Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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A piratical parable of the Tortoise, the Fox, and the Hare, focusing on the triangle between Jack, Elizabeth, and Will. I'll let you decide which character is which. Tortoise regrets Hare Music by the contemporary Scottish folk musician James Yorkston.
Last reply by Hester, -
- 2 replies
Anybody out there into Disney's Movie Rewards? I plundered a beautiful lithograph o'the 3 ships from POTC 3, for (twas either 4-500 pts. It be a real steal!!
Last reply by Captain Tito, -
- 11 replies
KUSI News interviewed us..This is wot happened..
Last reply by Ransom, -
- 6 replies
Anyone know of a good golden Age era ship to ship miniatures game? most of the naval games I find are either after period or fantasy based.
Last reply by blackjohn, -
- 27 replies
"Drunken sailors" have been removed from the lyrics of a nursery rhyme in a government-funded books project. But the Bookstart charity says the re-writing of What Shall We Do With the Drunken Sailor? has "absolutely nothing to do with political correctness". The charity says that the shift from drunken sailor to "grumpy pirate" was to make the rhyme fit a pirate theme, rather than censorship. "Put him in the brig until he's sober," has also been lost in the new version. This latest ideological spat over nursery rhymes was sparked by the re-writing of What Shall We Do With the Drunken Sailor. Complete story at -…
Last reply by Joe Pyrat, -
- 5 replies
Don't know if this is best here or destinations, but at least it is Pirate Movie related. I got this in the latest DisneyInsider. "" Dead men tell no tales, but what about pirates in the flesh? Uncover the real story this spring as Disney Cruise Line features an event sure to send shivers up any seafarer's spine. "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend Lives On" cruise will take Guests to World's End and beyond, led by actors Lee Arenberg and Martin Klebba - better known to fans as Pintel and Marty from all three "Pirates of the Caribbean" films. This high-seas journey promises an earful of behind-the-scenes movie lore, tomfoolery, and exclusive treasures ... dare ye list…
Last reply by Iron Bess, -
- 1 reply
If you get the Wealth HD TV channel, on their Wealth on Art series they have an epsiode that is a fun romp through the Ojai Pirate Fair in 2008. For some services this will be offered only as an on demand feature. If you do get a chance to see it, aye, that be Greydog and much of the Alliance of the Double Cross in many a scene. Ye even get to see and hear Oderlesseye in the opening shot of the show! Tis a fun fluff piece and nothin more than that. Fair Winds, -Greydog
Last reply by blackjohn, -
- 12 replies
Ahoy, mates! Two weeks ago, a hardy group of pirate poets and artists set sail on a voyage of hope. In search of gold and glory, they published a book of poetry and artwork by and about pirates. This book, entitled Raising Black Flags, is currently on the market in a "Special Edition" format which will be replaced in about a week with a published format complete with International Standard Book Number, ready to be marketed at fine retailers around the world! If you want to take a gander at the book, go to Blackbead Books for a preview. The reason I'm posting this here is that we are already planning our next trip! We plan on putting out another book by Christmas of 2…
Last reply by Blackbead, -
- 12 replies
If cutlasses clashed on some Caribbean island who do you think would win? Jack Sparrow vs Jamie Waring Capt. Barbossa vs Capt. Morgan Willl Turner vs Capt. Billy Leech Joshamee Gibbs vs Tom Blue Who arrr the better pirates
Last reply by GentlemenScotty, -
- 7 replies
Its seems the current day pirates have been at it again. This time they got a Ukrainian ship that was loaded with 33 fully equipped T-72 tanks! Talk about yer booty. Now, if just one of those tanks had been on the deck and operational, could be we'd be reading about a nasty end to some nasty pirates instead. Pirates Seize Tanks
Last reply by Morgan Dreadlocke, -
- 0 replies
Ahoy, my mates! We've gone and put up a new web series at It's called Messages in a Bottle. The Pirate Princess answers questions that were sent into the Scuttlebutt Forum by site members. So questions are answered, there's some swordfighting, some mayhem, you know, the usual. So please stop be and take a gander then let us know what ye be thinkin about it. All comments be welcome! Then click on the little bottle that be floating in the water on the Map! I be much obliged to ye! Fearless Leader
Last reply by FearlessLeader, -
- 7 replies
Check out frontpage video story today! A gentleman from Argentina named Bernardo Casasola worked for over seven and a half years to make a model of a Spanish galleon entirely out of matchsticks! I know what you are thinking but it is incredible! The ship is over ten feet long, fully rigged, and complete down to the last detail. The thing is beautiful! If you get to the page after they take it down, search for the man's name in any search engine and you should get a link to the video of the ship.
Last reply by Kian McBrian, -
- 11 replies
Finally! The historical Voyages Of Captain Drake come t' th' telly! This Saturday night at 9pm (8pm for ye middle kiddies) on th' SciFi Channel! SEE, I Told ye I saw a Sea Monster when we set sail aboard th' American Pride last summer - It T'was NAUGHT Th' Rum!!
Last reply by erisblackrose, -
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'tis true. . .we're expanding to six issues starting in 2009's Spring Issue. . . here's what to expect: Spring 2009 Scallywags Magazine Issue #1 (a pyrate magazine for kids to be shipped ONLY to subscribers with the Spring Issue) Summer 2009 Autumn 2009 Pyrate Swag Issue #1 (a pyrate catalogue of all yer favorite pyrate vendors with special savings o be shipped ONLY to subscribers with the Autumn Issue) Winter 2009-10 Six issues in all with tons of opportunity for extra articles, art, information, photos, opinions, illustrations, editorials and more!
Last reply by TheBlackFox, -
- 5 replies
The Pyrates Way be looking for an article on pyrates in science fiction. From 'Trek to Dr. Who, we're lookin' for a scifi/pyrate connection. We'll take the best article delivered by November 30th 2007. We'll pay $.10/word at an average of 2,000 words per article. An easy $200 if ye be well-written and good with yer letters. Our staff will take care of the photos and design. . . all ye need is the words, mate. Send yer entries to: with the subject: SciFi Pyrates Thank ye fer yer kind attention.
Last reply by TheBlackFox, -
- 6 replies
I finally got my copy of the movie Pirates of the Great Salt lake and saw my Pirate Moniker roll on by at the end for those who supported the movie.. I be curious Whom here has there name in the credits... Go ahead Leave ye mark!
Last reply by Quartermaster James, -
- 20 replies
Not sure if this should be here or not. Oh, well. Kept forgetting to post this. I enjoy watching Ghost Hunters on Sci Fi channel Wednesday nights and this past week's episode was the group of TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society) out in California where they did a Paranormal Investigation on the ferry Berkeley and then the Star of India. I have to say, it was an awesome episode! They didn't catch much but a couple disembodied voice apparisions and a possible movement they believed was NOT caused by the movement of the ship. I've heard of stories of the Star of India being haunted. Apparently, those of TAPS believe it, too. T'was some good stuff they found. Anyone…
Last reply by erisblackrose, -
- 1 reply
Might it be true that Santa Clause 'n th' notorious Capt'n Whitebeard be actually one in th' same? Let us examine th' facts: BOTH wear a bright red frock with white trim. BOTH sneak up upon ye in th' dark o' night. BOTH target wee snipes when they come t' town (t' replenish he's crew??). BOTH have th' "somethin' for noth'n" idea (gifts, treasure, candy, wenches, etc) BOTH live seclusion from mortal man. BOTH have minions/crews t' do all th' work. BOTH know when ye be sleep'n/awake 'er good/naughty. BOTH use fire/brimstone ('er a place thereof) as means o' entry/attack. BOTH travel with a punisher (Krampus-Santa, Quarter Master-Whitebeard) BOTH sail a ship what …
Last reply by Pew, -
- 2 replies
so the other day i was walking along and a minstrel was playing a fine tune. when he stp i walked and dropped a doubloon in the slot and requested a song. he turned around and slapped me so hard my other tooth fell out! as i stood there hurt and angry he cryed "thats me backside you idgit! and that be friggin cold to i say!" any way what are some of youns favorit songs out there? or favorite artists? one of mine happens to be "hank williams sr" and one song would have to be "fade to black" now then lets have a sit and listen to a tune and an ale please!
Last reply by Morgan Dreadlocke, -
- 1 reply
DISCOVERY CHANNEL ASKED NO QUARTER GIVEN TO DISSEMINATE THIS MESSAGE: Hello Reenactors! Discovery Channel is seeking a family of reenactors to profile in an episode of a new series about fascinating families. If you are a family that reenacts for a living or as a hobby, I would love to get in contact with you! We are are looking into any time period for this family and anywhere in the United States. Please send me an e-mail telling me a little bit about your family: who the members in your family are, their ages, where you live, and what time period you reenact. Thanks so much in advance for your help. As always, our mission is to educate, not exploit our cast member…
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
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Sorry, mates.... no Jack Sparrow or any other famous pirate here. However, some folks have gotten together to do their own pirate movies. Check them out here: ~Lady B
Last reply by Hester, -
- 56 replies
Okay... Someone said "Swashbucklers" was the worst pirate movie ever. But what would you say the best pirate movie is? I would argue the best pirate movie would have to be just like any other great movie--one you can watch over and over again. Where people who don't necessarily give a crap about pirates can view it openly and objectively, and still walk away feeling it's a great movie. I don't necessarily want to jump on the "Pirates of the Carribbean" bandwagon, but I would say it's the best pirate movie. It's well-made. Exciting. Good acting. Plus, the "cheez" factor is minimum, considering it's a Disney movie and based on a theme-park ride. Are there are ot…
Last reply by MadL, -
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Last reply by JoshuaRed, -
- 13 replies
We're in the editing stages of the magazine and the last bit of advertising is coming in. . . of course we can always fit more if need be. This will be our THIRD Autumn issue, huzzzahh to all of ye for helping keep this rag afloat! What's in the Autumn issue? 5 hot PYRATES (not wenches) of the quarter (as promised, lovely ladies) The Curse of Yellowbeard Long Island Pirate Festival Pirates & Wenches Fantasy Weekend @ Rock Hall, MD Maureen O'Hara - Pyrate Queen of the Screen Northern California Pyrate Festival Sir Francis Drake - Privateer to the Queen And MUCH more . . . including the inside speculation on POTC:4 subscribe or advertise, mates: www.pyrates…
Last reply by 1stMate Matt, -
- 3 replies
Rum balls, rum filled candy canes, rum 'n eggnog all be fine else did pirates celebrate Christmas?? Perhaps some friendly island plunder'n?? 'er perhaps they had some favorite X-mas songs; personally I prefer"Little Hooters Girl" (#6), 'er something like me favorite Yule Tide movie flick Santa's Slay (availible on DVD!)? So just how did pirates celebrate X-Mas? (Product Description: When Santa's half-wit brother kidnaps the elves, Santa and super-elf Lex team up to save the day! Based on the enormously popular game, this beautiful computer-…
Last reply by Hawk the QM,