaper rate that our performing monkeys" was released from the cage he was provided in! Not to mention the same initials on page 84 declining the optional insurance.
  3. Excellent! and thanks for the link.
  4. Just a thought. I was a touring guitar technician for 18 yrs. and have seen many cube shaped stage props that were assembled with plywood and a few sliding barrel latches on the inside and were sturdy enough to hold your average musician. They latch together (no tools needed) faster than individual screws, and are sturdy enough to stack, stand or sit on. an ye don't havta fill all those screw holes.
  5. 'ello I have been sent here on behalf of my client, Barcelona Exotic Animal Rental. Hearafter referred to as BEAR. BEAR has gone to great lengths to collect said primate, as well as the outstanding bill. Numerous correspondences have gone unanswered, therefore requiring my services. My sources have led me here, and I shall remain at the local inn for a period of (24) twenty four hours, should said primate appear along with at least 75% of said rental fee, and a small surcharge for my personal expenses, no questions will be asked and there will be no need to reveal the name of said rentor on BEAR's rental agreement.
  6. How does it assemble from the KD position? Do I have to screw it together?
  7. Shutting them down quickly. patron: Hey jack sparrow! Pirate: Where! he owes me money, you a friend of his? you gonna pay his debt? whats in YOUR wallet bird lover? optional: Is that your wife? she would settle the score quite nicely. patron: ARRRRR! Pirate: S, T, U, V, DOUBLEYARRR! Since these comments are usually made in passing, if you can make em pause and think for just a moment or better yet make their friends laugh at them, usually gives ya just enough time to pass on by without further heckling. Take it from someone who has had to walk the street alone in a pirate outfit handing out fliers for a kiddie pirate ship in places like Key West, HUMOUR IS ALWAYS YOUR BEST DEFENSE!
  8. I don't shop in them ANY more , but back in the mid 90's I did...this suit goes back to 1994, Chris's favorite cologne is Chanel Egoiste and I used to get him that for Christmas every year, I'm gonna go pick up a free face cream today, hey what the heck I mean I bought that overpriced cologne for all those years....not that I'd do it these days...I'm a drug store girl myself... still I'll take a free bottle of moisturizer. The giveaway is while supplies last and starts today. ROFL!!! DIDN"T REALIZE I WAS CHRISPY -- LOL -- NELL
  9. Q: What do a pirate and a bleach blonde have in common? A: A little black patch.
  10. I did not mean to question you fair maiden, just trying to buy myself a little time. Chrispy<LIAR
  11. Sorry Lily, ever since I lost our last ship in a game of "chance" the missus has forbidden me to gamble. However due to the surfacing of way too many photos of my wife and Stynky I dont feel the least bit guilty about this. Gently grasping Silkie by the waist leaning her slightly backwards and planting a sweet, friendly, yet slightly passionate lil' kiss on the fair maiden. If Rusty asks just tell her I was trying to get her a gig at the hide. wink
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