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silas thatcher

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by silas thatcher

  1. an hour and a half for a lead foot, 2 hours when children are in the car :) alot closer than i thought... there is also a spring event..
  2. silas thatcher ( silas thatcher ) able seaman st. louis, mo.
  3. ok i'm lazy... here's a link http://s597.photobucket.com/albums/tt53/ysail3/fort%20de%20chartres%20nov%202009/?start=all
  4. Silas,

    I be from yer area. me and the lass as it were will be at pip this year....ye will know me when ye see me...fair winds, CAPT. J...

  5. lost pics of the weekend found !! to make a long story short, found the camera that andrew had during the weekend and uploaded the pics !! http://s597.photobucket.com/albums/tt53/ysail3/lost%20pics%20of%20santa%20maria%20tlapd/?start=all there are a few pics that i don't think anyone else caught...
  6. ended up resteaming my orange-ish colored tricorn , reshaping the back and did a little fine tuning on the sides... used a pot of boiling water... turned out alot easier than i thought, fairly simple and easy... also added in fridley posts instead of sewing the sides down...
  7. welllllll... it did look pretty cool, though !!
  8. AAAACK !! sorry to hear that william !! was gonna leave a sign for you along hwy 70 for your amusement on the way down....well, there is always next year !!
  9. Me thanks fer yer friendly greetin'. Rum's on me next time ye drop yer hook alongside o' me, matey!

  10. greetings badger !! enjoy your stay here, and oh... i'll take a rum since you be buyin'...
  11. looks like you guys had alot of fun !! dutch seems to be enjoying the hanging a little too much... more like an evil grin
  12. IIRC one of the muskateers used one in the 90's remake and broke an opponent's blade, but this is on sometimes bad memory... add in the hollywood factor and it becomes less believable... i could see it being used to control your opponenet's rapier for a better chance of a good strike, but this is only a guess... as hawkyns said, useless against anything else with a more substantial blade...
  13. abigail, sorry to hear that... i decided to not go this year in lieu of getting some outside projects done on the house before winter hits... two new doors, two new windows--- desparately needed, soffits, fascia, gutters, etc. only so much time and so much money, it was one or the other... mebbe next year i'll be in a better position to go...
  14. i like reading twill because i can find out how things were supposed to be... i don't have enough background to join in on a debate, only my opinions (which comes with ..... not enough background !! ) it gives me something to which to aspire, but alas, may not get there... everything we make comes with improvements over the last one we tried, and i have twill i can refer to from time to time... certain people have a vast background and are a wealth of knowledge to use as reference when frustrated... sometimes figuring things out is satisfying, and some of our garb is kinda close, but is getting better... it is a big learning process, and inspiring at times... wishing to be as accurate as possible and holding one's crew to those standards ??? elitism ?? nah, don't think so... more along the lines of admirable IMHO... sometimes you have to separate people's personalities from their intentions, and over any forum, that can be hard to do...
  15. here's a link to a crap load o' pics from the pirate fest... didn't bother weeding out most of the pics... they are all there... there are also alot of pics that grace took when she dissapeared with my camera for about half an hour... enjoy !! oops !! here's the link http://s211.photobucket.com/albums/bb261/ysail1/piratefest%202009/?start=all
  16. nope... also check people's photo albums... this last time, i just posted a link, and no pics on the pub...
  17. thank you much, michael... but, shame on me, i had two of the kids go look through the van ( which has only plain seats in it !! ) and look for my shoes... wellllll, each of them reported that none were sighted, and today, when getting ready to go load up the tent, there they were, pretty much in plain sight.... at least i found them :)
  18. any body find a pair of deck shoes ( boat shoes, topsiders ) on the santa maria ??? brown leather... probably in the storage room below decks... for the life of me i can't seem to find them ever since coming back...
  19. then why does congress and our illustrious president want to tax the crap outta things that cause global warming ??? you know, like gasoline, electric, natural gas and propane ??
  20. sounds like everyone had a fair dose of fun !!
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