Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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- 24 replies
For about a year now, we have fluttered with the idea of doing a special edition of Pirates Magazine all on steam punk. It started as a brainstorming idea with Charles Vess(the artist behind stardust) during Faerie Con 2007. The idea evolved several times and we decided not to do it as an issue of the magazine but as a bonus that would be more of a book. We are still in the early stages of this, but it is going to happen. We feel Steam Punk is growing in popularity and the extent that people go to put together there personalities is out of this world and worthy of attention. If you want to get onboard with us, now is the time. We want the best of the best and are willing…
Last reply by Rats, -
- 12 replies
After the tidal bore empties from the cave you go in search of the other two items but find that they must have been carried out to sea. Regretfully you return to your shelter clutching you remaining piece of treasure. Once back you can investigate what you choose in detail. If you choose to take the silver candlestick holder you discover it is indeed solid silver and weighs in upwards of three pounds. It is well crafted and looks like the type found in homes of royalty with detailed floral patterns. You estimate that if you sell this item in Port Royal it will keep you in drink, food, and pleasant company for at least four months. If you choose to take the rapier y…
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 13 replies
You remember little of the night before. A storm, howling winds and rain, the crack of the main mast and then water and darkness. You wash ashore in the early hours of the dawn. Your body is bruised and battered from the long swim and the collapse of your ship. You are wounded and know that you can only take two more wounds of this severity before you succumb. The beach is covered in debris from the wreck. You were headed toward Antigua when the storm hit your ship. You believe that you may have been in the Leeward Passage when the storm came up and drove your ship over a corral head. All you have are 3 items you managed to grab before you were washed overboard. …
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 29 replies
You are shipwrecked on an island in the Caribbean after a storm sinks your ship. You may choose 3 items (material items not people) to take with you before the ship slides beneath the surface. You have one set of clothes that does not count toward your 3 items.
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 3 replies
What good newbie Pirate hasn't had this happen before? Visit My Website
- 23 replies
OMG.... Thay have put a likeness of our Pub Sea Dog Phoebe on a Tee Shirt out at Disneyland! We are both.... dumb struck. Her logo is on the front and the back is a scene of the Pirates coaxing the dog from the cells. The dog on the back it NOT phoebe and that is obvious. WHo knew she'd ever make good?
Last reply by Christine, -
- 0 replies
Here be a sampling of a new short story from the currently untitled new anthology from Blackbead Books. If you liked the poetry and artwork in Raising Black Flags then you will love the new works from these same seadogs. The new book will include short stories, poetry and artwork. Expect new pieces from the likes of Diamond, Captain Emerald Shaunassey, "Slippery Jack" Beaver, Captain Jane Jasper, and Blackbead. We present here a short excerpt from "John Nagle", a short story, which will be included in the book, about a character who is a cross between a detective and a pirate . . . “John Nagle” (An Excerpt) By Stephen Sanders ©2009 "Batson! BATSON! Get i…
Last reply by Blackbead, -
- 7 replies
Just some fun stuff. CBS News White House Back-Story: The President And The Pirate "Pity the poor historian a couple hundred years from now, at a loss to figure out why Barack Obama, an American president at the start of the 21st century, was photographed meeting in the Oval Office with – a pirate." As if we don't have enough trouble deciphering visual renditions already! The article says "To get a Blackbeard, you just don’t look up “pirate” in the Yellow Pages" Captain, are we in the yellow pages yet? It also says "He was “more than game,” said an official familiar with the shenanigans, “as long as the costume was legit.”" Should we explain what legitimate means …
Last reply by hurricane, -
- 1 reply
I was talking to Glasgow Jon on Skype today & he told me that one of his mates posted on Facebook about something very interesting that happens when you click on the link at the bottom left of the page that says "English (UK)" - that would be "English (US)" to those of us on this side of the pond...when you click on it it gives you various language options, but the most interesting of those is "English (Pirate)".... yes, folks that is "English (Pirate)" ... basically (and this is very, very cool!) it means that you can "Parlay in Pirate" on Facebook!!! EX: 1) Home - Home Port 2) Friends - Me Hearties 3) Chat - Parlay, thar be 4) Notifications - Hail Shots
Last reply by Mission, -
- 19 replies
What would POTC 4 look like if you wrote the tale? Just a show us a brief outline and not a full fan-fic script (we have another place for those ).
Last reply by Mission, -
- 2 replies
Eye enticed/enlisted 2/3's of Strangleholds crew to Mutiny against Capt. Syn and his Officers!
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 2 replies
this arrived in our crew email- does anyone have any idea???? "I have been trying to locate a film I saw as a child but my memories are so hopelessly dim that I may not be accurate in what I am about to ask. I recall seeing a film, 40's-50's vintage, in which during modern times a man, working with a divining rod looking to find water, found the head of what I seem to recall was Blackbeard. The head was able to move its lips, though no sound emerged, and was stashed in a hat box, of all places. The head ultimately led the finder to the body to which it was reunited. It was a film that was so bad it was great. If anyone among your jolly crew would know what this film …
Last reply by TheBlackFox, -
- 12 replies
I'll kick it off with one of my Faves: The Island (1980) Written by Peter Benchley (author of 'Jaws') Michael Cain stars Blair Maynard, an inquisitive British reporter who sets out to investigate a series of mysterious ocean disappearances in the Caribbean. While flying over the questionable area with his young son in tow, Maynard's airplane crashes and the two are subsequently stranded on an isolated island, uncharted by the modern world. In time they are captured by descendants of a band of seventeenth-century pirates who, from their base on a remote island, raid and destroy any boat that enters their "territorial waters." After enduring torture, Caine and his young…
Last reply by iPirate, -
- 16 replies
Love or hate the the movie Cutthroat Island you have to admit the Morning Star was a beautiful ship; does anyone know what happened to her?
Last reply by Poopdeck Pappy, -
- 7 replies
I just got a new phone and eager to get a more proper ringtone or few for my phone. So... be there any sites out there that have some decent piratey ringtones available? What ringtones do you have that are piratey? Anyone have any piratey ringtones to swap? Actually, is it possible to swap ringtones? ~Lady B
Last reply by Capt. Lazarus Gage, -
- 4 replies
You can now change your language from English it English Pirate! Click down on the bottom left of your profile page where it says "English" and then click "English (Pirate)" in the box that pops open. Have fun!
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 17 replies
If Pirates 4 is ever given the green light , Gore Verbinski will not be at the helm. A new Director will be attached to the project. Just... keeping you all in the loop. :angry:
Last reply by Jack Roberts, -
- 11 replies
I don't recall the exact times of the series. Been searching for when it's on when watching TV. It was on this week. This week epis was about Pirate Treasure. Anyone see it? ~Lady B
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 0 replies
OK... I might be slightly confused about this, because I'm not sure if there isn't another Steampunk Frapper map..... anyway, this is one that I am on...... (look at where California gets bent.... up in the mountains.... Silas Morgan..... That's me..... )
Last reply by Patrick Hand, -
- 0 replies
Avast ye mateys! Our crew was selected by DC Comics to compete on this month’s ZUDA competition. The name of the comic is “Pirate Eye” and the link is If ye be interested in enlisting as a privateer in our quest to conquer the DC Comics universe... ye can: - cast yer vote - add us to yer favorites - rate us with five stars - leave a comment (pirate phrases are encouraged!) - spread the word! Argh!!! The competition is for this month only. Much obliged! Rob Gervais With the Pirate Eye Crew
Last reply by eye_patch_rob, -
- 9 replies
Following the cryptic writings of an excentric scientist... a party of brave adventurers embark on a quest to discover a strange world of forgotten lore and mysterious treasure. We already have five on the docket... Any other takers?!!
Last reply by Rats, -
- 5 replies
My new non-fiction book of pirates that attacked St. Augustine, Florida is at the printers...that is the good news...the bad news is that it will only be sold aboard the Black Raven here in St. if you visit our fair city...take the tour and check out my book. It is a small book with brief on St. Augustine Pirates, how pirates lived, other famous pirates and a nautical glossary. Live Long and Plunder Well! Joe Black Raven Adventures
Last reply by King's Pyrate, -
- 0 replies
Now's your chance to get onboard with The Pyrates Way magazine and besides the free booty of collectible trading cards, you'll get a FREE CD of pirated music performed by the likes of The Brigands, The Jolly Garogers, The Drunken Ferrets, and Cindy from Clan McCool! Plus you'll get two additional issues with your subscription as The Pyrates Way grows to include SIX issues without raising the price.
Last reply by TheBlackFox, -
- 21 replies
- 3.9k views In case you never knew about Bilgemunky, he plays every Monday night at 6 pm Pacific. Good tunes from every musical genre from folk to metal, from acoustic to hip hop. Good times and you may see some folks from here in there as well. His site has information on how to join the IRC chat room for more shenanigans. Yaaaaar!
Last reply by Hawk the QM, -
- 10 replies
I watched the first 8 episodes of Pirate Master with my daughter tonight. . . now she's addicted and has the hots for Ben Fagan. . . she's only 13! I hope we get enough of the cast out in July for our Pirate Master Reunion/Pyrates Way 3rd Anniversary Par-Tay!
Last reply by TheBlackFox,