Fort Taylor
426 topics in this forum
Party like it's 1725
by Guest Angus MacVox- 21 replies
The Pyracy Pub has been named the Official Internet Discussion Group of the Pirates in Paradise Festival. To celebrate we've added a fancy new banner on our front page, check it out:
Last reply by BILLY BONES, -
- 4 replies
I've been looking at the cost of hotels in Key West, and some are really pricey. What did everyone do last year to help from keeping their plunder heavy?
Last reply by Isabella, -
Weapons Rules 1 2
by Hawkyns- 37 replies
Ahoy All! Will be going to the festival for the first time with me lady. Are there rules about weapons once we get there? Can we really wander about Key West with swords, daggers, and firearms? Are there any no-go areas? How about other establishments? Can we go in to Margaritaville fully armed? I've seen references to black powder, also. Are there safety regs and an armourer to check you out? For blade combat, do you use blunts or sharps, and is there an overall coordinating body that handles rules so that no-one actually gets spitted? Sorry if this all sounds a bit paranoid, but I've been a re-enactment safety officer for too many years. I like to know what I'…
Last reply by capnwilliam, -
- 7 replies
New Article today at Fox News.,2933,107424,00.html Fair Winds
Last reply by Lady Elaina, -
- 1 reply
PIP The final Chapter Or I DON WANNA GO HOME!!!! I would first like to wish all of you and yours a Happy Holidays….We got to spend a lot of time with the family and friends and was a great time. I would like to comment also on Nigels comments and his request for DETAILS. First.I am sure each one of us had that moment...or more than one of them while we were there...they are life changing moments and I had more than one……and Details?….heck I have slept since then…not much …but a little So…Friday broke way too early for me…but there was work to be done…. We had to find Spyder and find our assigned position for the remainder of the festival…when we found it I was m…
Last reply by Nigel, -
- 16 replies
No Quarter Given will be celebrating it's 10th Anniversary at Pirates in Paradise on Dec. 6, Saturday (next to last night of the festival). It will be held 8-11 p.m. So far, Julie of PIP has scheduled the following for entertainment: the Crimson Pirates Tortuga Mutineers Bawdy B Kat Epple The Norma Gabriel Butterfield Blues Band What else do you think we should do to celebrate TEN fabulous years? Our first issue was Nov. 1993, and I can't believe we are still going strong. Many of you have helped keep us going, through your subscriptions, letters, photos, contributions and submissions. I'd love to include as many of your ideas as possible. I thought to have …
Last reply by captain Jack S., -
- 3 replies
Part 2 Pirates in Paradise Or yikes what a week Darn…There is so much to remember that methinks I may be lost a few brainy cells down there (thanks Olaf!). Wed. Morning was our morning to sleep in… yeah ok! Was up early sitting at the pool having breakfast and enjoying the company of me mates and new friends…. Of course a little blurry eyed but still chipper… After a lazy morning (yeah)…Headed down to the Schooner Warf Bar (weren’t we just here?) And getting ready or the 1:30 sail of the Schooner Wolf. We had the opportunity to make sail on the Artist and Author Sail…Pierre, Stynky and Sheila got on board and waited with bated breath for the Wolf to pull from the …
Last reply by Capt. Westyn Elizabeth Roberts, -
- 42 replies
This year's festival is just wrapping up - what an amazing experience working and meeting pirates and wenches from all over the country. For anyone making pirate plans for 2004, put this event on your calendar, particularly the last weekend which includes the Thieves Market and Encampment, sea battles and more than 150 piratical types roaming the streets of Key West. Shopkeepers and bars love the pirates here and the event is first class. If you didn't get a chance to make it this year do plan on it for next - even if it's the only festival you attend. The weather is perfect and this is truly pirate paradise. Stay tuned to as we begin work on next y…
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 9 replies
Pirates In Paradise Or 10 days of Pillage and Plunder in Key West Part 1 By Pierre Rose2003 A Faire of the Rose earlier this year decided to attend the Pirates in Paradise Festival in Key West Florida. Little did we know what was in store for us. Leaving Chicago on Saturday Nov. 29th we drove 1600 miles arriving in Key West Monday Morning at 9:30 am… No time to rest set up for the Monday cruise ship trade on Mallory Square. The First view of Mallory Square was truly unbelievable,with the calm aqua –blue waters if the Gulf of Mexico and Christmas Tree Island in the distance were breathtaking…It was almost difficult to see where the sea and sky joined. Warm breeze…
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 9 replies
Here you go mates... hot of the presses and your all the first to know it! have a WONDERFUL time!! FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MEDIA ALERT Midnight Madness “Sail” In Key West To Kick Off The Highly Anticipated December 2 DVD/VHS Release Of CURSED GHOST SHIP BRINGS FIRST DVD TO NOTORIOUS PIRATE HIDEOUT “Pirates In Paradise Festival” Revelers Will Be The First To Purchase The Movie At Midnight On The First Ever Floating Video Store! WHAT: Avast Mateys! Ye be warned. Disney’s PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: THE CURSE OF THE BLACK PEARL will invade the 10th annual “Pirates In Paradise Festival” in Key West, Florida on Monday, December 1st to launch the highly-an…
Last reply by Charlotte Doyle, -
- 15 replies
alright mates...just so we don't be missing each other.. how bout we post: who's comin the dates you be there where you be restin your fair head
Last reply by Lady Elaina, -
- 3 replies
So, me lady and I are getting ready for the raid on Key West. Since I've never been, let me just ask a couple of final questions. Is there any time or place that I'd need to pack regular clothes? Any places that restrict pirate kit or weapons? Is there a planned meeting place and time for all members of the Pub that are going? Also, asked this in another thread but got no answer. Is PiP as wild, crazy, and adult oriented as Fantasy Fest? Lookin' forward ta meetin' ya all. Hawkyns
Last reply by Hawkyns, -
- 6 replies
For those of you wise enough to cast your lot with the Pirates in Paradise festival this year, be ready for the DVD release party of Pirates of the Caribbean. Pirates in Paradise and Disney have announced that the Pirates of the Caribbean DVD Release party will be Tuesday December 2nd at Mallory Square and the DVD will be premiered at Schooner Wharf Bar. There is going to be an additional tall ship pirate battle that day that will culminate with a grand fireworks display over the Harbor. Then the party moves to Schooner Wharf for the DVD screening! Pretty exciting stuff. Keep tuning into as we get more information from the Disney folks.
Last reply by Lady Elaina, -
- 28 replies
tyring to convince a friend to take a cruise with me in dec...just so happens the cruise stops in key west for 1/2 a day... would like to meet as many mates as possible! also requesting things we must do or see. (remember we are very limited on time, i think we are in port from 7am-2pm) any bets that we'll be the only mates on our ship in our pirate garb? thanks...
Last reply by hurricane, -
- 2 replies
I know Spyder who plays Black Ceaser at the PIP Fest. Does anyone have any contact info for him? I really need to get hold of hiim.
Last reply by Black Deacon, -
- 3 replies
Ahoy! The Pirates of the Coast is seeking someone at the festival who's freelancing who can sign onto our crewe for the duration and add some extra guitar to our band. We can send chords and CD of stuff we do. Nothing wildly fancy. We have a room available at the Holiday Inn Beachside to share at no cost to you with our conga player (a him), big passenger van to get us around (which we are all splitting the cost of) and lots of fun things planned, including being part of the Pirates of the Caribbean DVD release party and a renewal of vows by two of our crewe aboard the WOLF. Check us out at or you can see us on the entertainment page of piratesi…
Last reply by hurricane, -
- 2 replies
Tis a fine Birthday Howie a doo to the all three celebratin birthdays today. Crow, Billie Bonnie and Mad Gracie....Raise me tankard to ya and be offerin to buy ya round....pop a keg for birthday scallywags...Hi ho...
Last reply by Zephyr, -
- 28 replies
I was just wonderin...who'll be a-showin their mugs at the festival. I have te admit, I have seen a few of yer faces so many times on the NQG gallery that it feels as if'n I knows ye already. It was fer me own glory that I started this here post. I wanna meet and greet, ye know...pilfer watches, get a snootful of yer rum...ordinary piratin' stuff. REALLY: I would love to meet everyone! I think it sounds like a blast, and I want to meet as many folks as possible. The more--the merrier! Aye, Luigi? Capt. WE Roberts
Last reply by BlackDianae, -
- 27 replies
Missed the last one.. lookin' forward ta the next one.. already got me stash started fer expenses.. any date set yet?
Last reply by Sheila, -
- 9 replies
I be postin this 'ere note in this topic as is directly related ter it.... Me business A Faire of the taken special orders fer garb and leather goods ta be delivered at PIP or before ifin ye want.....ifin yer need some special made stuff....drop me an e-mail at and i be makin a couple more ventures out to Faire afore then...dressin 'em landlubbers that thinks they be pyrates....Be in Nebresky this commin weekend and in Grand Valley Michigan the week after....stop in and see us ifin ye be round... We can make yer pants shirts vests...and now a new coat be avaliable soon....also leather belts...Baldrics..sword frogs and the …
Last reply by Cap'n Coyote, -
- 22 replies
I just decided to attend. This will be my first year and my first time in the keys. Can anybody give me some tips on choosing a place to stay. I'm looking for the reasonable end of the prices. I am milking this trip off hubby as a 20th anniversary gift. Also, looks like flying into Miami will save us over $100. apiece. Anybody else going to do this. How might it work out?
Last reply by Capt. Westyn Elizabeth Roberts, -
- 1 reply
I know this is a little off the topic of pirates but each year I go to this festival I find a day during the week and plan a scuba diving trip. Any others interested?
Last reply by El Pirata, -
- 3 replies
If ye be attending and not working, which events will you choose to go to. I've never been so tell me what's a not to miss. And how soon will these fill up and how early must I start to register for events?
Last reply by Captain Luigi, -
- 12 replies
just wondering how everyone was getting there? im in illinois and if anyone where to be driveing threw i would be happy to pay for a ride.
Last reply by BlackDianae, -
- 0 replies
The crew of the Lamb Shark has adopted Billies as our home pub on this island. Looking forward to drinking there again. They love the pirates when we visit.
Last reply by Captain Luigi,