Thieves Market
Items & Services FOR SALE, TRADE & WANTED.
2,250 topics in this forum
- 7 replies
Pretty nifty. They look remarkably like something that a navigator might have use for to me.
Last reply by Gunpowder Gertie, -
- 6 replies
Need some cash for the boat, so I am getting rid of extra/unused items: Japanese made repro pistol, .67 cal, great sparker. I have done nothing to this pistol, and there are 2 filled holes where it appears a new side plate may have been added......$150 plus shipping Small set of brass apothecary scales, weights are there. In a black velvety box.....$25 plus shipping Sporran, made by John Adams, Honorable Guild of Horners............$30 plus shipping: I also have a haversack made up to be from the 55th Co of light Infantry...$15 Pewter Inkwell with 3 quill spots and ceramic insert for ink, might be from Williamsburg, Dad gave it to me years ago...$30 Canvas…
Last reply by rusty spike, -
- 16 replies
Fair winds and following seas to ye pyrate brethren! We have new slots open for custom, hand crafted pirate flags! Our custom made pirate flags are hand dyed, and hand painted with your custom design on both sides. They are made from a medium weight canvas, sturdy and made for use outdoors. They measure 4 ½ feet wide by 3 feet high though we can accommodate any size you might need. They are made with triple re-enforced hanging corners with brass grommets. The flags are treated with a UV blocker to prevent fading and are water proofed and made to withstand high winds and the elements. In short they are made for real use whether flying in your camp or raised as your color…
Last reply by James Smythe, -
- 6 replies
Having a clearout, there are some bits on ebay that might be of interest. Baroque style fiddle: Hammer hatchet: Gunter quadrant: PotC transfer tattoos (I know, I know...):…
Last reply by Mission, -
- 6 replies
hey mates, we are in search of a supplier for various sized wooden block, aka pulleys. we have identified Dauphinee & son's and are awaiting a reply. i checked in on the woodenboat forums and have exhausted their ideas. any other leads would be great.
Last reply by Littleneckhalfshell, -
- 4 replies
Im looking for a ball mold .90-.95 if anybody might be able to help source something.
Last reply by Jas. Hook, -
- 6 replies
In the next week or so I am heading out to the island to start repairing my boat (Morgan would have called it a ship, but that is beside the point) and as any of you ship's masters know that it requires a fair quantity of doubloons. So from now until Saturday night I willing to let the pieces on my Available Page go for much less. If you are interested in either of them send me a email or PM telling me what you will pay one or both and on Saturday evening they will go the the highest bidder (provided that the rather low reserve is met). Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Ben
Last reply by Privateer Armoury, -
- 0 replies
Well this week I should be putting the finishing touches on another small blunderbuss pistol. This one should be the smallest one to date perfect for concealement or a lady, something that can be carried around all day.
Last reply by Commodore Swab, -
- 10 replies
Ahoy mates! If yer needin a period correct style boarding axe we are taking orders for a 1675 model Danish Boarding Axe as seen in William Gilkersons Boarders Away. We needed to let our mates know now as we already have 3 pre sold including this one pictured that is soon to be done. These are a pretty highly decorated boarding axe with 3 cartouches with crowns on each side with C5 for King Christian V and the year 1675 on side facing. The overall length is 28". We have them on our website at Thank ye mates
Last reply by KingsForge, -
- 3 replies
I'm after a rum horn. Anyone got one they want to trade or sell?
Last reply by PoD, -
- 3 replies
Selling my Brass barrelled Blunderbuss to try and get my boat. Its new, been sparked, Brass Barrel roughly .75 cal or so. This is the 15" barrel. Selling new at MVTCo for $555 now....I will sell mine for $450 plus shipping. This is what she looks like: Thanks, Wes
Last reply by bo'suns mate, -
- 5 replies
Antique 19th Century Navaja, A Spanish Folding Pocket Knife with Etched Blade Engraved Recuerdo and stamped with the makers mark of a sword and the name Riberon, 7.5 inches Folded 12.5 inches Open. The knife is in good solid condition with no loose parts however the very tip of the blade has been snapped off by a previous owner. One of the brass panels is a little dented too but has no sharp bits and actually looks worse in the pictures than it is. $196
Last reply by bo'sun Carl, -
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Found a little sailboat for the kids and me, so I have to raise some cash. New, never fired double flint pistol. I have sparked it and flashed the pans for ignition testing only. It is roughly a .62 Cal. This came to me from Middlesex Village Trading with a broken butt, but it has been repaired with epoxy and a steel shank up the center. I also stripped it down, restained it, and rubbed it out with tru-oil. I am a distributor for Middlesex as well, and the locks retain the warranty for springs and frizzens. Will take $400.00 plus shipping of roughly $8.00 or so through bulk mail. Thanks, Wes
Last reply by wes1761, -
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Ivan Henry will be making the trip to Drake's Raid in St. Augustine Florida over the coming weekend. New and in stock: 1615 English Lock Pistols Mini Blunderbuss For Drake's Raid, Matchlock Musket Not pictured yet: FIrst model Brown Bess with wood ram rod. Yes! Finally a GAOP appropriate Brown Bess! $499 Unique! Brace of Scottish Murdochs with Brass Barrels! We only have 2! $799 for the brace. We have great stock on almost all of our pistols as well. Please let us know if …
Last reply by Ivan Henry aka Moose, -
- 5 replies
$650, I am working on the ramrod still and need to do the belt hook but here are some pictures. And on the belt
Last reply by Commodore Swab, -
- 11 replies
The Viceroy is being forced to part with his 1940 ketch (she could be modified into a wonderful pirate ship) if there is a good home out there or somebody interested please let us know. Swab
Last reply by Commodore Swab, -
- 1 reply
Look what I just found for sale: The original English edition of Bucaniers of America, or, a true account of the mostremarkable assaults committed of late years upon the coasts of the West-Indies,by the bucaniers of Jamaica and Tortuga, both English and French … wherein arecontained more especially the unparallel'd exploits of Sir Henry Morgan, ourEnglish Jamaican hero, who sack'd Puerto Velo, burnt Panama, &c. Writtenoriginally in Dutch by John Esquemeling … and thence translated into Spanish byAlonso de Bonne-Maison … Now faithfully rendered into English by ALEXANDREEXQUEMELIN Pity I havent got $7,500.00 handy ha ha
Last reply by Capt. Bo of the WTF co., -
- 19 replies
I was able to cover my trip to the Fort DeChartres event and so will not be selling my blade after all. Thanks to the Pub members who purchased from me to make this possible.... Bo
Last reply by Capt. Bo of the WTF co., -
- 0 replies
I have three items up for sale on eBay Here is my profile
Last reply by Liam McMac, -
- 4 replies
Hey folks, just wanted to put this out there.... We will be doing another auction for the Santa Maria Pirate weekend this May 14th and 15th (and 13th for participants only). I'll post the links to the auctions when they are ready. We'll likely try and run the auctions concurrently with the event again. We have already received a few items from generous benefactors, but I am partly posting this to fish for more donations. So if you have anything you don't need or want anymor eand are feeling generous to the cause, please let us know (contact either myself, Mark G, or Kate Souris). All donations are great whether they are pirate themed, nautical themed, historical or not. …
Last reply by michaelsbagley, -
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A Friend of mine does alot of work on the side with laytex and foam.. He creates these things from molds he makes himself..A Very talented mate! These obviously glow in the dark as you see them under Ultraviolet light. These Items are for sale and order as well ! He also offers the same items with out the glow attribute. See the link below for more items Bob has to offer, Yarr ~ http://s1106.photobu...cesheetcopy.jpg http://s1106.photobu...ogfinalcopy.jpg
Last reply by oderlesseye, -
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Check out the items I placed on sale on Ebay. The under the items from tcarter-1954. Cheap prices.
Last reply by MadJack, -
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I have two Remington 1917 WW1 17 inch blade with wood grips over all lenth in scabbard 23 inch, each comes with green steel mounted leather scabbard with U.S. Infantry wast belt hooks. Was used on the M-1917 Enfild or Military shotguns aka "trench-guns" from WW1 to Vietnamm. Looking to sell or trade for something more approbate for a 1720 to 1760 privateer savvey ;-}
Last reply by Bright, -
- 8 replies
I have a new, black leather shoulder strap. Can make a baldric or cartouche box sling with it. It is one long piece, probably 3 inches wide up till the ends, which taper smaller. I'll try and get a pic tonight after work. GONE TO NEW OWNER...thanks all!!! Thanks, Wes
Last reply by Commodore Swab, -
- 3 replies
Looking for a used abused and beaten coat. Size in the 46-ish range, Prefer wool. Can buy or trade, would like pics too please. This is for a friend that does educational programs and is the same rough size as me, but I just dont have time to make another coat. Thanks!! Wes
Last reply by Liam McMac,