Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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- 17 replies
Yesterday I heard on the radio news that Disney will have two new cruise ships in their line up soon (2011 and 2012). Too bad one or another in the future could be devoted to a Pirate Ship! Have one for the east coast and one for the west coast.
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 3 replies
For any of you with the slightest inclination in boating, I ran across the most 'pyrate-friendly' sailing magazine ever to grace the seven seas, right at barnse & Noble. this month's issue of Lattitudes & Attitudes features none other than Capt'n Jack on the cover, plus some spoilers of AWE. It also features a monthly pirate report, an interview with the captain of the Lady Washington. it is also a good mix of people's sailing adventures, cooking, technical stuff...but much more passionate(in a Jack Sparrow kind of way) than clinical like Sail magazine. I don't ahev a photo website for the cover art yet, but here's the link:…
Last reply by Lady Seahawke, -
- 27 replies
Looks like Barbossa is enjoying the view! LOL!
Last reply by Capt.Trade.Wind, -
- 14 replies
For a few weeks now I have been compiling a list of every Pirate themed movie ever made (silent era to present) and I've got a pretty good list going now. However, even at 300+ films, I'll be the first to confess that there are probaly quite a few that I'm still missing. If anyone out there is interested in the project, take a look at the list and let me know if you see any that need to be added: Thanks for the help! Rob "The Pirate King" Ossian
Last reply by PirateKing, -
- 12 replies
What makes pirate yarns so seductive is the lure of escaping all the rules and scruples that tie us land-lubbers down. Run away to sea and -- unfettered by family, law, country, even the strictures of gender and color -- the possibilities, like the oceans, are boundless. Sure, a real pirate's life was short and brutal, far from Technicolor romance and adventure. But movies deliver dreams, not facts. What could be more glamorous than sea-dogging around Caribbean dives and sailing the Spanish Main until a fat galleon full of King Philip's treasure hove into view, just begging for broadsides and grappling hooks? What high could compare to the adrenalin buzz of hand-to-hand…
Last reply by Lady Alyx, -
- 0 replies
Ahoy, I have a request to make, but unsure which section to ask in. I'm currently making a pirate game in flash for one of my modules and i was wandering if there was anybody you wouldn't mind giving me a hand by helping out with an original pirate song or two. Of course I'll give more details in whichever part of the forum I'm directed to. Cheers EDIT: Well looks like this has been moved into Pirate Pop, so i'll give some more detail in a bit. Cheers for whoever did this. EDITY:A short note about me, I'm at Uni studying Game Production Management. Its alright, there has been a change in who runs the course and I'm hoping that means its going to pick up next year. …
Last reply by evil-flagpole, -
- 92 replies
The Pyrates Way is still looking for beautiful wenches to grace our pages. We still need two lovelies for the Winter Wench of the Quarter. A Pyrate Wench is best, but any beautiful wench with. . uh. . . nice. . .attributes (i.e. huge tracts of land) upon which pirates would likely drool would be perfect! Remember, the photos have to be either taken by you (with model's permission for publication) or of you. They have to either be printed photos or digital photos (300dpi 5x7). Send 'em to: Of course we'll be giving a big shout out to this forum in every issue from now on as you folks have been so supportive of our venture.
Last reply by TheBlackFox, -
- 9 replies
So it doesn't have any sails, but it doesn't require a motor either. Just paddle. Adventure glass boats
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
- 1 reply
Reality show Top Design on BRAVOTV picked a pirated themed room for the design a child 's room challenge Now how many of us would have loved a room like this as a kid! :) As an adult even! :)
Last reply by Lady Alyx, -
- 7 replies
Pirate M&M's
Last reply by Lady Alyx, -
- 26 replies
I can't seem to find the answer, so I'll have to start a thread to find out: What years is POTC supposed to take place in? Curse of the Black Pearl? Dead Man's Chest? (not long after CoBP, a year or 2?)
Last reply by CaptainSatan, -
- 5 replies
WOW...did anybody catch this show on Saturday night? I wished I had caught the entire learned sooo soo much. I am going to check if this particular one will air again...I so hope so.
Last reply by Lady Alyx, -
- 5 replies
Which ships were used in the filming of the "film"/"video" of Blackbeard:Terror of the Seas? At least on sloop and a 3 master. BUT, which ones? (In reality, NOT as named in the film)
Last reply by Tartan Jack, -
- 2 replies
- 386 views Go to the site, register (which take less then 1.5 mins literally) and get some boooty!!!! Game is some serious fun when bored/have some free time. Have any questions PM me and I'll help ya out n about!
Last reply by The Doctor, -
- 44 replies
I knew we would see a run of pirate related movies in the wake of POTC2. Was I surprised to find this little gem. Pirates is a movie made by some person who goes by the name "Joone" and is listed as a photographer and film maker. Most of the featured women of the movie have the look of the adult industry about them. I found the movie kinda funny and the effects weren't bad. If you have a bunch of adult friends in port and want something fun to go with the rum and aren't looking for "art"this movie might do the trick.
Last reply by Mary Diamond, -
- 1 reply
I know there is a thread on here SOMEWHERE on the Blackbeard movie done by the BBC. BUT, I can't seem to find it by search (not used to this engine). Anyone able to help me?
Last reply by Tartan Jack, -
- 2 replies
I'm looking for a good image of general pirate mayhem to use for a party invitation. I've searched the "Pirate Image Archive" and found some good ones, but I haven't found just the right one. Ideally, I'm looking for black & white line art, like a woodcut or engraving. But mostly, I'm looking for the perfect image of pirates drinking, fighting, etc. Post them if you have them!
Last reply by Mad-Eye Jack, -
- 21 replies
Ooooo... The Black Pearl is sitting on top of the Zorro Parking structure here on the lot. Looks REALLY wierd! Seems they are doing some re shoots this week. (Nothing like waiting until the last moment...) And no, Jack is not involved. Sorry.
Last reply by Black Syren, -
- 3 replies
In another thread, I mentioned seeing the teaser for Pirates 2 at the AVN Awards in Vegas. Well, it's now available online! Check it out here Note: This trailer is 100% G-rated (seriously, it is.) But being as this is an adult film, the banner ads, links, and possibly future trailers of this same film might be a bit more racy. Click at your own pleasure/risk, as the case may be!
Last reply by PirateSSe, -
- 33 replies
This month's edition of Harper's Bazaar notes that designer Anna Sui's Spring collection takes inspiration from pirate garb: You can see the whole collection on Sui's website: The video of the runway show is particularly good, as the soundtrack starts off with Bow Wow Wow's "Louis Quatorze", suggesting Sui was probably inspired more directly by Vivienne Westwood than Jack Sparrow. And the final song is Johnny Thunders' "Pirate Love". Brilliant! I wish I could afford this stuff and had a place to wear it. Instead, old punk that I am, I'll probably just give a nod to the style on a more street-functional level, co…
Last reply by PirateSSe, -
- 8 replies
I saw Epic Movie last night. I laughed extremely hard at some parts, and thought other parts were overwhelmingly stupid. I'd say save your $9 and rent it in a few months, but definatly rent it. There are some great laughs. They do a pretty funny parody of Jack Sparrow (Capt. Jack Swallows). I was wondering how Disney was taking it. Did the makers of Epic Movie need permission to parody him?
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 11 replies
(chuckle) OMG, check this out...
Last reply by Morgan Dreadlocke, -
- 0 replies
ROYALISTE AGROUND -- HELP IS NEEDED ********************************** Link to Topic discussion on Pyracy Pub.
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
- 0 replies
found another cool pirate game...if you like Sid Meier's Pirates you will probably like this one it's called "Dogs of the Seas" pirate
Last reply by Dan Reid, -
- 1 reply
How to become a Disney Pirate or Princess for a day. Park Party Information
Last reply by Lady Alyx,