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Everything posted by RedJessi

  1. Yay! I should be arriving fairly early as well - anyone who wants digits, shoot me a mail and I'll give 'em along to aid in the meeting up. Christ, now I gotta figure out what I'm wearing....
  2. WHOA. And I thought things were scary INSIDE the fort....
  3. I demand pictures!! OR COUNTERFEITS!!!
  4. *pouts I am already too tempted by the Butlers handcrafted chocolate truffles my friend sent from Ireland. I MUST NOT RELENT!
  5. Ye want a Red Jessi avatar? Hrm....is it because ye wanna be a red head....or because ye wanna wear corsets, Dogge?
  6. WHAT IS IT WITH CAKE TONIGHT?! *and she stomps off grumbling about how first her family offer her ice cream cake and now here's rum cake and she's on day 6 of her new, far more strenuous, work out regime and more sensible diet which does not, at this moment in time, have room within it's confines for CAKE. No cake for at least 2 weeks! GAH!
  7. My wacky personal politics have kept me out of Wal*Mart (AKA, THE EMPIRE) for 7 years, and I can't break that record now! But, I might have some reusable costumes of the past that might work. Plus (ironically enough) my professional wardrobe consists of more than a few fitted vests and blouses with gathered sleeves and such. I posted a pic around here somewhere, but I forget where...
  8. Oo! Well, what prompted the question was edge binding - which I'm guessing is what goes over the edges of the top and bottom of about everything? My initial confusion came from the "binding" in there, as I immediately jumped to the reeds or ridgeline or whatever was being used to give the support to the garment...and I couldn't wrap my hear around that being used in an edge somehow...heh. But then we got to twill tape and I was lost again!
  9. I need more disposable income. Or rather, I need SOME disposable income. LOL
  10. These threads make me wish there was some sort of FAQ or Glossary of terms, as I often find myself scratching my head and trying to figure out what everyone is talking about. heh
  11. Do I at least get proofing rights??
  12. So, do we want to set up a meeting time/place?
  13. As I stated in another thread, my father was recently laid off after nearly 40 years with his company (he was about 2-3 years away form retirement), but in addition to that, as a clinical therapist, most of my current patients are dealing with adjustment disorders of anxious, depressive or mixed subtypes due to job loss, home foreclosure, business collapse or some form of financial stress. Living in Palm Beach - an area who's economy was based on the real estate market as well as being the area hardest hit by Madoff - we've seen some real horror stories. In the last 90 days there's been about a half dozen suicides associated around current patients - one was a patient themselves (the rest were family members or friends of patients) due to the current economic crisis. That said, if you are feeling particularly stressed and need to talk to someone, pick up ye old local phone book and call an area non-profit (which is what I work for), such as Catholic Charities or Jewish Family Services. The agencies are non-sectarian and usually offer counseling on a sliding scale (I don't have a single client that currently pays more than $20 a session and most play closer to $1 to $5 a session).
  14. I have to put in a little plug for Ron Atlantico's Private Cask. I brought a bottle with me to PiP last year and it never came close to making it home. I don't believe it lasted past Saturday...It's a blended rum that goes through several casks, including the solero process of aging. It's a rich amber color, isn't too hot on the palette and manages a certain sweetness without being cloying or uncomplicated. It's got dusky undertones for a caramel finish. Alas, as I understand, you can currently only get this particular bottle if you live in South Florida or find a place on the 'net willing to ship.
  15. *She backs slowly away from the thread...
  16. I have found that when using longer lengths of thread, placing your thumb over the thread (about a 1/2 inch away from your stitch) as you draw the thread through reduces tangles. But it does slow you down.
  17. I will try to grab them tonight (I am supposed to be working on my freelance writing in order to meet a deadline that will be upon me in about 2 hours. GAH! Must....leave....PUB!). And I hope you feel better soon!
  18. First off, Sterling, I have found great value to your thread contributions. In fact, just earlier this afternoon, Mickey had posted up links to the original Chemise thread and I was really impressed with all the information you contributed there (and I hope to be able to go back and see it all still there when I attempt to make my first chemise!). On the flip side, I also have to agree that when coming to some of these threads, sometimes I scroll past a lot of personal chatter in order to see the topic. In cases like the stays thread, there's a LOT of really good posts that are informative and great reference (Especially Lily's contributions, which I have found both fascinating and intimidating!) and by comparison the chatter there is more minimal. The Mantua thread has kind of evolved into the opposite side of the coin of the stays thread - with a handful of good reference information and a lot of chatter. In this case, I think Mickey was merely trying to keep the mantua thread more inline with the stays thread. Unfortunately, the written word, as glorious as it can be, tends to leave out all the social cues we all rely on. The non verbal cues of body language and facial expression as well as vocal inflection, pitch, volume and rhythm all inform how we can most accurately understand an intended message. As they are missing in written communication, I think we all sometimes stumble and misread negative intent when it truly isn't there. And I think that is the case here. Which is not to say that it was wrong to take the singling out of the Archangel crew personally - but rather pointing out that I don;t think it was done so maliciously. Sure, the road to hell is paved with the best of intentions, but in this case, I think it's likely better to realize that behind each post is a real person, with real job hassles and real fevers and real stresses and sometimes all of that factors into how we perceive and react to each other. But at the end of it all, we are all a group of people who like to dress in linen clothes, eschew zippers and velcro and like to drink LOTS of rum. So.....how about dem mantuas?
  19. I'll be keeping ye in my thoughts!
  20. Then you can counterfeit me some extra income without having the mess with the photos at all! Everyone wins!
  21. LOL I'm working on a sewing project as well (my first, and thererfor NOT Stays) and I've been watching Big Love - Season 1. hee!
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