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Everything posted by captweaver65

  1. looks like somebody needs a nap or a potty change
  2. here's some more; It is unlucky to start a cruise on Friday. This is the day Christ was crucified on. Black traveling bags are bad luck for a seaman. Don't start a voyage on the second Monday in August. This is the day sondom & gommrrah was destroyed. A stolen piece of wood mortised into the keel will make a ship sail faster. Pouring wine on the deck will bring good luck on a long voyage. A libation to the gods. Black cats are considered good luck and will bring a sailor home from the sea. Dolphin swimming with the ship are a sign of good luck. Killing one will bring bad luck. It is unlucky to kill a sea gull. They contain the souls of sailors lost at sea. Cutting your hair or nails at sea is bad luck. These were used as offerings to Proserpina, and Neptune will become jealous if these offerings are made while in his kingdom. Church Bells heard at sea mean someone on the ship will die. If the rim of a glass rings stop it quickly or there will be a shipwreck. Never say the word Drowned at sea.
  3. women are bad luck on a ship because they take the attention away from those that run it. and bad things happen when you don't pay attention.
  4. There once was a telemerketer named Fred Who's phone got glued to his head He called Captain Lizzie And kept her phone busy He's lucky he didn't wind up dead!! Nods to Captain Weaver for inspiration... hehe-yer welcome...I think...
  5. Bulls Balls One day, an American was touring Spain. After his day's sightseeing, he stopped at a local restaurant. While sipping his wine, he noticed a sizzling, scrumptious looking platter being served at the next table. Not only did it look good, the smell was wonderful. He asked the waiter, "What is that you just served?" The waiter replied, " Ah senor, you have excellent taste! Those are bulls balls from the bull fight this morning. A delicacy!" The American, though momentarily daunted when he learned the origin of the dish said, "What the heck, I'm on vacation! Bring me an order!" The waiter replied, "I am so sorry, senor. There is only one serving a day since there is only one bull fight each morning. If you come early tomorrow and place your order, we will be sure to serve you this delicacy!" The next morning, the American returned, placed his order and was served the one and only special delicacy of the day. After a few bites, and inspecting the contents of his platter, He called to the waiter and said, "These are much, much smaller than the ones I saw you serve yesterday!" The waiter promptly replied, "Si, senor! Sometimes the bull wins!"
  6. heyya Stynky, the old waterproffing recipe says to grate the parrafin fine and add it by the spoonful to the mineral spirits til no more will disolve.it takes a while to disolve it with shaking or stirring. I've also used strraight melted parrafin on leaky tents.I just drip or brush it on where the leak is after I've dried the area first. the beezwax,I just heat to melting and use a craft brush to brush it on-then I gently heat the area a little at a time with a candle flame,so the wax melts into the surface. JUST WATCH OUT FOR OPEN FLAMES-I was surprised at how fast my leather shoe caught fire-but it puts out pretty fast too with just some gentle pressure on the flame. havn't flame tested the parrafin/m.spirits stuff-hafta make me up a batch and try it out-just picked up an old canvas tent top (12'x12' $3 goodwill) that needs waterproofing. :)
  7. Oded Fehr would be perfect to play a pirate...well...I guess he's perfect for just about anything. wrap im up and send him to me cabin. hmmm-if he was going to be black bart,who would play his John Walden? maybe Christian Slater?
  8. A pirate walked into a bar with a parrot on his shoulder. The bartender said, "he's beautiful! Where did you get him?" The parrot replied, "Port Royal."
  9. Miss Molly's a lady quite blunt For handsome young pirates she'd hunt, In quite boisterous shows, So now everyone knows , She caught one and he's licking her c***.
  10. AAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!! *runs screaming into the street,forgetting to put clothes on first* *writing this from jail cell where I was put fer running screaming into the street with no clothes on* oh. ok. I'm better now. so...if fantasy and sci fi comedy,pun ridden,spoofy songs are called,"filk", what do we call yer nasty,punridden,comedy pirate songs???
  11. I am pretty lucky,in that the 'Lady Washington' is home ported a couple hours drive from me. she is a beauty and I had the pleasure of visiting her once when she was in port in Vancouver,Wa just across the river from me. Lady Washington
  12. ...uuuhhhhh... ...eeerrrrrr... harry potter and the order of the phoenix aaaarrrrgggggg!!!! well he has the heart of a good noble type pirate. hehe I also picked up a couple of the elite books by Angus Konstam; pirates & Buccaneers they are great little books that,at first glance look like kids books,but are really just condensed history books on various 'elite' fighting groups. it is packed full of great black and white historical pictures as well as some really good illustrations by Angus McBride in a color center section. there is a good many different elite books covering great expanses of time and place-really good for getting a lot of info in a little space/reading time. havn't located the 'elizabethan sea dogges' yet-but I'm on the prowl
  13. that was just too sick. I am laughing my "bleep" off. (I just LOVE these pirate smilies)
  14. :) I got one of them antenna balls and painted it red and put a nice happy skull n swords on it. never lose the car in the parking lot and no one's been brave enough to steal it.
  15. thank ye all for the tips and info. :) as for waterproofing hats,there was an old recipe that I came across that was used by mountain men types for waterproofing just about anything. they disolved parafin in paint spirits and dip or brush it on just about any porous surface.there is also a warning not to stand too close to the open flames wearing this stuff or you may become one with the fire. I've used it on canvas and leather with good results,it turns the material a nice darker shade as well. I use straight melted bees wax for waterproofing suede leather shoe and boot soles.works well,although they are a little slippery on rock surfaces.
  16. by all means,hoist that flag anywhere ya can. great idea. I never thought to put one on my mt bike. I have just the right flag for it...hmmm...now what kinda pole.not sure ifn those fiberglass poles commonly used on kid's bikes would hold up to my abuse. maybe an old car antenna.I think my old military jeep antenna is too stout...hmmm...
  17. Three strapping seadogs from East Cooper Each of them drank into a stupor When three buxom young lassies Came, flirty and sassy Those seapuppies could all but be drooper.
  18. hahahahahahaha!!! too cute! and I love yer smilie skull perfectly adorable in that tough pirate way arrggghhh!!!
  19. well...Royasliste, a true pirate don't care what it smells like,even ifn it smells worse than he/she does. from yer various vile and scurvy remarks,I wouldn't have taken you for a gentleman who likes his women all clean like a lubber. :)
  20. ice pirates may not be mentioned in this thread,but it was more than mentioned in worst pirate movies. and watch out for them space herpes!!!
  21. TalesOfTheSevenSeas, yer a really sick guppy hitin yoda and SW nitpickin geeks all in one post. nice pictures too
  22. Capt.Roberts, thank you much fer the kind words o praise. and I be likin yer rhymin too. I find that the competion part of this,takes the focus off of the pretty words and instead makes it a grubbin for dominance. I just like ta rhyme a bit-no competin fer me.
  23. plaster of paris Miss Molly's a young lass of fashion, Much known for her wit and her passion, To her captain she said As she straddled his head Here's one thing you sailors can't ration.
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