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Cannibal Chrispy

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Everything posted by Cannibal Chrispy

  1. what guy next to Diosa??? Ohhh yeah...there is a guy attached to the shoulder she's.... ahhhem... leaning on. He's fine right where he is. Propping up the puppies. a girl can always use a strong shoulder OOPS NELL AGAIN!!! POSTING AS CHRISPY!! DARN IT not that he minds - trying his darndest to catch up with me on posts
  2. I think your familiar with the term "strike while the iron is hot" lol, sorry I couldn't help myself! But, it is upon us. I had no idea it existed until pip this year, now the wife and I making outfits.
  3. Welcome Back! Glad your feeling better! We was worried bout you!
  4. supercalifragilisticexpealidocious.... or NICE
  5. In case anyone was wondering, the steampunk of the day award goes to....... Brig for coming to pirate weekend at fla.ren fair and looking awsome in her new airship pirate outfit.
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