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Lady Cassandra Seahawke

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Everything posted by Lady Cassandra Seahawke

  1. OH, I will state here and now I believe that Ouija Boards should NEVER be used as a game. NEVER EVER LET A CHILD PLAY WITH A OUIJA BOARD. a child is too innocent, too trusting and too easily fooled and/or manipulated You never know if anyone may be a sensitive and not know it. If that happens that person could be opening themselves up to a WHOLE lot of TROUBLE. You never know who or what you might pull through. and just because they say they are nice doesn't mean that they are. A liar in life would much more from the other realm. Only thing, from the other realm you would have no clues such as body language or eyes to judge things by and that spells TROUBLE.
  2. taking a deep breath...ok, I have had several experiences...but, I will tell the tamest three of mine. Believe it or not up to you. 1st. When I was about 7 years old ouija boards were a big thing...being sold as a board game, well my sister, brother and dad tried it several times but nothing really happened. That is until I put my fingers on it. Then it seemed to move on air. We asked several questions got answers thought it was fun and put it away. HOWEVER, later that night strange noises started in the house. We had the noises and such for a few days. Then after I was alone in the house during the day (mother was out in the yard) I heard whispers. I told it to go away to get out, the noise got louder I got scared but demanded it to leave. We didn't have it after that. 2nd. While I was out in California I was at the computer doing some writing for another website. My character there has witchy tendencies. So, the scene I was doing needed a summoning spell. As my habit I was reading it out loud to see how it sounded. I kept tweaking it until it somehow "felt" right. Then I read it outloud. noises started in the living room, things started dropping off the one shelf. my computer which, at that time, didn't have a speaker of any sort started making unusual noises. I went back to the writing and ended it with a demand for the spirit to leave. Everything suddenly stopped. I changed the wording to something a bit more ...ah tame. Then after a few days and speaking with one of the other writers I remove most of the spell and only gave the impression that the character did it. But, yes I still have what I wrote. Always wondered what might happen if I use it in a more direct way. LOL NAW... bad very BAD....no sense in tempting fate. 3rd. after my dad died I was sitting watching tv late at night at my mom's house in OH when all of a sudden the tv went bonkers. along the bottom of the screen went white and letters started appearing, random at first then it became words. My daughter came into the room seeing it unplugged the tv. Within minutes of plugging it back up it started again. That kept happening only when I was in the room at night and it only began when I was there alone. Yes, my daughter came into the room and seen it but it only began when I was there first and alone. My mom still has the tv and in the 2 years I have been back here NOTHING like that has happened. Then when I went back to CA and for a few days my tv would seemingly go on by itself to white noise when I was in the bedroom at my computer. No there wasn't a timer on the tv. During a massage session the therapist (a sensitive) and I had a chat. She said she felt a presence nearby. I asked for a description and it didn't sound like my dad. But she felt it wasn't there to hurt me so I just shugged it off. And then one night I was at the computer when a male voice told me he just wanted to let me know he was there and not to be afraid. I turned off the computer immediately and went for a walk. Telling myself it was a freak instance. Then, I believe it was the next day, I came home from work. My next door neighbor rushed out and met me she said she was about to call the landlords. I asked why? She stated that she had been hearing banging noises, a muffled voice and such coming from my apartment ever since she got home . It was frightening her, she thought I was in there and that maybe something was wrong. It was really freaking her out, for some reason she wasn't sure what to do. Then she said she heard the gate and saw I was just coming home. I told her I would check it out. I went in and found the tv on ...white noise. and things had been moved. I went back outside and told her it was ok, I must have left the tv on. UMMM, the thing that I didn't tell her was I always have a habit of unplugging things when I leave for work, did then ...still do. It saves on electricity. ANYWHO...So I got a sage bundle out lit it and proceeded to cleanse the apartment. things seemed to settle down after that. But, to this day I still wonder exactly what my next door neighbor heard cause I will never forget the look of fear on her face. OK, deep breath...those are three of my more tame experiences. As I said believe it or not...up to you. Anyone else care to share experiences?
  3. The episode that got me kind of hooked was when they were on the battleship museum. There were things that happened that really interested me. Like I wrote the experiences that happened after my dad died was unusual, more so that it didn't just happen to me. I am not sure if I would participate as I, from a very young age, seem to be a bit of a magnet for things to happen. LOL Yes, others have been around when they happened. However, I will leave it at that as I guarantee ya wouldn't believe it if I told ya. NO I am not trying to tease you on this. I really don't think you would believe me and don't want to get into a tiff over it. That being said (won't mention them again) it is because of my own experiences that I do have an open mind when it comes to things of this nature. I know it can happen, but, I am also a skeptic and look for all logical explanations first then when all pausible explanations are examined then I will say ok, it is of another realm. Additional, the thing I understand about this program is you have to take their word that something really happened as shown and being a tv program if they don't have some "unusual" activity then their viewership would fall. So, did it really happen or did they have a helping hand? Don't know but love the possibilities.
  4. Like I wrote before, there was one area where an disembodied voice told them that they didn't belong there not once but twice. And the look on the guy's face was priceless. He did a little jump and as asking the other guy a few feet away from hm "DID YOU HEAR THAT?" made a beeline for him. Away from the voice. Yeah it made me jump a bit too. They are going to have a brief follow up on Wednesday before they proceed to the next investigation.
  5. one item that some think is a bit unusual is a big iron three legged kettle (think huge cauldron). The kettle is approximately 3 feet around, and approximately 2 1/2 feet deep. The legs are curved tripod attached to an iron circle base that the kettle sits into. The base unit is another 2 feet tall. I use it for firing/torching silver pieces (ie fine silver clay) I also use it to embed (via incense) positive blessings for those pieces I send to my friends.
  6. OH, you might ask why I watch it? I watch the program because after my dad died a couple of years ago I had a couple of unusal experiences myself. Long story and I don't think anyone would believe me anyway.
  7. Fort Delaware it was, and yes they did have technology with them and on the TAPS website it gives a bit of information on the type of tech they use. Yes, they were told to get out, it was weird, the voice was scratchy but it was audible. It happened twice. Other things happened as well. I watched the one episode where they went to a Naval museum on an old ship out in CA. Strange things happened there too. Of course there are times when nothing happens, but on those occasions where events take an unusal turn it is worth watching. They are on in my area Wednesday nights. AND YES, they do have a website where you can watch some of the previous episodes.
  8. mighty fine work gents
  9. has anyone going to the PIP thought about contacting TAPS to see if the re-enactments held could entice more activity,perhaps drawing ghostly/disembodied participants at the fort there? might interesting to see what could happen just a thought
  10. Did anyone else watch the live telecast of Ghost Hunters from the fort? If so, what did you think of the situation where a dis-embodied voice told the TAPS people that they didn't belong there and to get out?
  11. ohhh, cabinet sounds cool!
  12. If I got into specifics of materials it would take way too long to list everything. I basically listed items I am using for the sketchbook art.
  13. http://abc.go.com/site/contactus.html?lid=...mp;lpos=CONTACT if'n someone wants to take the lead on this...the link above is a contact for abc, perhaps some information can be gotten through that?
  14. ah, fun to watch as long as you can leave reality behind. My first thoughts were "if'n he can build all the fancy stuff around the tree house then why can't he just build a dang ship to leave the island." But then the series would be over.
  15. add me gto the list, be glad to help ya out on this
  16. just saw the news report and the prediction for tomorrow is.... wind... rain... SNOW!!!! WHAT???? NOOOOOOOO!!!!! SNOW!!!! WAIT!!!! tis too early for the white stuff. But that is in the forecast for Monday and Tuesday. Snow flurries. OK, where's the rum...
  17. Near SF ey? Dang nab it, that means thar were two of em out there 'nd I missed both of them. LOL Oh well such is life. Ah, Ransom thar be no need to be jealous. Me shop is being shared with my brother as he needed a place to put some of his woodworking tools and I said yes. Then he needed to store a few other things and like a dope I said yes. So half is now filled with his stuff, but, at least it is quiet place to go to. HUMmmm... When I was in high school (so many years ago) I was the only girl that took shop and loved it. Now in me shop my brother has all manner of saws and neat other items to play with. So if'n said bro doesn't use his stuff I just may have to put it to good use m'self.
  18. none currently but got a message from Callenish that he would be sending Matusalem (Oct) and PEW's (Nov) to me shortly. OH PEW, in the list above ya forgot Kate slides in between me and Pyrateleather
  19. careful about opening anything even the original email let alone any attachments. There is now a program that can be downloaded to computers that will circumvent any of the anti-spyware programs. Once it is downloaded you will not be able to tell it is even there it will note you keylogging and transmit any information that seems like bank or personal data. The company I work for sent me to a seminar about computer security and the guy was an expert on the subject. The best bet is that if you subject it is spam "don't open it and delete it completely from your system immediately" There are some spyware programs that will attached even if you don't open it but allow it remain on the computer for x amount of time. Really freaky what some people can/will do to get someone's personal information.
  20. Um, not to be a pain or anything but I still haven't received Oct's book.
  21. However, there was much misinformation about Lafitte. For instance his name, as with other pirates was in question. He gave several spellings of the name the one written in his own hand as Laffite and he gave his birthplace as But, where Jean (and Pierre) Lafitte were born — and when — as well as many other personal facts, continue to remain a mystery almost 200 years later. "We know some of the deeds they performed," says Robert Tallant in The Pirate Lafitte and the Battle of New Orleans. "We know all the important ones. We know many details of their character. Yet we do not really know...where they came from before they appeared in New Orleans." Testimonies from those who knew Jean Lafitte and who have recorded what he himself said about his background all differ. Most tend to agree he was born between 1778-1780. As to his place of origin, depending upon the source, the Lafittes were natives of either France, Spain, St. Dominique, Haiti, or elsewhere. He had told some associates that he had fought with Napoleon's army; others that he was the son of French aristocrats who died on the guillotine; yet others that he was a refugee from Spanish rule in the Caribbean isles. All these variations point to a man who, for reasons of his own, seemed to purposely create and sustain a mystique. The nearest that one might come to determining Lafitte's history would be by examining the credence of those variables that have come to light. For instance, as pertaining to his birthplace, there are a few identified documents existing today that state, in his own hand, a homeland; they range from Bayonne, Brest, Marseilles and St. Malo in France; Orduna in Spain, and, says Ramsay, "one curious work, published in 1825, (which) gave Westchester, New York, as Jean's place of birth". Even the surname Lafitte mandates some investigation. The name was and is common in French-speaking areas of the world. Of the variance of places Jean Lafitte hinted as a location of ancestry, perhaps the one that has a semblance of truth was the French-controlled St. Dominique, from where, records indicate, Lafitte families did migrate to Louisiana in the latter half of the 1700s. On those records are the surnames Lafitte, Lafette. La Fite and other similarities. However, confusing the issue more so is the fact that Jean habitually signed his name spelled Laffite (two Fs, one T). Author Stanley Clisby Arthur in Old New Orleans points to several bills of sale extant today that support this. This particular version is novel and, therefore, almost his own invention probably employed to protect his real familial name. But, because the spelling he chose was overlooked by historians, and he is known in the books by the more orthodox Lafitte, this report will not break the tradition. http://www.trutv.com/library/crime/gangste.../lafitte/1.html You can read the rest of the article by clicking in the above link...interesting...
  22. for the forseeable future only 2 or 3
  23. my thoughts are with you in this time.
  24. If'n the Antique shop twas on Ventura Blvd it twas the same I had me eye on (yep it twas around Christmas time and twas gone just before ...). LOL. OH Well, if'n I had to lose the chance at it glad it twas to another pirate. IT twas a beauty. Mayhap I find some other where I be at now.
  25. Jill By any chance did ya happen to get that there chinese box from the Antique Mall on Ventura Blvd in Sherman Oaks? It looks like the one I had me eye on before I left to come back to OH. I went there to put me money down on it and someone else had piffer'd it. If'n it twas you glad it went to someone who really would appreciate the fine item.
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