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Everything posted by captweaver65

  1. no worries,My dear Captain,I offer you only the punishment of pleasure,the ecstasy of stinging flesh,the agony of prolonged barrel treatment and the company of a kindred spirit. :) oh! and rum! I almost forgot the rum!
  2. sea history magazine look under publications. looks like a great magazine nautical world magazine nautical world magazine contact info this one looks good too
  3. ok.Capt. Flint,leave him to me, punishing is MY job. don't worry Luigi, a theraputic flogging is good for the skin
  4. good ta have ya back :) my ship is always open to yeh ta share a bit o rum and a cabin boy or two
  5. well Long Steve, that sounds like a mighty fine deal. what percentage of beaver is it? beaver felt hats can be VERY expensive-the blanks I saw for sale about 8 years ago (at a pow wow) were 30% beaver and sold for $120 .I'm sure they would have inflated up to $200 by now. that makes $55 imperfects look REAL good to this pirate.
  6. Pity poor Molly McGrew, Who declared she knew not what to do. After being had in due course By three dogs and a horse, I'd visit the vet, wouldn't you?
  7. DAMN,I've missed you,Luigi. :) an I'll raise me glass wiff ya
  8. ahoy and welcome back,me matey, YOU WERE SORELY MISSED! it's been months since we've heard from ya and the pub has been a little bit less because of your absence. have a double redrum on me
  9. aye, Cap'n Grey, Tim Curry is perfect in this role.he is just so charismatic in his piratical sleaziness.and I love what he is wearing later in the movie,the epitome of pirate high fashion. he would make a great Black Bart!
  10. A stupid young pirate named Jim, Gave oral to a shark on a whim. He gave it great head, But now sadly, he's dead, 'Cuz the shark took his turn to eat him.
  11. YES!!! :) :) :) scupper-yer heads in the right place fer sure. I am looking for an arabian boarding cutlass. I saw one years ago for sale at museum replicas,but they discontinued it and I've wanted one ever since.
  12. no,Stynky,I havn't. but I will straight away.
  13. I live in oregon and didn't know if he lives close to me.ifn he did,thought maybe a personal visit by a few pirates might be welcomed.
  14. I havn't played the role playing game,but I aquired some of the collectible card game,7th sea. great game and very good art. they are out of print though,so it has been difficult to get. ebay can be a wonderful place.
  15. Suliel, you mention "exploding produce" in your profile do tell me more.
  16. There was a pirate from Australia, Who went on a wild bacchanalia. He buggered a hog, Two mice and a dog, And a bishop in fullest regalia.
  17. by all means,add me name to the list. what part of oregon does he live in?
  18. HAR! HAR! HAR! that makes quite an entertaining read. and by the number of hits on those two threads,it seems our fellow pie-rats agree. :)
  19. I just saw "Nate and Hayes"(1983) for the first time. it is a really good movie. set right after the end of classical piracy. it stars Tommy Lee Jones and Michael O'Keefe. Tommy play a Captain who longs for the days of piracy just past. full of action with humor and romance. love it!
  20. I have sorely missed the delightful banter of Captain Luigi. anyone know him? and why he's not been back?
  21. There was a young sailor named Fred. who once took a mermaid to bed. He said, to be blunt, "you don't have a cunt, so why don't you blow me, instead!"
  22. Broadside Long, thanky fer the link to that fine establishment. I was truly impressed with the variety and prices. :)
  23. There was an old salt on the Banks, Who said to a mermaid, "No thanks. The last time I tried Those scales took my hide Clear off from my crotch to my shanks."
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