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Cannibal Chrispy

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Everything posted by Cannibal Chrispy

  1. Hmmm, I'm thinkin former patch monkey come crew member, having come of age living "in the bag" he has limited "social graces" He has extensive knowledge of ships infrastructure and maintenance, knows nooks and cranny's you would never find. Extremely agile his specialty is "Dangling" tethered boarding, repelling down onto other airships and remaining "tied in" for the duration of the attack, come what may. Armed with a compliment of tools and some sort hooked freddy kruger type gloves and toe spikes that would allow him to climb on/cut entry holes in the outside of enemy airships, he knows just which bolts to pull to make an airship "fall inward" and is usually yanked back through the skin as an imploding enemy airship falls away. Having been "given job" by the captain as a child he has no respect for the officers or any military rank, in his eyes they are just "the guys who keep breakin stuff I gots ta fix" as an adult he has known only this ship and it's well being. Quote "ya gots free choices 1. shut up, an fix it ya'sef. 2. shut up, an let me fix it. or 3. tie in, an meet me outside". His name, Skeev a derogatory name for skinners or skeevers, workers who put the skin on airships, a name he must have gotten in the shipyard where the captain found him.
  2. Ya know, I had a great career as a touring guitar technician, and with little more than a GED, lots of hard work and a good woman, I managed to see the world with some of the greatest musicians of our time. (see guitars911.com) I can occasionally be seen on t.v. (if you watch reruns, know where to look and don't blink) But it really pales in comparison to being a cartoon character. Thanks again Patrick!
  3. Mary your right.. I just realized it said "EARLY" 17th Century... ok closer to 50 years.. Still I'm.curious did patterns for embroidery and or lace really change that much? might you have found remnants of fabric that might not have been used (I save even the smallest scraps) which might later be used as a collar or for trim or cuffs on another piece? My mother recently came across hand crocheted lace her mom made and sent it to me, and it was crocheted in the 20's, and was never used. Women of wealth and leisure back then crocheted and embroidered to pass the time right? might you have found something your mother made and used it? I know its not the same period but hey Scarlett O'Hara used curtains LOL! Just trying to figure out what's kosher before I begin the design process. I plan to make some simple clothing but I also want something fabulous. If I'm going to invest a whole bunch of time and money, and attempt to make myself a gorgeous gown I want it to be everything it can be and then some. I want a lot of hand made details, and I want them to be right. I'm dreaming of .... fabrics and notions, and trims Oh my! and seeing all this gorgeous work has my head spinning...in a good way! Thanks so much for all these threads and photos OOPS this is NELL -- just realized Chrispy was still signed in.
  4. Hoping to avoid the rush, (so I too, do not rue) I should like to get a dibs on a natural for PIP!
  5. Rumor has it that due to recent budget cuts, the skirts have been removed from the show entirely! AWWWWWW!!!/YAAAAAY!!!
  6. I will try to draw her fire. Pun not intended, but appriciated.
  7. To the tavern! Where we shall toast to....... artistic license! Far more dangerous than your drivers license!
  8. It means Patrick Hand goes to the top of my cool list, and to the bottom of my friends list, (which doubles as my menu).
  9. Nice, Let's see....-5 degrees with freezing rain and ice. Can you send some of that are way? Sorry darlin' that's the trade off, you get to go to the event, I get to wear shorts and an event T-shirt!
  10. Ask yourself, who you would rather eat? Everybody likes candy! I however, am an acquired taste! Besides, didn't you LEARN anything from the comic? Even the best intentioned girls on a ship, are bad luck!
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