Stand around the water cask, introduce yourself & get the scuttlebutt.
2,407 topics in this forum
- 12 replies
No, I didn't fall over the side of the Royaliste when no one was looking. No, the ground didn't open up and swallow me whole (though who knows who needs recruits, an' I'm told I'm a wee devil when I wish to be..). No, Lucky Penny isn't dead. I just got commandeered by my sewing machine again. Everyone say "Now how wasn' I surprised!" The other thing that makes it a pain as well..for some reason there is somethin' on th' board (the ads I'm thinking, but it's hard to say) that doesn't let the board load when I am at work. Therefore, the time when I would be most likely to be proddin' at th' board, I can't because it won't load for me. Therefore, I can't even think of l…
Last reply by Capt. Flint, -
- 6 replies
We sail by night and trade by stars light just beyond the three mile tide we have boxes and crates filled with what men crave ..Whiskey, Rum and Rye... The law does chase us and watches our moves but we can slip them if we try and fill our pockets with gold and loot ..Whiskey, Rum and Rye... For every speakeasy and bordello you see each of them started by a few old salts who know the sea and ..Whiskey, Rum and Rye... As we sail home our boat is much lighter but our pockets are full and we sigh for each of us here remembered to keep a little ..Whiskey, Rum and Rye...
Last reply by Charity, -
- 0 replies
I know this guy, he's a young kid who has talent, like you wouldn't believe :) He made me this, (He always calls me Barbossa instead of Barbossas Pearl), it's so cute :) Mind you, it's nothing like other stuff he made, some of it is WONDERFUL! I don't know if he'd like me to show other stuff so, but i love this too. Cute artwork
Last reply by Charity, -
- 13 replies
So twas the fourth, an' me family 'ad a liddle gatherin' o' friends at our house ta watch the fireworks. We had cheese an' crackers on the porch, an' somebody wanted ta know what kind o' cheese we had. So I says, "we gots monterrey jack, gouda, and jarlsberg, which jest happens ta be a pirate's favorite kind o' cheese. yarrrrlsberg." ridiculous bad pun I know. somebody ferbid me fra tellin' jokes fer the rest o' the night, but I figgered I'd share it seein' as it is mildly piratical
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
- 28 replies
Aye there be tales of grandure to be told over my table this day. I shall have me mate bring the rum and we loose our Debochery. Raise high your glass ya scurvey dogs and tell your tales to all. For I be feelin genorous this day an offeren me own drink to ye! But iffen you take glass and not a storie have , I shall loose my dogs or war! So come one come all and hear the tales of the dread Pirates! The night was warm that mid summers eve, too warm. I was in me cabin restin me bones from the day before. The sweet trade had been good to us so far. Up above midships the two mates on gaurd watch where heavy into drink as was most of the crew that night. Now I bid th…
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 14 replies
"I be a moderne Pirate, but me troubles begin out o' the blue when I feel me kin callin' me from beyond the sands o' tyme. I find meself wishin' I cud help 'em thru the troubles they had, and I find meself wishin'...they wud jes pluck me up from a traffic' plunk me back a century or's we can have some closeness. Wryters think about these leg in moderne tymes..and the other leg way back...somehow..maybe connected thru a common emotional state o' mind. Kinda like when ya look up at the clouds an' think free thoughts...not like the ones all programmed into yer head by the chains of a non-thinkin' society...."
Last reply by the Royaliste, -
- 16 replies
I imagine the topic o sea sickness has come up before. I had it once. All I wanted...was ta get back to shore (no brainer)..and drink dill pickle juice, and cola syrup...I would have murdered someone to make it go away. I felt like I was about to die..then it got sooo bad, and I feared dyin' would bever come! arr!
Last reply by Zorg, -
- 8 replies
So, I've been thinking. As a pyrate in this modern mechanized world, what sort of professions are available that fit the pyratical temperament? The old lawbreaking methods are too easy to get caught at in this age of digital security. So far the best I've thought of is a stock market trader. Unlike normal investors who fund the growth of corporations via long-term investments, day-traders make money off the ebb and flow of money into and out of the stock market. The successful ones "steal" money from the big corporations, and perform no useful service other than "balancing the market". Who else skims profit off of the rich without giving anything in return?
Last reply by Captain Scurvy Dog, -
- 47 replies
Wel, for those of you who don't know me from the Raleigh Ren Faire or Pirates in Paradise, my name is Chris Suttle, aka Capt. Scurvy, adn before I shaved off teh beard I used to be Blackbeard. After a lot of worry, some really stressfull complications early on (my wife had ovarian cancer a few years ago) we found out today that our baby is quite healthy and I also got to find out the sex today! It's gonna be a boy!!!!!!!! So here's why I'm putting this up here, need some suggestions for pirate baby clothes adn costume ideas. Any patterns that you might know about, or evena website with infant or toddler period clothing. I'm having a hard time finding any. Any sugge…
Last reply by crimsoncrow, -
- 2 replies
With pick and shovel we started to dig for treasure buried neath the sand was hid When just a mere three feet down we hit a row of logs well set in carved in the wood were words of fear warnings and curses to not go near With backs set to it we dug them out and started to dig with a hunters shout for hunters we were, daring and bold searching for buried jewels and gold Suddenly as six feet told we came upon some bones of old covered in mud, mire and disease but something else did our eyes see Around ones neck a sign was hung with words forwarning that death would come To any and all who dug, it said That a curse upon his grave is laid We all took pause …
Last reply by Merrydeath, -
- 51 replies
....not enough swabbies..... I shoulda registered with a name like "Cabin Boy Crusty" or some-such-like. At least then, I'd know me place!
Last reply by Tattoo'd TJ, -
- 27 replies
Take this test to see how much you have had to drink in your legal life. Drinkometer or how not to buy a boat. then see how much money you spent by bending your elbow.
Last reply by Tattoo'd TJ, -
- 8 replies
To all ye mateys on land or sea, a festive 4th I wish to thee. So go and have a great party, and don't forget to have one for me. Happy Birfday America!!
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 3 replies
Here's to ye, mate!!..E'en tho ye be outta town at present, 'appy Birfday, shipmate!
Last reply by Capt. Flint, -
- 40 replies
Long hair on men? yea or nay?
Last reply by Nigel, -
anyone know where i can find a bunch of kickass pirate avatars?
Last reply by Sjöröveren, -
- 3 replies
Fire the pounders all arounders for every lass n laddy that doth sail under the Red Maple Leaf. I love Canada, its sights, its cities, smaller towns and praries, its people, its music, its everything. (Shoulda been Canadien meself ) HAPPY CANADA DAY TO YE ALL
Last reply by piratelassie, -
- 11 replies
I'm currently sampling a new rum, and I just had to share... It's from the Plantation Rum series. I've previously tried thier Trinidad rum, and it did little for me. But now I'm trying their barbardos rum and it's like... like... well, it's like getting kicked in the teeth by a sulty Spanish tavern wench wearing nothing but a solid gold boot. Danm, this is fine rum@@@. er, !!!
Last reply by Stynky Tudor, -
- 17 replies
Last reply by PyratePhil, -
- 50 replies
So help me decide this great problem... I do reinactments. I like history. I am not a history buff or historian, or whatnot. Just a regular joe who likes piracy. Now I'm a member of a pirate crewe that does live-steel combat. And we just got invited to the Sail Jax (a piratey / tall shippy event). (Supposedly some loser named Depp is going to be running around dressed as a pirate named Jimmy Pigeon or something) Anyway, we get slammed with all these rules from the historical groups. *Not from the Sail Jax folks* That say... History over Hollywood. Everything nice and proper, which I usually don't mind. Really. But no coats? I'm rambling here... must be t…
Last reply by captscurvyscrew, -
- 11 replies
Aye lass hope ye has a happy one and many more to come. Hope ye have a cake and glasses, totally filled with RUM!!
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
- 6 replies
OK, last month I was headed for Texas to work on a Civil War film, but it got pushed to mid summer. Now I'm definately flying to Pittsburg to work on a French & Indian War documentary for WQED (public TV) next week. Any pirates in Pittsburg?
Last reply by Capt. Tarkanius De Morte', -
- 3 replies
Actually just sailing I got a sponsorship to go on the Leeuwin!! (if you have no clue as to what that is, go here: ) It's a twelve-day voyage from Dampier to Exmouth both of which are in WA, and we're going through the Ningaloo reef (the not-quite-as-famous-a-the-great-barrier-reef-but-still-pretty-famous Australian reef.) woot! I get to be a real pirate (I thought of inciting the crew to mutiny and sailing to the Caribbean, but then I realised I'd get caught ridiculously quickly what with these newfangled engine-powered boat and men with guns, so I figure I'll be polite) It's in June-July I haven't been in here for ages! Sorry everyone, I'll tr…
Last reply by Capt. Tarkanius De Morte', -
- 8 replies
Here be a wish for the bestest birthday ye ever had m'lass!!! Hope it be happy!!
Last reply by Captain Emerald Shaunassey, -
- 7 replies
My son was baptised today, and I got totally drunk tonight at the reception at our house... hahahahahaha..... It was not intentional.. .... please read that part Karen............. So far I have had... A triple of whiskey..... a half bottle of wine..... a whole bottle of HARD cider and a few beers....... if this seems like a lightwieght to you.. then @##$$$%%%^^&&&**(())*^$#@#@!! you............ ha ha I'm drunk. Is anyone else even numb........ Rob just fell over so I karen have decided to finish this for him..... Obviously he is not getting any nookie tonight.. But he's so toasted I can tell him he did and he'll believe it....... HAAAAAAAAAAAA I really wro…
Last reply by Stynky Tudor,