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- 21 replies
I be new here, and I mean to take this web site as my own, ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAR HERE BE A PIC OF ME
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 23 replies
Good day; I am known as Albatross, Mad Bird one of one. I have never pillaged a village, plundered a brig, of perished in a storm. In truth I have only been out to sea once, and in that two-week voyage the sea captured my heart. I have dreamed of going back ever sense. Perhaps I am just a hopeless romantic. And now I ask, how doses one become a Pirate?
Last reply by oderlesseye, -
- 3 replies
Hi, Pub Management? Daniel here. I screwed up my ability to post. My old e-mail address,, expired some weeks ago. I decided to change it to, but when I changed it I couldn't get my validation e-mail. So here I am, reregistered under the appropriately embarrassing nickname of "Oops." I sent off an e-mail yesterday to, but I don't know if it ever got there. Is there anything to be done to revive my old account?
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 13 replies
Aye! As some of ye may know, Thes be Finn , for sum reminders " Dread Pirate Finn". After ey long time of bein gone frum ye dawgs, I have returned! So eh.. Me guess i bes new meat to lots o' ye .. Bartender! Round of Drinks for all! .... Bah! there be all my pocket coins! ..
Last reply by Durty Mick Moon, -
- 4 replies
- 326 views Secret pirate code set int' a nursery rhyme.... Fancy that..... Ye be learnin' somethin' new every day..... Here's t' readin'...... Fair Winds..... ~Foxmorton
Last reply by Captain_Finn, -
- 9 replies
Me name is Robert Thighbiter, elected Capitan of Hellion these last three years. Out of the port of. New York on the Isle of Long. Our band, The Brigands, have been appearing at a few Renn fests and Pirate festivals and are going to be going after some more this season. Hope to catch ye some day! Theres a link to our site 'o the web Cap't Rob't Thighbiter Hellion N'west 'o Sandy Hook
Last reply by Cap.Liamstarwatcher, -
- 6 replies
What do ya call a pirate .. that no longer wishes to be a pirate? That is .. one who has been a pirate (for years) .. then decides to leave the ship? The pirate is not forced to "walk the plank"; not "thrown overboard" .. the pirate just leaves? Is there a "pirate term" for that? Is there a "pirate term" for desertion?
Last reply by oderlesseye, -
- 27 replies
Ahoy from Mimi Foxmorton of the Bloomin' Bloomer! I be a piratess aboard what ye'd call a theatrical-type ship..... keepin' track o' performin' free booters an' the like an' tryin' to keep 'em somewhat under control...well, fer pirate's anyway. There be ten of us. Seven on a bad day....twelve on a' we be performin' here an' about an' where e'er enough coin be tossed our way. I look forward to a safe harbor here at yer grande' hope to be meetin' other kindred souls what can help me keep the wee bit o' sanity I've managed to bein' right hard bein' in charge of a lot of pickleheaded pirates....though I'd ne'er give up the sweet trade …
Last reply by Mimi Foxmorton, -
- 1 reply
Now here's a site that's different. Type in modern day phrase and it comes back in pirate. *Note- up above you'll see the pirate words in small red. I can't even print what I got- and no I'm not telling. Pirate Talk
Last reply by fargon, -
- 7 replies
Is anyone else having trouble accessing the No Quarter Given site? I've tried in MS Internet Exploiter and Netscape, but it won't show up properly. I'm looking for their bibliography section.
Last reply by greenighs, -
- 15 replies
The name's Jack Stifler. Captain of the Scavenger and her crew. I live in Sarasota, Florida, and host a very popular event down here called Pirate Bash. I found these forums accidentally while looking for costumes for my crew, and it's the best Pirate Forums I've seen. So, in short, nice to meet you all, and I hope to be here for a while.
Last reply by Bunnycutlass, -
- 3 replies
I hate to double post, but some of you lot never peek in at plunder (or Twill for that matter) so I wanted to give you a personal invite to join the contest over in PLUNDER If you have been thinking about making a cool signature graphic, now is the time because I am sponsoring a contest for the coolest sig graphic. Make yours now, or nominate someone elses. Nominations and entries are due in by 20 Feb. Prizes... yes there will be a prize. After the entries close, I will make a post "poll" with all the entries on it. After a week of votin' the winner will recieve a prize. Not sure yet... but it will be something usefull. A decent pirate book, A pirate T-shirt, some…
Last reply by Rummy3, -
- 1 reply
There already is a thread on “Period Camping” This discussion is on “Pyrate Camping.” The tents and gear that people and groups take when they go to a Pyrate event. Pyrates as seamen, wouldn’t really have had the tents, tables and gear that we use when we set-up a camp at an event. About the only time that Pyrates would have camped would be when they were careening their ship, and then they would have used what was available to make a camp. Lashing spars together, and covering them with old sails would make a cool looking camp, But isn’t always practical for an event. Wall tents, wedge tents, lean-tos are period tents, but I don’t think that they would have been carried…
Last reply by Capt. Bo of the WTF co., -
- 12 replies
Whensomever I finish writing a script, serious drinking is necessary. As the weather out is frightful - well, rainy, dark, and depressin', anyways, I'll buy a round here for folks to enjoy. And after a month or two o' tinkerin', it might actually be worth staging somewheres or other. Cheers to ye all!
Last reply by Mimi Foxmorton, -
Besides pirate/renaissance garb, attire, whatever. Post yer pictures of you in other costumes. Whether it be for Halloween or any other event. Here's some of mine:
Last reply by QueenLaDeDa, -
- 3 replies
Greetins all~ Not sure where t post this so I'm startin here. The Historical Maritime Combat Assoc has found a publisher for their upcoming book on maritime fighting styles. The text is done, the publisher has accepted the job, but the only thing left is photos. We would like to use the deck of a ship, be it schooner, brig, etc. something that looks relatively 18th-19th century. It doesn't need to even be seaworthy, just provide us with the backdrop for about 200 photos illustrating boarding weapons actions. The HMCA isn't making anything on this venture, in fact we're paying to have it done, so I'm afraid all we can offer is credit in the acknowledgements section to t…
Last reply by lorien_stormfeather, -
- 6 replies
hey i be lookin for a ship of any sort and i would be very greatfull if anyone already owns one could tell me where they got thiers or where to buy one or any information would br greatly appreciated
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 10 replies
Arrrr all, I jus' wanted ye t' all know o' a television mini-series that be currently bein' filmed an' be released sometime in 2006. Th' show be aptly named "Blackbeard" starrin' Angus Macfadyen as Blackbeard. 't seems th' shipmates be comin' aft! I hope ye all had a Merry Christmas an' a Happy New Voyage. Drinks be on me! Cheers!!
Last reply by Blackfoot, -
- 17 replies
Just curious to know what you all think. EXCLUDING the cast of POTC and Keith Richards, which well known persons do you think would be a good modern day pirate? My first thought would be "Dog" the Bounty Hunter and Ozzy Osborne, and (for Captain Rummy) Alice Cooper.
Last reply by greenighs, -
- 9 replies
I was sitting here adrift wondering if anyone knows of any pirate card and or dice games or where I could find rules for some online. Thanks in advance for any information. And all have a round on me.
Last reply by Mimi Foxmorton, -
- 6 replies
I've been looking off-and-on for the font used to spell out "Pirates" and "Caribbean" on the Pirates of the Caribbean cover art. So far, I've found an impressive collection of gothic fonts, but none of them are that particular font. Does anyone know if and where this font (or a re-creation thereof) exists anywhere on the Internet?
Last reply by dasNdanger, -
- 64 replies
We pyrates be a creative bunch we be..... So wot pyrate stuff are you currently working on.....? Fer meself, thar is the Buccaneer Project.... an I wanna make a BIG flag befor the S.F. Carnaval Parade at the end o' May.... I also have to order some collodian (scare stuff...) so I can be a very Scarry pyrate in th' parade. I am also re-writing rules for Pyrate Wars, the original rules were written for Legos Battles, but Legos ships are too expensive.... so I'm going to make some wooden ship models and a mold for casting Sculpy pyrate figures, then play test everything.... (great way to waste a day in the park... maybe find some pyrate recrutes)..... I want to see If I ca…
Last reply by Tempest Fitzgerald, -
- 50 replies
Thanks for taking my previous unscientific poll. Here's yet another. I won't even bother defining each. Though I have my own definitions, I'm curious as to how each of you see these terms, and if you even see distinctions between them.
Last reply by Bunnycutlass, -
- 37 replies
i am working on an article for my school paper on living history. so what made you take up a pirate flag?
Last reply by Bunnycutlass, -
- 20 replies
Alas, the piracy bug hath bitten me, and bitten me hard, for I feel infected with the urge to dress and act piratey all over again. Anyhow, I decided to put my pirately urges into something constructive, and have been working on a pirate name generator. As it is, I believe it's lacking in a few departments - so, I'd consider it a great favor if you'd all check it out and give me some suggestions as to words I could add so as to give it more variety. Pirate Name Generator I'll probably make a few more pirate-related generators in the future. Like ship names and pirates. XD
Last reply by Patrick Hand,