Beyond Pyracy
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- 14 replies
Agam Shah, IDG News Service Fri Aug 1, 7:50 PM ET US Border Agency Says It Can Seize Laptops Travelers beware: U.S. agents now have the authority to seize and retain laptops indefinitely, according to a new policy detailed in documents issued by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. As part of border search policy, government agents are now authorized to seize electronic devices and inspect documents in them, the document states. The electronic devices might include laptops, cell phones, portable music players or storage devices such as portable hard drives. Agents with U.S. Customs and Border Protection will also be allowed to translate and share documents wit…
Last reply by Red Cat Jenny, -
- 8 replies
Not a poll nor nothin' icky like that..... but ...... well heck we be Pyrates , an we drinks a bit.... or a lot...... SO it be easy..... when yer postin' drunk, just post here ... an let everyone know wots happin' (That way they/we can kinda figure out/translate wot ye were tryin' ter post in other threads...) YuP... I be... been .... drunk again....... well drinkin' just a bit......Gotta love th' rum....... Yey rum.....(somethin like that.........) < Hopefully the AA will never find this thread....... >
Last reply by theM.A.dDogge, -
- 3 replies
At last Escondito ren Faire we took out the infamous Sponge Bob...Not even a call from the govenor saved him!
Last reply by oderlesseye, -
- 6 replies
Heare be ta the Ladies Olympic sabre team.
Last reply by NastyNate, -
- 11 replies
A company with ties to Eastern Europe has been forced offline, which has helped spam levels decrease The global amount of spam e-mail sent over the past two weeks has reduced drastically after two ISPs in the United States stopped offering service to a web hosting company involved in spam. San Jose, CA- based McColo Corp. also was involved in several criminal activities aside from spam, including child pornography, IronPort said. One of the company's ISPs, Hurricane Electric, was shown evidence by a Washington Post reporter that McColo was involved in criminal activity, which led Hurricane Electric to pull the plug. Global Crossing also pulled the plug on McColo yest…
Last reply by Mission, -
- 3 replies
I was so excited about a month ago to discover that Spike had revamped Unsolved Mysteries. Since Halloween, everyday after work I've unwound from work with this program that I love. I even think they did a great job giving it some updates. Sure, most of it was still the old late 80's/early 90's mysteries but I still loved it. So when I went to watch it yesterday it was gone! I can't find any information on what happened to it or when it will play again. Does anyone know anything about what happened? As Robert Stack would say, "Perhaps you...can help solve a mystery".
Last reply by Rogue Mermaid, -
- 23 replies
I was reading a description of a dry good store in the late 19th C. this morning and it occurred to me to wonder what I might buy if I were transported there somehow. Then I started wondering about a early 18th C. London market. So, expanding on the premise a bit, I settled on the absurd quantum method Crichton (God rest 'im) came up with in Timeline for transporting people through time. So, by kitbashing these concepts I came up with a thread idea... Some conditions for those playing along: 1. You can only stay for a day. (No, you can't stay there forever. Sorry about that.) 2. You can only bring what you can carry with you and get out only what you can (reasonably…
Last reply by Ransom, -
- 28 replies
What do you do with the ghosts from your past? I seem to be oppsessed by one of mine and I can't seem to let it rest. I need to sooth a wounded soul.
Last reply by JohnnyTarr, -
Seven Deadly Sins 1 2
by Aedon- 32 replies
Alright, it's probably been done, but here it is again, and shiny hasn't been rubbed off yet. Which of the Seven Deadly Sins do you most personify? (To refresh your memory, or for those of you not raised Catholic) * Lust? * Gluttony? * Greed? * Sloth? * Wrath? * Envy? * Pride? I suppose I'd have to be pride. I'll admit I'm pretty much a narcissistic, conceited bastard when it comes down to it. Let the introspection and self-bashing commence! (Or post someone else's vice - we are pirates, you know.)
Last reply by Rev.Sam, -
- 0 replies
Ok, I have spent two days trying to get into the pub. My own computer is on the blitz and I have had to use the local library's comps. Since I have my own computer set up with remembering m'password. I could not for the life of me remember it. I asked that it be reset. BUT for some reason it wouldn't work. I asked for it be reset again. Again no luck until today. One reason is that my account was locked after so many tries, understandable. However, even after waiting for it to unlock it still said it was locked. I tried to find a way to contact the Administrator. BUT, you can't do that without being logged in. SO, my suggestion is that a link to an Administr…
Last reply by Lady Cassandra Seahawke, -
- 765 replies
Simple really matey's!Just post a quote ye likes the most! {EXAMPLE}: :) Think not disdainfully of death, but look on it with favor; for even death is one of the things that Nature wills. Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (121 AD - 180 AD),
Last reply by Red Cat Jenny, -
- 48 replies
If you could only have one job for the rest of your life, what would you want it to be? Note that I don't mean, if it were 1700 and you could only have one job, I mean right here, right now. (Warning - we tend to project our current situation into the future and that causes us to overlook potential possibilities. Don't fall willingly into that psychological trap.)
Last reply by Graydog, -
- 24 replies
What is everyone being for Halloween this year? I had a Halloween Party last Saturday and I made a Dark Helmet from Space Balls costume. It was hard to move around with that thing on my head!
Last reply by blackjohn, -
- 0 replies
Jimi Hendrix's drummer
Last reply by Matusalem, -
- 307 replies
Ok, we have discussed shaving and not shaving. Beard or not, what do you like in a man or woman. So's I put's it to you all. What is your favoite perfume or smell on a man or woman? Or what do you use? Being in Miami I get's the load of smells on the lasses. I get the latin, caribbean and everything in between. I like the citrus smelling perfumes my self. I usually wear Fierce or Issay Miyake. So lads and lasses fess up.
Last reply by Black Syren, -
- 15 replies
All you have to do is post a link to a really great place that you think others would like to see. Please no stupid videos. my link: sunlight
Last reply by Red-Handed Jill, -
This thread be for the redbeards and redlasses only. None but true redheads be posting here lest there be bloodshed. Aye. Example: Joshua Red. Tis as fine a speciman of the copper top pyrate variety as ever I've seen in these here parts. Aye. Note the proud jawline. The upturned and noble eye. Arrrrrrr! There be a fair number of redbeards among us.
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 30 replies
Did anyone else watch the live telecast of Ghost Hunters from the fort? If so, what did you think of the situation where a dis-embodied voice told the TAPS people that they didn't belong there and to get out?
Last reply by Christine, -
- 22 replies
A President, who is neither Democrat or Republican, one of the other parties instead. That would be real change! That has never happened in history. It has always been about Democrat or Republican, but someday a whole new party needs to get in there. I am neither Democrat or Republican, I don't agree with either one of them. I'm tired of it always being between those 2 parties. Perhaps someday, in my lifetime, I'll see that kind of real change and not the same old thing.
Last reply by Red Cat Jenny, -
- 3 replies
Froghearts School So anyone intrested in registering? *Grins*
Last reply by Graydog, -
- 7 replies
Hello, To all of the people who may read this. Although you may not know who I am I'd like to take this oppurtunity to introduce myself. My name is David Trevino, I am the proud husband of my wonderful wife Kim Trevino "aka" Black Syren. I normally wouldn't post on your admirable site however, I just couldn't resist the chance to extend my most deep and sincere thanks for all that you have done. I have had the honor to chat with some of Kim's friends and all I can say is "You all are truly wonderful people" I would also like to add that I would never have thought that friends that my wife so dearly loves and has never met would ever go out of your way to help our…
Last reply by Merrydeath, -
My polling place opened at 7. I left the house at 6:30, decided to get a cup of coffee, then headed over about 6:50. There was a line! I've never stood in a line to vote before. I did a head count, and there were about 70 people in front of me. By the time the doors opened there were at least 100 people in line. All told, it took me about a half an hour to get in and vote. On the way out the line was still long. It had dropped to about 60.
Last reply by Christine, -
- 1 reply
A true loss to the literary world, Michael Crichton has passed on to the other side. I am deeply saddened. He has always been one of my favorite authors. May the light of the Angels surround him and may he be blessed in the light of the Summerland. A truly great loss for all of us who enjoyed his books. He was an innovative author who challenged our thoughts and preconceived notions showing that the improbable was probable. I raise my tankard of Rum and salute this literary giant among men.
Last reply by Merrydeath, -
- 4 replies
- 1.3k views Hilarious...
Last reply by Black Syren, -
- 28 replies
No child left behind m'arse! No child actually educated or interested is more likely!
Last reply by Ransom,