Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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- 26 replies
Wouldn't it be great if Hollywood made a real period pirate movie, the same quality as POTC. Don't get me wrong I loved POTC, but I think it would be cool to see a movie about the life of a pirate that actually existed. Which pirate would you like them to make a movie about?
Last reply by the Royaliste, -
- 11 replies
Hello, I am sure this has been talked about alot, so I hope its not over kill. I have been playing the pirates of the caribean game on X-box, I dont have as much time to spend on the game as I would like, howevre I am in the alcave on khael roa. I am in the room with the blue light and quite frankly have no idea what to do next...????? Anyone please help a humble pyrate musician..
Last reply by The Doctor, -
- 12 replies
I'm considering making a table-top pirate game. I say "considering" because I'm infamous for rarely ever finishing these projects. Does anyone remember the board game 'Risk'?, I'm thinking along those lines, but with ships and so on... If anyone has any ideas or other input, that would be grand. And if I do actually make it, I'll write it all up so you can print it off and play it with your kiddies or if you havn't got any, make it a drinking game, every time you sink a frenchman have some rum. (or a bacardi, if you're one of *those* people) Edit: forget I mentioned Risk. think more like monopoly, you start with some money, buy some ships, kill some things, get more s…
Last reply by Pirate Petee, -
- 3 replies
A few days ago, I acquired a copy of John Steinbeck's Cup Of Gold, which claims to be about Henry Morgan sacking Panama. (I also got a Virginia Woolf play illustrated by Edward Gorey, but that's going off topic.) Anyway, I was wondering if Cup Of Gold was good enough to warrant bumping to the head of my reading-list. Or is it merely okay and should wait its turn like all the other books all over my floor?
Last reply by Zath Chauvert, -
- 54 replies
Long John Silver for me! He's got the talk and the eye rollin down to a T' Go, Robert Newton!!
Last reply by Durty Mick Moon, -
- 19 replies
I just looked at the new disney catalog, and they have some REALLY cool stuff. theres a potc leather jacket, some figurines made from the original drawings, and a wall display like the talking skull you see on the ride. and if anyone remembers that prototype jewelry box that was on ebay, they have the finished one in there, its got the portrait of the redhead on the top. also, since this is the halloween issue, they have the new jack sparrow costume, but i must say, the simplicity one tops it! you would think they would be able to get their own characters costumes right...
Last reply by Christine, -
- 16 replies
To trade: British Ships/ Crew: Carbon Charlie Shipwright Explorer Oarsmen Spanish Ships/ Crew/ Forts: El Duque Chainshot Spec Musketeer El Castillo del Infanta Pirate Ships/ Crew/ Forts: Royal James Darkhawk II Freedom Gilded Monkey Carrion Crew Gennys Red Rampage Explorers Shipwrights French Ships/ Crew/ Forts: L'Hercule L'Orient Le St. Michel St. Pierre (Fort)
Last reply by andelew, -
- 9 replies
Looky here what I stumbled upon...... >>>>>> Cascabel
Last reply by Ace of Harbor Bay, -
- 28 replies
I'm curious to know often are the props in the Depp film the real deal? I know that in P1, johnny's pistol was of late 18th century vintage but others were replicas. I also saw some recent photos of Depp & Rush with aincient accoutrements like belt buckles and I am curious to know if they are the real thing. Seems to me that there is plenty of finds for antiques, though I would imagine, not cheaply procured.
Last reply by BILLY BONES, -
- 0 replies
Dead Men Tell No Tales Issue #2 in stores today! Hope you grabbed a copy!!
Last reply by ukatana, -
- 8 replies
this image was from the internet under public domain as the claim for copyright had run out beings the original pic is 18th centry. My wife color her in and now were lookin to get her done in stained glass forthe cove. still lookin for an artist thats willing to take on the detail.
Last reply by Jack2, -
- 11 replies
Just came from there and guess what I saw. They have a four foot tall Dancing/Animated pirate! He was awesome..Sings to like three or four diffrent tunes. Also have a talking pirate skull head with a tricorn!
Last reply by Iron Bess, -
- 62 replies
POTC 2 & 3 Rumors I just made up... * Due to personal health reasons, Gore Verbinski (director of the original Pirates of the Caribbean film) has resigned as director for the remaining POTC sequels. In his place, Disney has hired Kevin Smith (of “Clerks / Jay & Silent Bob” fame) to take the helm. * After days of hiding from the media circuit, Orlando Bloom has finally admitted that he truly doesn’t know what the difference between a wood elf and a pirate is. * The title of the latest Pirates of the Caribbean movie will not be "Dead Man's Chest" as so eagerly anticipated. Instead, the theatrical release will simply be known as "Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Wh…
Last reply by tishsparrow, -
- 0 replies
Check out early reviews of the pirate tale Dead Men Tell No Tales Issue #2 at:
Last reply by ukatana, -
- 8 replies
QUOTE (Captain Jim @ Aug 25 2005, 09:09 PM) QUOTE (MadMike @ Aug 24 2005, 08:27 AM) Here's a good place to review- Take a look in the section "Grim Winged Skulls from the early 1700's" Yours, &c. Mike Aye, I be lookin' up tha' there site and noticed a 'eadstone fer a certain "Jonathan Sparrow" (second under Grim Winged Skulls.) An' as we all know, nicknames fer blokes named Jonathan were "Jon", "John" or "Jack." And did I mention that this 'ere Jack Sparrow was a Captain? Is there anyone living near Eastham Cove, on Cape Cod, that could go and get a …
Last reply by Jack2, -
- 12 replies
I got this in my Disney newsletter :
Last reply by Charity, -
- 10 replies
I know that a film about Blackbeard is being filmed in Thailand. That's about it though.
Last reply by King's Pyrate, -
- 7 replies
Apologies if this has been posted before mates.... I was at MGM Studios here in Orlando over the weekend and at the Backlot Tour they have a special exhibition up right now featuring Hollywood villians. Guess who's costume is prominently displayed? Click the thumbs and enjoy.
Last reply by Jack2, -
- 20 replies
I don't really follow the PotC threads, but in case no one has mentioned it, the PotC 2006 calendar is out. Looks pretty cool. I might buy one, unless I can find a good tall ships calendar.
Last reply by Jack2, -
- 14 replies
I was recently at a gaming shop an I happened upon some pirate action figures. I cannot remember the name o the company that made em'. They had Blackbeard an Anne Bonney (sold seperately). The sculpt was average for the both o them (nowhere near the expertise of say, McFarlaine Toys), an the accessories were interesting (multiple pistols, an an axe for Anne Bonney). I be wonderin if'n anyone else had seen these ? An if'n ye have, are there any other figures ?
Last reply by Jack2, -
- 12 replies
Ahoy Mates, I was just browsing the website and found information on the second series of 7" action figures for POTC. Series 2 will feature Captain Jack Sparrow II (Jack has some costume changes since the first movie), Elizabeth Swan, Ragetti, and Pintel. There will also be a set of 2 figures as cursed pirates (skeletons) of Capt. Barbosa and Capt. Jack Sparrow. These figures are scheduled for an October release in the UK. I have found that I can get a better price by ordering action figures directly from toy stores instead of on ebay if I want them when they are first released. Just use Google to search the internet for sto…
Last reply by Jack2, -
- 16 replies
Gotta hand it to him!! Johnny Depp may be able to do a convincing pirate’s voice, but apparently he falls a little short when it comes to a pirate’s hands. The makers of the sequel to "Pirates of the Caribbean" are looking for a gnarled-hand double for Depp because the "Edward Scissorhands" star has “girly man hands” according to the Star. A spokesman for the flick denies the story, but a source told the tab, “[Depp] has very feminine hands, with long, slender fingers. It’s posed a bit of a problem for them.”
Last reply by Jack2, -
- 1 reply
while researching "A King's Pirate"...(I am bringing Nathan Beauchamp of the Royal Navy to Northeast Florida)IStumbled on info on the local pirates. Seems like quite a few of the fellows took a shot at plundering our nation's oldest city. I plan on it being a small historical book. Wish me Luck Joe (KP)
Last reply by Skull pyrate Carter, -
- 13 replies
Recently received a copy of "Treasure Island" with Charlton Heston, and thoroughly enjoyed it. The movie, which was released in 1990 under Turner Home Entertainment, is only available in VHS. It was produced by Agamemnon Films in association with British Lion. Information on the movie and cast can be found on The movie is slow at times; it was a made-for-TV flick and not a threatrical release (did I mention it's faithful to the book?). The attention to detail in the clothes is pretty good. These are the nastiest looking pirates I've seen on the tube since POTC. Overall, if you're lucky enough to find a copy, ge…
Last reply by Hawkyns, -
- 10 replies
Oh, check this out!! :)
Last reply by tishsparrow,