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Lady Cassandra Seahawke

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Everything posted by Lady Cassandra Seahawke

  1. Hey, just know that when you use PMC ...whatever you work on be sure to make it slightly bigger then what you really want as during the firing process the piece will SHRINK! It shrinks because the binder material is burnt off, the metal then binds and leaves only the silver (or whatever metal you are using). So, piece will be smaller then when you first began the project.
  2. PMC, when you say wet are you talking "WATER" wet? I should have actually said, I don't recommend the of use water other then a quick spray. If you want it more pliable, you can use Glycerin. You can use glycerin to make it more pliable/workable. But you have to knead it really well. Might I also recommend the use of olive oil on your hands (just a dab) so the clay won't dry out your skin. Just know that any addition to the clay, water, glycerin or such you will need to keep a weathered eye on your piece during firing as you will need to make minor adjustments in firing time. You can wrap it up with plastic (tightly) and go back to it, if it is sealed properly. If it does dry out, yes you can remoisten it, it will take a bit of time but you can do it. Most often you get a pouch with the clay so that the clay not being worked can be stored safely without drying out. Just make sure you seal it tightly. The best is to sand and file after completely dry but before firing. HOWEVER, with that said please note that the piece before firing MUST be handled delicately as it can break during handling before firing. After firing but before finish Polishing you can add Gold overlay paste. You can then refire it (carefully) and do a final polishing. Once the final firing and polishing occurs the gold and silver is bonded and should wear very nicely. You can also get a more liquified clay in a syringe. This is really nice to do delicate scrollwork, either during the initial creation or after the piece is dried BUT before final firing. Hope that gives you the information you need.
  3. 1st I will answer quickly on the PMC as I am being charged by the minute on this computer since mine is down and the library is closed. PMC, when you say wet are you talking "WATER" wet? If so, DON'T use water. If you want it more pliable, you can use Glycerin. You can use glycerin to make it more pliable/workable. But you have to knead it really well. You can wrap it up with plastic and go back to it, if it is sealed properly. Those are the most important items for now. I'll answer the other questions when I can get on the computer at the library as this is costing me 20 cents a minute.
  4. I have two books (PEW and Matusalem) and have, thankfully, been able to finish them. Plan on handing them off to Kate tomorrow.
  5. My main problem right now is getting a Digital Camera. GRUMMBLE... oh, might I inquire if anyone has the "MAGICJACK Phone system" yet? I needed to set up a business phone as it is illegal to use your residence phone as a business line. So, since I have Insight digital phone service at home, I couldn't get an Phantom line ...ie..800 number tied to my it. So, I broke down an purchased a Magicjack this morning. The Jack is $39.00 and $19 a year for local and long distance. IF no else already has it, I'll let you know how it is after I get it. I am just hoping this will work. sigh.
  6. When you think you have a name for your stuff, you can go onto the National Trademark site and do a comprehensive search to see if anyone has that name already tied up. Or if anyone has something similar (all according to how intensive a search you do) Once you come up with a name for your work, make sure you at least register it with your state. It really doesn't cost that much compared to applying for the actual trademark. However, that said once you register your name with your state, you can then use the ...TM... next to it. This shows you have the intention of applying for a Trademark in the future. Of course this is different then using the ...circled R... which is a registered trademark. Just know that you must use the ...TM... EVERYTIME you show the name in whatever form. Again, it isn't as good as the ..circled R... but the TM gives some protection. Because is shows you did your research and you mean you want it to be yours with the intention of getting it protected as soon as you can. I had to get my PO Box and Business phone number before I can get my license and Registration. There is so much dang paperwork. BUT, I as stated earlier if'n I am going to do this, I am going to do it right. sigh.
  7. Oh, besides the Silver and Gold PMC, they now have bronze clay too.
  8. The Silver/Gold Precious Metal Clay (PMC) is fantastic (although might I recommend to start out with just small amount to see what you can do with it as it can be expensive) and yes you can use a small blow torch to burn the clay away leaving the precious metal. You need to be very aware of the color of the material being worked so you don't overheat it. If you don't heat it enough it won't be strong enough as there will still be clay within the piece. There are some kits that contain a DVD with instructions. You can also buy the DVD kit by itself. There is also a International Organizational Guild that is dedicated to the PMC. There are local branches all over the country. Rates 1 year 2 years 3 years US &/or Canadian Members $30 (1 yr) $55 (2 yrs) $80 (3 yrs) All other countries $40 (yr) $65 (2 yr) $90 (3 yr) Local branches may charge an additional fee to join in their meetings and my branch here in Cols, OH it is another $25.00 per year to join them. At the meetings you can learn from those much more experienced in the use of PMC. I have been to one of the meetings already was taught a good deal on how to photograph the items to best advantage.
  9. we are down to $1.52 per gallon
  10. If you trying to set up shop, be aware of the laws you need to cover. I know that the state of OH is becoming much more aware of the sellers and buyers in this state. In fact they recently sent a number of sales tax bills to buyers inside this state for goods bought via internet/out of state. Many of the other states are checking into things also because of the lost tax revenue thru the internet. I know now that if we sell things on a constant basis even if it stickly via internet. we have to have a license etc.
  11. I do jewelry and after hearing from everyone that I should sell m'items, I am setting up shop. I am in the process of getting my PO Box, registering m'business name, getting the dang business license, and looking into getting the name trademarked. The dang paperwork is a killer. But, if'n I am going to do this I am going to do it right. Especially since I love the natural semi-precious stones. As far as looking for gems, check into the "International Gem and Jewelry" shows. They are around the country at different times of the year. You can find really fine and high quality items at the shows. You can fine faceted stones precious and semi-precious pendants and beads galour, chains by the foot, as well as any type of findings you need. Just be sure not to spend everything at the first table. Most often you find the better prices on the retail floor the further you are from the door. If'n ye have a license you can get back into the wholesaler area. HOWEVER, check the prices in the WH area and compare to the retail. Sometimes you can fine more at better price on the retail floor then the WH. Also, if ye are really into setting up shop make sure you get business cards from the dealers, because once you get a descent business relationship going you can sometimes get a nudge on items they will be putting on discount. If'n nothing else by going into the WH you get on the mailing list and they send you a mag with supplier advertisments in it. Lots of good information there. Also, if you are serious about trying to make some $$$ be sure to check into all the business organizations, especially if you are woman. (hey guys you have had the o'boy network it is now time us chickadees do the same).
  12. OK, thanks to both, only three minutes left before I am kicked off of here. hope to chat with you all later.
  13. HUZZAH, Ok, time is running on this here computer so excusie m'rapid fire comments here. FINALLY got delivery and can sleep knowing neither is lost, now will work my bums off getting both of them finished by the end of Nov. Anywho, I promise I will have both done and passed on ...on time. Kate, Might I inquire what date to shoot for for the pass off? How about Sat the 29th? PEW, might be allowed to add a tidbit to the back inside cover? HUMM??? Would like permission to add a little something there. All, for those that haven't seen it yet, the wooden box isn't as big or as heavy as I thought from the online pic. ok, think that is it for now.
  14. Everyone, might I suggest that if you have two books you still mail them out one at a time.
  15. Pew... At this point I am waiting on two books, I am hoping that they are still in transit as Callenish mailed them off on last week.
  16. Any way of seeing if it can be tracked? Or do you know how long it is suppose to take before it gets here? (I am assuming that it should be here by now. If not, let me know so I can stop losing sleep on this) . thanks
  17. Ok, I have spent two days trying to get into the pub. My own computer is on the blitz and I have had to use the local library's comps. Since I have my own computer set up with remembering m'password. I could not for the life of me remember it. I asked that it be reset. BUT for some reason it wouldn't work. I asked for it be reset again. Again no luck until today. One reason is that my account was locked after so many tries, understandable. However, even after waiting for it to unlock it still said it was locked. I tried to find a way to contact the Administrator. BUT, you can't do that without being logged in. SO, my suggestion is that a link to an Administrator be added to the site OUTSIDE of the actual pub.
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