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Lady Cassandra Seahawke

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Everything posted by Lady Cassandra Seahawke

  1. another TASS of rum ...naw, give me a pint 'nd be quick 'bout it
  2. or go something a bit more piraty...Richard Teach Beach
  3. ok, ok...mak'n a mad DASH to change m'answer...
  4. Cass couldn't resist.
  5. ummm MadL, you can call me Cass
  6. MadL, Might I suggest tat ye check with the local University, or even a advanced High School. A student mayhap be will'n to check into the contents as a project instead of pay. Just a thought.
  7. I found one similar in a shop while in LA and when asked I was told it was for a use of Lady to carry perfume, but in older days at times a bit of posion or medicine/herb to be carried. Might be interesting to see if someone could do an analysis of what had been inside of it. OH yes, I bought one for my garb. LOL.
  8. AHEM. I really dont want to FUSS at ta rule break'n gon'n on these parts.
  9. crack ta whip into ta open air 'nd gives a LASH stick to ta rules says I
  10. Keep a TABS of the scores
  11. pirate's best shopping experiecence RAID...
  12. pirate's best shopping experiecence RAID...
  13. ECCK!!! as Nell pointed out to me I made a REALLY BIG flub. Ok, as I told Nell, I was having computer problems...major frustration and OK, brain drain. sigh. ok, need to redeem myself. Melt
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