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Everything posted by captweaver65

  1. I wholeheartedy agree! love the new icons and would love to see even more!!! thanks from the depths of me black heart fer continuing to make this here pub a fun place ta spend a little time. Capt Weaver
  2. I followed Captain Luigi's homepage link from his profile and it looks like they have a right foul and respectable crew. the website was a lot o fun too-great opening animation,although the music comes on a bit to loud for those of us who hit the grog a little much the night before. www.westcoastmutineers.com
  3. I'm from portland,oregon right across the border of washington. I may be female,but couldn't exactly be decsribed as a wench I'm a mean,nasty,blackhearted,throat slittin,cannon shootin....well..I think maybe I be takin my self a little too seriously,but I'm a pirate and that's serious fun...er..I mean business-hehe-ooops ---aaarrrrgggghhhh!!! Capt Weaver
  4. redhand, I'll agree with ya that powell's is a truly incredible place-if you can't find it there,they will try and get it for you.their rare book section is also excellent.
  5. booga, thanx for the heads up-I'll hafta reread it with that in mind Capt Weaver
  6. Christaline, theres always lots to learn here.check out the main page and don't foget all the great links and the webring. welcome aboard! Capt Weaver
  7. how could I have forgotten 'treasure planet' I gave meself a good thunk on the forhead
  8. there are so many factors that could lead to the perfect pirate.first of all they must have a sociopathic personality to disreguard the feelings and the normal moral convictions that most people have-then a high intelligence would be very helpful because the perfect pirate would need to be able to master the intricacies of sailing and navigation as well as being able to manipulate others into seeing things thier way-natural charisma is a very good thing-of course you gotta be able to hold yer grog. Capt Weaver
  9. nothin like the the finger ta bring a smile to me face. thanx coastie cute music on that link
  10. the two cannons we use are both home made by my father who was a machinist.the small one is about .38 cal and the large one measures 1 1/4"(don't know the caliber as we don't fire live ammo in it)they both are very loud,but I was able to be nice and close to a swivel gun,that looked like it could have fired a raquetball-the sound was so loud that I cannot see anybody being able to hear after a season spent fireing it without ear protection.the concussion alone was incredible-when it fired,it caused my eyeballs to compress and it felt like someone had hit me in the chest with a wiffel bat.definately must be experienced Capt Weaver
  11. I tend to like the red flags,but as far as designs go it hasta be Emmanuel Wynne's flag;square shape with a skull with the cross bones behind the skull and an hourglass unerneath.simple and to the point
  12. carbide is to black powder as; lady fingers are to m-80s as; .22 bullets are to .48 bullets
  13. alas,I too will not be makin' it-but will eagerly await any news or pictures ya mates bring back with ya. Captain Weaver
  14. ahoy there Joshua, what kinda art is it you be makin' and where kin I see sum? Captain Weaver
  15. sorry mates,I be frum the states
  16. tis a fine place to stop fer a drink an a tale
  17. mmmm-thanx-fine readin' fer all.
  18. aahhh-a tavern that never closes-a glorious place indeed. I love new orleans,but alas,I am alergic to mold and mold loves new orleans also Capt William,you are lucky to live in a place of such beauty,history and decadence. Capt Weaver
  19. I found this list of pirate movies at amazon.com. there are a few on this list not included on the nqg list. Abbott and Costello Meet Captain Kidd (1952) Against All Flags (1952) Anne of the Indies (1951) Avventure di Mary Read, Le (1961) Avventuriero della tortuga, L' (1965) ...aka Cold Steel for Tortuga Bigorne, La (1958) Black Pirate, The (1926) ...aka Black Buccaneer, The (1926) Black Pirates, The (1954) Black Swan, The (1942) Blackbeard the Pirate (1952) Blackbeard's Ghost (1968) Boy and the Pirates, The (1960) Breed of the Sea (1926) Buccaneer, The (1938) Buccaneer, The (1958) Buccaneer's Girl (1950) Buccaneer Bunny (1948) Buccaneers, The (1924) Buccaneers, The (1956) Capitan, Le (1960) ...aka Captain Blood (1960) Captain Blood (1924) Captain Blood (1935) Captain Calamity (1936) Captain Hareblower (1954) Captain Horatio Hornblower (1951) Captain Kidd (1945) Captain Kidd and the Slave Girl (1954) Captain Kidd (1922) Captain Pirate (1952) ...aka Captain Blood, Fugitive (1952) Caribbean (1952) ... aka Caribbean Gold (1952) China Seas (1935) Clothes Make the Pirate (1925) Colonel Heeza Liar and the Pirates (1916) Cold Steel (1921) Corsario Negro, El (1944) Crimson Pirate, The (1952) Cutthroat Island (1995) Daphne and the Pirate (1916) Devil-Ship Pirates, The (1964) Diablos del mar, Los (1981) Dr. Syn (1937) Double Crossbones (1950) Fair Wind to Java (1953) Figlio del Capitano Blood, Il (1961) ...aka Son of Captain Blood, The (1962) (US title) First Kiss, The (1928) Fortunes of Captain Blood (1950) Frenchman's Creek (1944) Ghost in the Noonday Sun (1985) Golden Hawk, The (1952) Goonies, The (1985) Gordon, il pirata nero (1961) ...aka Rage of the Buccaneers (1961) Great Adventures of Captain Kidd, The (1953) Hell Harbor (1930) Hero's Island (1962) Hook (1991) Hurricane Island (1951) Ice Pirates, The (1984) Island, The (1980) King's Pirate, The (1967) Jim & Piraterna Blom (1987) ...aka Jim and the Pirates (1987) Last of the Buccaneers (1950) Lion of St. Mark, The (1963) Long John Silver (1954) ...aka Long John Silver's Return to Treasure Island (1954) Long John Silver (1954) ...aka Long John Silver's Return to Treasure Island (1954) Magic Island (1995) Master of Ballantrae, The (1984) (TV) Matusalem (1993) Matusalem II (1998) Moonfleet (1955) Morgan the Pirate (1961) ...aka Capitaine Morgan (1961) Muppet Treasure Island (1996) Old Ironsides (1926) ...aka Sons of the Sea (1926) Oro rojo (1978) Peter Pan (1924) Peter Pan (1953) Peter Pan (1960) (TV) Pirate, La (1984) ...aka Pirate, The (1984) Pirate, The (1948) Pirate Gold (1913) Pirate Gold (1920) Pirate Haunts (1915) Pirate Movie, The (1982) Pirate Party on Catalina Isle (1935) Pirate Prince (1993) (TV) "Pirate Tales" (1997) (mini) TV series Pirate Treasure (1934) Pirates (1986) "Pirates" (1994) TV series Pirate's Gold, The (1908) Pirate's Island (1991) (TV) Pirates of Blood River, The (1962) "Pirates of Darkwater" (1991) TV series Pirates of Monterey (1947) Pirates of Panama (1929) Pirates of Penzance, The (1983) Pirates of Penzance, The (1985) Pirates of the High Seas (1950) Pirates of Tortuga (1961) Pirates of Tripoli (1955) Pirate Movie, The (1982) Pirates (1986) Prince of Pirates (1953) Princess and the Pirate, The (1944) Queen of the Pirates (1960) ...aka Venere dei pirati, La (1960) Raiders of the 7 Seas (1953) ...aka Raiders of the Seven Seas (1953) Return to Treasure Island (1954) "Return to Treasure Island" (1985) TV mini series Road to Romance, The (1927) ...aka Romance (1927) Reap the Wild Wind (1942) Return to Treasure Island, The (1992) Sea Hawk, The (1940) Sea Hound, The (1947) Sea Panther, The (1918) Seven Seas to Calais (1962) ...aka Re dei sette mari, Il (1962) Sinbad, the Sailor (1935) Spanish Main, The (1945) Spawn of the North (1938) Swashbuckler (1976) ...aka Scarlet Buccaneer (1976) Two Lost Worlds (1950) Treasure Island (1912) Treasure Island (1918) Treasure Island (1920) Treasure Island (1934) Treasure Island (1950) Treasure Island (1964) Treasure Island (1973) Treasure Island (1985) ...aka Ile au tr,sor, L' (1985) Treasure Island (1990) (TV) Treasure Island: The Adventure Begins (1994) (TV) Treasure Planet Yankee Buccaneer (1952) Yellowbeard (1983)
  20. where and when is said contraband days?
  21. Capt. William, do tell us the name of this book-though many a pirate may say they have no need fer letters,I am not one of em. Capt Weaver
  22. leatherman's tool
  23. its fixed my apparently slow and antique computer-I can scroll now with no lag whatsoever. me not knowing a lot about computers hadn't realized that the moving logo was what was causing my problem. thanx for fixin it and bringing this little bit of techno knowledge to my attention. Capt Weaver
  24. anyone play the ccg (collectible card game) '7th sea'? the pictures I've seen of it lead me to believe it is predominantly piratical-it is an alternate reality game based in 1668,so says the ad-the adventures take place on ships at sea and magic is a reality here. if anyone has played it,I would like to get yer opinion. I've read that it isn't being printed anymore,but ebay has lots of em. thanx, Capt Weaver
  25. thanks for the info-you are right lucky to have such a great opportunity close to home. I hope you will tell us all about your experiences-would love to hear any and all of what you do and see. Capt Weaver
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