Captain Twill
Academic Fight Circle, Research, Share, Discuss & Debate Maritime History.
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- 29 replies
From what I've been reading and seeing gaiters came into prominence during the F&I war. Were they around during GAoP? If so, in what fashion? Any help would be great, especially from those that maybe did some F&I re-enacting. Thanks, Pogue
Last reply by michaelsbagley, -
- 39 replies
Greetings, This is a partial continuation of another topic that needs to be split--homosexuality and pedophilia being, in my opinion, separate phenomena. As to homosexuality among pirates: I've done a lot of reading in primary sources for the 18th century, and am of the opinion that homosexuality was somewhat less closeted among pirates than among the RN--or the population at large for that matter. This is not to say that I accept the thrust (pardon the pun) of either Turley or Burg's arguments. Both fall victim to the assumption that human needs are constant and must find an outlet. They presume that, given the absence of women, pirate shps must therefore have resemb…
Last reply by CaptainSatan, -
- 3 replies
im in search of pictures or patterns for a weskit or a sailors short vest if anyone can put me in the right heading would be greatful Thankie Ol jack
Last reply by callenish gunner, -
- 0 replies
Two weeks ago friday june 6 I was loading my truck to head up to Drake's raid and trying to check the weather came across a show i think was this old house BUT it was on 17th century ship building from carving the mast ,steaming the boards to curve around the hull , making the sails and all the rope work onboard ship. was trying to pack and I couldn't watch it all but it was so cool , has anyone seen this episode i've searched the internet called the local cable stations e-mailed this old house checked the library for old tv guides but can't find it anywhere . "i think" the host was Steve from TOH and was in Jamestown or…
Last reply by willie wobble, -
- 2 replies
Someone has told me that since shirts in the GAoP were considered underclothes, walking about with shirttails un-tucked in would be considered like wearing ones underwear over your parts in modern times. True or not? I put the question to those better informed then myself ( not to hard to find that, eh?)
Last reply by Bully MacGraw, -
- 26 replies
Hello me Hearties im looking for a good name to call a Tavern my friend is making one , Anyone have any ideas or good names to share. Thankie mates
Last reply by Silkie McDonough, -
- 1 reply
I tried doing a search to find the posts Ken made here a couple years ago sharing some of his research but could not find anything. Does anyone have any of the links to his posts? Also anywhere I can read some of his articles besides the ones on the Whydah site. Thanks for the help, Bryan Stefancyk
Last reply by corsair2k3, -
- 0 replies
By BRIAN SKOLOFF Associated Press Writer OFF THE TREASURE COAST, Fla. (AP) -- The fever is contagious. Gold fever, that is. Symptoms? Unwavering optimism. "Today's the day," legendary treasure hunter Mel Fisher would say as he set out to sea each summer in search of the ocean's secrets. Before his death in 1998, he found more than $1 billion worth of treasure, including gold and silver bars, emeralds, coins and artifacts. As salvage season begins - roughly from May to August when the seas are calmer - a select few carry on Fisher's work up and down Florida's coasts, hoping to hit the mother lode.
Last reply by Story, -
- 8 replies
I recently read that slops were worn over breeches, to protect them. Previously I had understood slops to be an alternative to breeches. Which is correct?
Last reply by Iron Hand, -
Since I'm on a Dampier quote posting jaunt, I was wondering about his mention of aluminum. First, to quote something I found on the history of aluminum, which is, naturally, a website. ( ) "The metal originally obtained its name from the Latin word for alum, alumen. The name alumina was proposed by L. B. G. de Moreveau, in 1761 for the base in alum, which was positively shown in 1787 to be the oxide of a yet to be discovered metal. Finally, in 1807, Sir Humphrey Davy proposed that this still unknown metal be referred to as aluminum." So that dates it's name from about 1761. However, to quote Dampier's New Voyage Around the World, first …
Last reply by Misson, -
- 13 replies
ahoy!! have finished 6 shirts..... but i SAW one that Mary Diamond made... gorgeous!! and noted the details of her neck line.... but , is it period correct to do as i please around the necklines? were there typical designs of that time ? such as leaves/ flowers/fluer de li's type of motifs? was it all up to whomever sewed the shirt to do as they pleased? { keeping in mind it is a man wearing the shirt} the dear husband says it might be too much-- my answer was , " you are a pirate.... you stole a better looking shirt off a man you took down on raid!"...... AND--- my husband notices with much comment about how the Gaop shirts HANG goo…
Last reply by michaelsbagley, -
- 4 replies
I'm not sure this is in the correct heading. I'm looking to change careers a little bit, and am hoping one of you on the account, may be writing a book that requires illustrations having to do with the history of piracy. I tend to illustrate in an authentic manner, am currently painting for a pirate and seafarer's library --- Any literary types need pictures? Let me know. BB
Last reply by Black Syren, -
- 22 replies
greetings fellow pirates-FAIR WARNING-- RANT ENSUES!!!-- dont be taking it personal anyone!! tonight i followed the Gaop directions for a mans shirt... and needless to say, i cannot understand WHY they ever sewed that way!! i guess their scissors were not sharp or unable/unwilling /didnot think about cutting curves or lack of adequate measuring or lack of thinking outside the box{ the this is the way we do it , dont ask questions theology} - WHAT???- sheer frustration never occurred ?encouraging them to try different methods!!! there was a reason, and maybe if i think long enough, i could deduce it......... ANYWAY!!!--- i seek understanding to …
Last reply by lady constance, -
- 18 replies
Greetings! as i wait for janet arnolds patterns of fashion 1660-1860 to be delivered to my house, i was a wondering if anyone would like to post pictures of their pirate garb-- kind of close up shots of their sleeves and gussets and the back and front of breeches and the knees --- either on your person or just laying flat ----- heck i will take pictures of any CLOTHING article---- { sorry- i see enough concupscience at work} i am a very visual learner....if i can see it, i can do it! PAX et ORO lady constance
Last reply by lady constance, -
- 0 replies
Hank Silka was a researcher here at the Huntington. Always open to questions and had a true love of the sea. I saw him a week before he died and he seemed fine and in good spirits. Alas it seems I will not be able to attend the memorial. Fair winds Hank!
Last reply by Red Maria, -
- 4 replies
Does anyone have the wording, or can direct me to where i might find the wording of the letters of marque issued by Prince Rupert during the interregnum? I keep seeing references to a number of Admiralty sites, but my access is blocked. Any of our Brit friends? Foxe? Thank you Hawkyns
Last reply by Red Maria, -
- 5 replies
kinda stupid question here, but i can't readily find the answer here or anywhere else. is muslin ok to use for goap ??? wife and i kinda have a bet riding on this one..... i say go with linen, she says the muslin she picked up cheap will do.. tia
Last reply by Capt. Sterling, -
- 8 replies
I need a latin translation for the slogan, "pirateyness is next to godliness". Anyone able to help? I tried running a google search for a latin version of "cleanliness is next to godliness" in the hopes I would get the bulk of the phrase and then only have "pirateyness" to contend with, but no luck. And I hate to babelfish a word for word translation, as these are unreliable, and grammar may be lost in the process. Anyways, I need a good, accurate translation - if anyone can help, it would be much appreciated. Yar.
Last reply by Cut-throat, -
- 0 replies
Hello mates I was planing on buyig a Canvas Wedge Tent , but i was told that it needs to have the cerification fire tag on it, if so where can i get a canvas tent with tag on it, since i m from california, so can some one help me thankie Ol jack
Last reply by OL Jack The Pirate, -
- 3 replies
I just re-did my Hat page... just covering some of the basics. If you have a chance to check it out, please let me know if you see any anomalies (spelling, grammar, or context) Thanks GoF
Last reply by 1stMate Matt, -
- 12 replies
Hello me hearties im looking for 3 yards of grey Coat weight wool or kersey to make a sailors jacket. i cant seem to find it besides looking at reconstucting history. i think they want like $25.00 a yard thats way to much me. does anybody know where else i can get some. Or if anyone has 3 yards by 45 width i would gladly take it from you thanks ol jack
Last reply by OL Jack The Pirate, -
- 2 replies
Hello Me Hearties Me and my Lovely mate are planing to make our first A frame Tent we know where to get all the stuff, but my question is what type of thread do we need to keep the Tent together. I dont want to get the wrong thread and have the tent start falling apart during a light or medium wind any suggestions would be helpful thankie Ol Jack
Last reply by OL Jack The Pirate, -
- 3 replies
From CNN - Pirates seize French Yacht The French are up in arms over this, but hello, the coast of Somalia has been a hot bed for the last 3 years. Wouldn't it be prudent to steer clear? I don't blame the people of Somalia. Their country has been in turmoil for years. It seems prudent to steer clear of the coast.
Last reply by Bully MacGraw, -
- 24 replies
are grommets ( you know, the brass type ) period for tents ?? seriously considering making our tent. are grommets period or did they use ties ??
Last reply by Capt. Bo of the WTF co., -
- 10 replies
Real Pirates Exhibit “Real Pirates” is the first exhibition of authenticated pirate treasure ever displayed.
Last reply by oderlesseye,