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Lady Cassandra Seahawke

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Everything posted by Lady Cassandra Seahawke

  1. Callenish, what size paper is the book being sent. Since this will be the third week of the month coming up I would like to get an idea of what size I will be working with. That way I can perhaps have at least a couple of sketches in the works when it gets here. Ok, am a bit anxious to get started here as I got done with the previous one a bit early and will be getting this one a bit late. OH, to everyone else as samples of my work come through if'n any of those in the round would like something in particular please let me know and I will endeavor to add such to yours as it comes to me. AH, are we suppose to be putting up samples of what we do for sketchbooks for others to view that aren't in round 3? I saw the comixs are being put up and wonder if that is just something special or is there a thread specifically for the art? I have kept some scans of some of the pieces I am doing so was just wondering.
  2. Ok, if memory serves me correctly there was going to be a pirate chest auction (at the PIP?), with the proceeds going to charity. Various members were listing what was going to be put into the the recently departed brethren chest. But, I haven't seen anything up about it since the Pub came back online. so is it yes? no? postponed? am curious.
  3. Michael, Columbus gas this evening has hit $2.89 a gallon. Again, Swifty's is still a nickle lower but, you can find $2.89 most everywhere this evening. I anticipate this downward spiral for gas until AFTER election day and then expect it to start to climb back up.
  4. In Columbus Ohio on RT 104 near Hamilton Rd a station by the name of Swifty's is always a nickle or more cheaper then anywhere else if you pay cash. The other day they were out of regular gas and so to keep their customers happy and not close down (they had be shut down because of the wind storm...no electricity...for a week) they were selling PREMIMUM for $3.23 a gallon (I think my car didn't know what to do as it for once got a tank of the really good stuff ) when everyone else was selling regular for $3.35 Swifty's has been at or below $3.00 for a few days now for regular. Thankfully, the station is on my way to work. I try to plot it out so I can get my gas on Wednesday as that is the day gas is the cheapest. NEVER buy gas on Thursday evening or Friday they know that people get paid on those days and that is when most people fill up so that is when gas is ALWAYS THE MOST EXPENSIVE.
  5. NP, keeping food in the belly and a roof over the little one's head comes first.
  6. Callenish, hope ya don't mind but might I inquire as to when I might expect the next delivery?
  7. Excellent! thanks for the update. I was worried how it would fair in transient.
  8. Hey Pyrateleather, am just curious how my book cover tis holding up, especially the scrolls inside the back cover?
  9. http://www.dispatch.com/live/content/weeke...O1.html?sid=101 On Saturday, the replica of the Santa Maria docked Downtown will play host to a fencing tournament, Pirates of the Caribbean-style. That's the first paragraph in today's Columbus Dispatch, LIfe's section and it goes on to say that... Duel at the Docks is expected to draw about 30 competitors for the sixth annual event, the nation's only fencing tournament on a ship. use the above link to read the rest of the story.
  10. welcome set and raise a mug
  11. here is a news article about a ship that was found off the coast of Namibia http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/namibiaportuga...aeologyshipping
  12. OH ok, well me... We had wall space hearters to keep us warm in the Ohio winters. We had one in the living room, one in the hallway. The air conditioning was a fan in the window. Central heating and cooling is such a blessing. Corner drugstore had a soda fountain with dime getting you a glass of coke. The soda jerk put the syrup in the glass then the carbonated water. The original musketeers with their story serials on the Black & White tv. Ed Sullivan, Laurence Welk (m'mum faves) and Red Skeleton. There were the movie marathons $3.00 and you could go to the theatre for the whole day and evening. I remember the 007 Sean Connery marathon on a Saturday night, got to the theater at around 2pm and my sister came to pick me up at 11pm. LOL...The $3.00 gave you all the movies, box of popcorn and a large drink with refills. Babysitting for fifty cents a hour and there were times when I was able to make close to $40.00 a week (yep my parents took a chunk of it ..., well such is life). Thought that was a lot for 12 year old. (yes, I babysat every night of the week and sometimes for more then one family at a time on Saturday afternoons. But, m'clients didn't mind if I did my homework after their kids got to bed). I also remember milk being delivered to the house and the doctor made housecalls. In elementary school a sixth grade boy hit me, the teacher saw it, to the principal office, the principal saw the area starting to bruise on my back, the principal pulled out a big wooden paddle and literally chased the kid around the desk till he caught him and proceeded to teach him via his hind end not to hit girls...especially girls that were only in 2nd grade. (no way that lesson would be given in this day and age) Gasoline was 45 cents a gallon, first credit card issued was Diner's Club and yes it was for more then just dining out. Sears and Roebuck...Siegel Catalogs. The blue plate special at Woolworths. Isley's skyscraper ice cream cones Chiller Theatre...best scary movies on tv Fritz the night owl...etc etc etc sigh
  13. I too like soy bacon as I am also a vegetarian.
  14. ok so I haven't checked the math, but under the recent incentive plan a few months ago they were handing out a minimum of $600.00 for singles and double that to a bit more for families...to those that filed income tax returns and offered to seniors that didn't initially filed...that do not have to be claimed on the next filing. And that did not even come close to the amount being considered (700 billiion) for the Wall Street bailout. So, some how I think that the $425.00 is wrong also. OK, so who here is a math wiz?
  15. I have an appointment with the Cardio on Oct 7th. If he still says Yes to the catherization it should be within a couple of weeks after that. Yes, I know I have to get it done, but I have been cut on so many times in the last few years was hoping that I could avoid for a bit longer. If possible I am going to try to get him to agree to wait till I am able to take vacation time. That way I can at least have a paycheck. DANG all of this has to happen AFTER I leave CA. I so miss my old job and its benefits. GREAT boss and ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC BENEFITS. My employer here in OH well, I won't say. Anywho again thanks for the thoughts and prayers.
  16. NAH, I say Julian McMahon (credits include an ongoing role in "Charmed" and a starring role in "Nip/Tuck"). He has the rough hard edge but is a handsome rogue type.
  17. Ok, saw the surgeon this morning and have good news and bad news. Bad news is that there is a spot on my aorta. Good news is that the surgeon said it was so small as he didn't think he should go in after it. So it is a wait and let it heal. Yea, I need to take it easy and no strenous activity and YES, I will need to get the catherization. However, that is going through the groin/leg artery and not, at this point, having my chest cracked open. I almost cried in relief. So, I will be seeing my cardiologist about the other and count my blessings it isn't worst then it is. Blessings to all that was sending good thoughts my way. I REALLY appreciate it.
  18. Well, I had put off having the heart catherization...then my mom had problems, had to call the squad for her then as I was closing up the house got a sharp pain. By the time I got to hospital I was sweating and had the dry heaves. It kept getting worse so decided I best be checked out too. Make a long story short, they did a CT on m'heart. They said they found something strange they thought they found a ulcerated area or a small dissection in my aoreta. I was told this was highly unusual and possibly wrong though I was told to contact my doc. That was a couple of weeks ago. I really didn't think it was serious as the ER doc stated he had never seen anything like it...so the doc thought it might be wrong it could be a shadow or something on the film. Anyway, I waited till I could get ahold of him this morning and ask about the catherization, my doc stated I needed to contact a surgeon, I called this morning made an appointment for Oct 9th. Called my doc back (um I had to confirm as I have a habit not wanting to get things done...been through a bit in the last years and really don't want to go through anymore...) But I told him I had the appointment and hung up. In the meantime, the doc had his nurse call the surgeon this afternoon and I got a call back after office hours this evening to inform me I had an appointment tomorrow morning at 8am. UM, getting a bit nervous here. So any thoughts sent my way would be greatly appreciated as I am hoping the doc will say that it is indeed a shadow...but somehow I am getting a feeling that may not be the response.
  19. ok, here are the additional links http://www.geocities.com/tokyo/garden/5213/marque2.htm http://www.constitution.org/mil/lmr/lmr.htm
  20. Ah, it was fun. Good to see everyone. Though, next time, I will be in m'garb.
  21. I finished Withoutaname's book early and Kate now has it...so currently I don't have any.
  22. If ye be so inclined...I put additional links up at the Tavern.
  23. Huzzah! And Welcome...round or two on me!
  24. Well, if it had to go through Ohio, Kentucky, Pennsylvania or any of the other states that had been hit by the wind storm it probably got stuck in transit...no electricity. Some people in my area still don't have any and may not get it till the end of this week. We were out for five days. OH, yea I know that before the crash I was listed as a Dread Pirate, but I could not access my account so had to create a new one. So I am back to be a Bilge Rat...sigh. Oh well such is life. Huzzah!
  25. Did handoff to Kate this afternoon.
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