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Lady Cassandra Seahawke

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Everything posted by Lady Cassandra Seahawke

  1. Oh, recently found out that there is a Teen only area of SL. Just know if you are a teen and get onto the Mature area you will be barred from SL. I assume that if you are an Adult and get into the teen area you will likewise will be barred.
  2. yeah, there are those that REALLY get into it. I have been therr for about a week. But, I still manage to post here, at Pan Historia, Pan Erotica and at Second Life as well as have a Real Life. But, as stated there are those that REALLY get into it. There have been cases that I have heard about that avatars met on SL, got married on SL, then met in RL and got married in RL. I not only interact in the Pirate theme (some get there and never leave that area) but, I also have been exploring other areas. You can get the scripts for dances of every description...I have a complete line of belly dancing, club dancing, 18th C dancing etc script actions for my avatar. Yes, you can put some $ into it so that your avatar is VERY life like. Eventually, I may do so. There are some RL companies that have merged their RL brands into SL. They make realistic items for the SL characters and then direct your attention to their products for your everyday RL. There is even a voice mode on the site, where you can actually interact with the other character via speech instead of typing script. Oh, in some areas if you killed on SL you will not be able to access that sim for three days. Other areas you can reset your character immediately and get right back into the action. It is all according to how the sim owner has set up the area. Some of the weapons, clothes, vehicles, skins are very realistic looking, others not so much. Again it is all according to how much effort is put into the creation of the item. If you don't have many $L not to worry there are lots of freebies available. Many stores offer freebies to entice you there, and once you look around you see items that are really worth the few $L you have. If you don't want to put RL $ into it, there are many ways of earning $L so you can do purchasing items that you want. Again, be aware there are many areas that are very mature themed. People are allowed to act their fetishes and such. However, there are some sims that are PG or G rated...you need to look at the notecards offered to you as you go into a sim to be aware what is or is not allowed in an area. Some sims have a no pass zone, you must be a member of the sim to get into the area...or pass through a gate area where a warning is issued. This where you must either wear a visitor tag so you can just look around or take the chance of RP and what ever happens happens. OH, for you medically minded there are areas where there are hospitals. The area in which you are you will be limited to what that sim timeframe. For instance in the Gor area you can only heal using herbs and such. In the modern sim you can find hospitals with modern equipment. I haven't see the GOAP version but, know that there must be some as I have seen peg legs on some of the avatars. Don't know does the deed but someone must be. any questions? again, I am still a newbie but, have RL friends that have keyed me on things and I am a very quick learn.
  3. have none...still waiting
  4. OH< EEECK forgot You MUST be 18 years old to participate. because there are mature themes going on there. Yes, you can actually have your character get married with a complete ceremony. As well as the honeymoon with all that entails. Your character can get gestures/pose balls that will allow your character to ummm, have ah intimate relations with another character and yes you can get your avatar with ALL body parts in order to do so. so YOU MUST BE 18+ YEARS OF age to participate on Second Life.
  5. I LOVE SECOND LIFE. The pirate sims are great! You have the sounds and the expericence. You can wear a weapon sensor and have sword fights, and flintlocks firing. YOu have pirate battles on sea Cannons fire and yes you have to reload them as they don't automatically reload and raids. You have taverns where you can drink and you can have gestures which make your avatar look drunk if you like. the interaction is really good. The clothing you can either get for free or buy with Linden $. Can either be more of the saucy hollywood style or more authentic. All according to which you like to protray. you can set up your sim and developed the area to your liking. You need to be careful of the battle sims if you aren't savv'y on the rules of combat you could be captured or killed. With the sword fighting you will probably need to practice a bit before getting into combat. I found I had to learn to manipulate my character because each movement is just that an individual you must make your own combos. If you want to take a look around without participating make sure you get a NON-Role Player, visitor tag. Otherwise you are fair game. they have other sims for other types of protrayal. Merpeople, vampires, history of Roman or Egyptian, even prehistoric etc. As stated the sims can be historical or fantasy based. There are over 60,000+ online at any time. If you don't want to put real $ to your account you can earn Linden $ by jobs or such. I have my outfits, a couple more authentic to the times and a couple of the more elaborate fantasy types. I have my cutlasses, flintlocks etc. I am saving up for my own frigate. Ok, any other information wanted let me know.
  6. I love a gent in a KILT
  7. use a BEET in dying ..age'n yer garb
  8. FEES 'nd taxes...UGH!
  9. Cap see'n ye be a newbie to this here game twill be easy on ya and just state a FYI... the rules are the words are to be four letters and ye get to change only one of em at a time. ...so ta word tis ...get wit ta program or ya gets a kick to ta REAR
  10. not as much as adding "SEAL" to the menu
  11. tis time ye took yer SEAT
  12. ah, ta HEAT tis aris'n wit all these fine male specimens hang'n about these waters.
  13. BEST site on ta internet
  14. Yeah, 'nd I don't want to be LAST
  15. Waiting on Decembers, so no rush Kate.
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