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Gibbet Jones

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Posts posted by Gibbet Jones

  1. Thought it looked like a treasure chest. It will be the future costume storage for my wife, daughter and I. I just have to re-line it with cedar and make it structurally sound again.


    Found it in the attic of my dads garage. He found it thrown away when he was 13 back in the 50s. He said it belonged to an old lady and when she died this is one of the things thrown away. He pulled it home in a wagon and had it ever since.

  2. I've been working on some Baldric Buckles (or can be used as a belt buckle too). They are still wax models and I'm going to have them cast in bronze and antiqued. They measure 5 1/8 X 3 5/8. Only problem is they can only be done in a minimum order of 12. I will have to sell the other 10 in order to pay for the casting. If enough people here are interested in buying the other ten off me , I'll go ahead and have them done as it is nearly $500 to have them cast. I have more buckle designs in the works and this will be the first of my line, if I can move them out the door. I will put my logo (gibbet and bones) on the bottom of these buckles. Does $45 + shipping sound like a fair price.


  3. Ahoy fellow gentlemen of fortune! I'm new ter this here port an' would like ter inroduce me onesies. Me Freebooter name is Gibbet Jones . I've writen a little yarn about me character, Gibbet.

    Ahoy matey! I be known in many ports by both mateys an' enemies as Gibbet Jones. How did I fetch that name ye ask? I be captured but only fer a short time whilst plundering th' church's gold furnishings an' wine. Th' governor so enraged ordered a gibbet ter be made ter match me fer all me ill deeds, Th' day afore me trial whar I be sure to dance with Jack Ketch. Me crew tied a line ter th' iron bars o' me prison an' yanked me free whar we made haste ter weigh anchor. Arrr! But afore we made our route out I stole th' very gibbet fitted fer me from th' blacksmith's shop an' filled it the th' governor's own riches from his home whilst he slept. Th' next morning when they soon found that I had' gone missing, They rallied ter search every ship. I had me crew hoist th' colors o' an honest ship an' temporarily change me ships name. When th' port authority came aboard looking fer me an' me booty they chanced upon neither, fer I hid all me booty in me me own gibbet scaffold an' slung it overboard in th' place of th' anchor. That is how I became known as Gibbet Jones. Oh an' Where was I ye ask?.......In a row vessel heading out ter briny deep. Dinnae worry about me booty I would later randevu with me ship 'The Laughing Cormorant' an' collect on me ill gotten gains.

    I've included a photo of my daughter and I.


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