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Cannibal Chrispy

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Everything posted by Cannibal Chrispy

  1. Yarr indeed!!!!! perhaps we shall find that pesky ghost next year, I think we would have found it this year if it werent for those meddling kids! lol
  2. Oh, I treasure everything he's made me. AND I treasure Lars and his Wench as well. I need to find someone to leave my pretty's too though.... my kith and kin wuold just toss them when the time comes. I have a few Soul's in mind.... <have you ever considered adoption? wink wink, I do have papers....... yes they are forged.
  3. Patrick, you are a pinnacle of curious knowledge for a guy like me to look up to. I always learn something from you, I am not on the computer much, and was completely unaware of the steampunk movement. Very cool, how do I miss these things? I can pretty much recite the script from mad max and have watched waterworld at least 200 times, what a great artistic outlet. Anyway, I am thinking about making Chrispy blind on a regular basis and was wondering about pc glasses or goggles of some sort, any ideas that wont break the bank? Thanks for being you! Chrispy
  4. It was a pleasure to meet you! An honor to watch you earn your pirate name, "ooh these are so goood" And even more fun to drink with you! Start takin extra vitamins now, so you'll be ready for next year! warmest Wishes for a speedy recovery! XXXO Chrispy
  5. Fine then, Im holding out for belly or thigh rights. after all, it is for the fort!
  6. WOW Patrick your a man of many talents. Loved the comics, couldn't have asked for a more perfect addition to my first Sunday morning after PIP. Nell and Chrispy
  7. Aww! and I didn't steal anything for you, then again what can one steal for the man who steals everything?
  8. Happy Birthday! Can I have your fake I.D. now that you don't need it anymore. lol I will continue to give you the same gift i have since 06 and try not to ruin anymore good photos of you by being caught in a pirate outfit that screams trick or treat. The missus and I are thinking about st. augustine and will be making p.c. fit outs so I may have some questions on materials and patterns, if you don't mind. t'was excellent to see you again! And my your next year find many of your wishes coming true!
  9. MAMA!! PAPA!! So good to see you guys again. A thousand thanks for all you do to make this festival bigger and better. Glad your trip home went safely! Cant wait to see you again. Please send our best to Mohito Harriet and the kids. All our love, hugs and kisses! Chrispy and Rusty
  10. Happy Birthday! You got away easy this year! However, next year we will have to acknowledge it with a toast or three. Cheers! Chrispy and Rusty p.s. Thanks for the honorable mention in your journal.
  11. oooh Stynky - money shot!! I can see all the way up yer britches - whooo hooo - NELL
  12. Hey what more do you want - you're already in me britches. I want to start a new tradition of getting a piece of clothing from you each year, then I can have a whole Stynky outfit First me pants, then the children, next thing ya know you'll be have'n the shirt right off me back. Now if you're going ta do that darling, I should probably be gett'n me back waxed first. . . . hows that for a turn off? OH OOOH OH CAN I PULL THE TAPE!
  13. I would be happy to serve as auctioneer, and I suggest auctioning the position as powder monkey for the all female cannon crew as well. Someone out there really wants it!
  14. Should the powder monkey position become available, would someone please contact me!
  15. Ohh Lily, dear sweet Lily... getting to know you was one of the highlights for me.. you wear your heart on your sleeve and I love you for that. some of my favorite moments: watching the 3 of you give your hair to Locks-of-Love... I cried singing The Ballad of the Bone Island Buccaneers to Sterling - he cried (though it was dark and I'm sure he'll swear it was sweat or something) Definitely Thanksgiving with the whole family! - it was great to spend that first day home together Stynky and me having a PIP poster together...xoxoxo being on the first all girl cannon crew!! and being clean and ready to go for the next round before all the boys. - huzzah Captain Gracie, Red Jessie and Kate spending more time at the careening camp in Silkies Hide - Silkie you've got the best Hide in the seven seas! -- it was great getting to know you all better this year. Seeing Sterling that first set up day and not recognizing him, the smirk on his face that said "You don't recognize me" is what finally gave it away. Dutch saving my pride when I fell in front of a huge crowd of people by jumping on top of me shouting "I'll save you" Another memory thanks to Dutch was watching him run back and forth while we shot at him like it was a duck shooting gallery - I almost wet my pants. Greg buffing out the scratches in my leather stays from said fall. My boudoir photo's with Papa Ratzi - it was completely impromptu I was just goofing around, but it was so much fun I can't wait to get those pictures - I want to make it my banner. I though he was going to wet his pants taking the pictures he was laughing so hard. The hanging - this group of people are so full of one liners I can't even recall all the jokes there were so many.... all I know is I never thought I'd laugh so hard at a hanging "The most well hung Captain" indeed - Sterling you rock, even at 15 cents. The closing ceremony was incredible -thanks to Bawdy Be who started the tradition of singing Health to the Company at closing ---- "and one to our ass" I love her for the "pirate" version ---and this year, sharing wine out of a common glass while we sang was wonderful, even though we shared the crud with it. I'll cough up a lung for you people anyday!! I love you all and miss you so much - all the laughter and memories are sufficient to get me through until next year, though I hope to not wait that long to see you. XOXOX Nell -- didn't realize Chrispy was signed in
  16. And I only said something because the wool was sticking to the wheel and dragging me down with it....kinda like getting something stuck in a bicycle spoke....or the escalator at Macy's! LOL. perhaps the ladies should run the mortar next year "less moving parts" lol
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