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Lady Cassandra Seahawke

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Everything posted by Lady Cassandra Seahawke

  1. There is all types of art done in the sketchbooks. This is once a year, when PEW gets a group together (as close to 12 as possible) and then once the start date comes the group is closed for the year. this is the first year I have participated. It is always exciting to see what the others have done and a challenge to come up with something new and fresh each time a new book arrives. Lots of fun!
  2. Just joined Second Life and found that there will soon be an new island dedicated for all things nautical including, I think, piratey things. So any of you a member there and if so, what do you know about the upcoming new island?
  3. Well, confirmed got mine...Leather bound notebook...can be used for sketchbook. BEAUTIFUL!! Love it. mine is on the way, hope they receive on it time.
  4. WOOHOO, it gone up a whole 2 degrees so its only -23...
  5. BLOODY HELL ITS COLD. GAWD, I wish I was back in the Bahamas. I just called work and am expected to make it in today...BRRRRRR...hoping against hope twill warm up before I have to leave...Yeah right like that is really gonna happen. oi, trying to get ta fortitude to brave the windy chill.
  6. I don't think any of us was making any complaint about that Cap, (I know I wasn't) just thought some might like to know the whats for so if'n they didn't make it to it this year they mayhap be a wee bit more likely to attend next. See'n wot they had missed.
  7. Aye, tis a grand idea to have what was donated listed. As stated previously what I donated twas a two tier drop necklace, here is a more complete description.... stones ...coins stones and pendant -Soladite, round freshwater pearls, blister freshwater pearls, round and oblong sterling silver spacers and sterling silver toggle clasp. with a small wooden treasure chest. glad to have participated and will do again next year.
  8. even the palm tress aren't being bypassed this year.
  9. Yeah, I think the Priest could tell that the guy really shouldn't be doing it cause he had trouble handling it. but then the guy (not sure of his name) got all macho and said he felt it was a calling or something like that.
  10. Sorry you are right, my bad...thanks for the correction... The place they were talking about was the Bobby Mackey Music World - Wilder, KY I will make the correction in the previous post. thanks (Hey, I said I flip through channels...bad habit...sigh)
  11. hey did anyone see the Ghost Adventure (travel channel) episode where they went to a place in Kentucky...Bobby Mackey Music World - Wilder, KY ... where some cult leader killed his girlfriend as well as other evil being done in the building. During the investigation the guy got three scratches and they caught an apprarition on camera. VERY DARK shadow, but very visible. then the guy was so shook up he went to a known Catholic priest in Kentucky and showed him the tapes and the scatches. The Priest told him that ghosts are real and he has had to do some exorcisms in various areas in the world. He also told the GA rep what the three scratches represented, that the evidence provided stated that there was demonic activity in the building they investigated. That the place needed to be Excised and further that he felt that GA was playing with fire and should stop what they were doing.. It was clear that the GA guy was shook up. OHHHHH...also, has anyone else seen the "Haunted History" series on the BIO channel? They had a "Haunted Caribbean" episode, where they stated Blue Harbor in Jamaica is the most haunted spot in the world. One of the tidbits on this episode had a guy that told of him staying at a B/B in Blue Harbor and one afternoon he went to take a nap, he woke up being choked by an apparition that apparently was a Pirate Ghost. They had more then one person tell of strange goings on at Blue Harbor. Anywho...BIO channel is on channel 482 on Insight here in Columbus. Check your local cable schedule for it in your area. Really cool stuff.
  12. tune... back to rules ....
  13. I think I may have gotten mine...still a little unsure...but hope it is. waiting on a reply from Duchess to be sure of this.
  14. One thing I recently found out in checking what licenses and such I would need to have, at least here in OH anyway, if'n ye use previously owned jewelry (especially if you state any have bits of precious metals and/or semi-precious stones) in yer creations there are additional hoops you have to jump. You have to have a special license in order to sell them even via internet. Because you have to show you can attest you have the equipment and such to attest to the authencity of the pieces used, able to state exactly what and how much is in or not in them etc. So, if you do do this best be sure to check your local statues, cause you never know when someone may turn and say what you said tain't exactly correct. If'n ye use only newly bought you don't have the same restrictions.
  15. A butcher gets semi-processed meat, what you want is to contact a slaughter house.
  16. 8625 - new top score. BTW - game site is sponsored by AARP, and these are to delay any brain rot. hopefully this will sharpen some of the o'brain connections.
  17. WOOHOO best score thus far 8025
  18. here is a link to a little game that can be a little addicting. http://games.aarp.org/games/type-writer/type-writer.aspx it gives you one letter and maximum number of letters to be used. Then you have to think up as many words that you can filling in the blanks using the letter given. It can be a bit harder then you think. My highest score is 7760 thus far. Oh, yes there are different levels and each level is just a little bit harder then the one before. So try your hand at it and post your score.
  19. WOOHOO, found host where I can get my domain name for a reasonable price. Ok, time to breathe.
  20. Ransom, Here, try firemoountain link below http://www.firemountaingems.com/search.asp?skw=skull that gives a selection of skulls/crossbones in bone, pewter, sterling silver, etc. Your purchase comes cheaper when you buy in bulk. Hope that helps. Cass
  21. Hugh Jackman good choice. Female lead -mayhap... Laetita Casta
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