Beyond Pyracy
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- 15 replies
My mother calls me a dreamer and maybe I am however, I will put forth these questions and hope that I am not alone. 1.) Have you ever felt that in this life there is more that you should be doing, or even so far as to say you should be doing something completely different with your life. Something that you just feel deep inside that compels you to keep looking for what you should be doing? Whether tis occupation wise or something else? 2.) Do you ever wish to be thought of for something 200 years from now? That some mark you made in your life will go on? That you will be remembered and not forgotten? 2.) Have you ever been…
Last reply by Animal, -
- 0 replies
The NWTA will gain national exposure this Sunday evening Jan. 25 9pmET and the rest of the coming week with the latest episode of When Weather Changed History, Washington's Weather. Don't forget to watch the members of the NWTA as they do what they do best... bring the Rev War to life! Bernard Kazwick is portraying General Washington and those who are attending Reenactor Fest 5 will see him there. So please, stop by and say Hello to him as well as other members of the NWTA for their fine portrayals. You can also view parts or the full episode on ~Lady B
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 15 replies
Have at it...unleash your inner indecision....
Last reply by Christine, -
- 32 replies
A friend of mine just sent this to me. I'm not one to forward stuff along, but I really like this plan!!! The Birk Economic Recovery PLan Hi Pals, I'm against the $85,000,000,000.00 bailout of AIG. Instead, I'm in favor of giving $85,000,000,000 to America in a We Deserve It Dividend. To make the math simple, let's assume there are 200,000,000 bonafide U.S. Citizens 18+. Our population is about 301,000,000 +/- counting every man, woman and child. So 200,000,000 might be a fair stab at adults 18 and up.. So divide 200 million adults 18+ into $85 billon that equals $425,000.00. My plan is to give $425,000 to every person 18+ as a We Deserve It Dividend. Of co…
Last reply by Morgan Dreadlocke, -
- 0 replies
Is anyone attending Dundracon in San Ramon in February?
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 0 replies
On this date, January 19th, 1942, Michael graced the world with his presence. Here's to Andrew Lloyd Webber's original Phantom of the Opera star! Have an awesome day Michael!
Last reply by Christine, -
- 35 replies
I agree with all you have said both in this post and in your other post under Firefly. BSG is a very good scifi drama, in most ways superior to Firefly. The odd thing is, with Firefly there are some episodes that stick out in my mind as being far superior to others. With BSG, its... like... how to put it into words...? Thus far, the overall quality is such that I'm having a hard time pointing to one episode and saying, "yeah, that one is great." I guess I'd liken it to Seinfeld, in that, there are scenes you remember as being great, but it is hard to remember which episode the scene was in because taken as a whole, it is just like one long string of great scenes. Las…
Last reply by blackjohn, -
Ok folks, as many of you know I have a great love for WWII russian reenacting. This is greatly due to the 95th Rifles of which I am proud to call home. I have just seen a trailer for a new Daniel Craig movie of which he is apparently a Polish or Russian resistance fighter. This is seriously ironic since I have been trying to get the resistance efforts to a respectable level... Just for the record and for folks whom are not familiar with WWII reenacting... It tends to be a common opinion that the reenactors portraying resistance fighters are less than equal, when compared to the rest or the reenacting community... I have always hoped to change that!! Unfortunately…
Last reply by blackjohn, -
- 20 replies
OK.... not lookin' fer addresses or that sorta thing, But wot does your local tourist Board say about where ya live.... ya know, alla the really pretty pictures and such..... I live in Calaveras County (that be Spanish fer "Skulls".... kinda Pyraty if it was closer ter th' Ocean......) I'm 4 miles downhill from Calaveras Big Trees State Park.... Anyway, this is wot th' Local Tourist Board says about where I live......
Last reply by Cpt Sophia M Eisley, -
- 11 replies
Talk about your snazzy racing boats... whoa.
Last reply by Black Syren, -
Second life?
by Rats- 8 replies
Found some cool pics and such which were apparently captures from second life?? What's the scoop??
Last reply by Lady Cassandra Seahawke, -
- 0 replies
As a Florida Graduate I may be a little biased but I think I just saw one of the greatest teams ever to play the game win the National Championship. Just had to say it. Utah notwithstanding.
Last reply by Captain Jim, -
- 14 replies
Who got what Pirate related yesterday? I finally got my vest and sash from Center Stage and twas too excited to stay quiet. Yaaaar! Sooooo.. who got what swag that ye be proud of? edit: oh... and Merry Post-Christmas by the way.
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 11 replies
I got arrested; turns out there be a law against hunt'n reindeer with black powder in yer back yard on Christmas morn in Port o' Los Angeles! Down at th' prison th' Constable he ask'd me "Now what would make ye think it t' be ok t' hunt reindeer in these parts?" So I told 'em "The voice in me head o'course" Th' Constable then ask'd me "Does this voice in yer head always speak t' ye lad?" "Nay" I explained t' he'm "Sometime it yells 'n screams so I must tell it t' use it's Inside voice..." Th' Constable t'was stunn'd, he proclaimed "Begad Man! Ye be as consummate a addlepate as there ever was! Now me own voice in me head be scream'n I should lock ye up fer good so as …
Last reply by Capn Bob, -
- 10 replies
well it finally happened. i was watching an episode of Dog The Bounty Hunter and have decided thats what i want to do when I grow up. I want to be a Pirate Hunter Bounty Hunter!!!!!! Why I can run around with an uber cool pepper ball gun with a really bright tactical light and a can of crowd mace just like him!!!! even though Im not a convicted fellon and CAN carry many weapons because my boss says so, unlike Dog. and after I catch the nefarious Pirate Hunters, I can give them a little sermon and cry so they know it will be okey dokey! It will be good for ratings. I wonder if i can get Grace into spandex and ride shotgun with me??? Sterling and his cronies wont have anyth…
Last reply by Silkie McDonough, -
Yep, so there I was, casually strolling through the gaming aisle, when the 4th edition D&D books caught my eye. Having no intention of buying said books (I own at least three other prior editions), I assumed I was safe in picking one up and flipping through it. Here we are, three weeks later, and I've dropped at least $100 on new stuff! My group has played once. In between, I've played a bunch of solo encounters to familiarize myself with the rules. And... I think this is my favorite edition!!! :angry: Anyone else out there caught the 4e bug?
Last reply by Rogue Mermaid, -
- 4 replies
OK so in additon to the event's and everything else I'm up to... it's time to make some of my ideas take shape! Though all I have right now is a little dinky hand cam... I'm wondering about better cameras and also editing programs. I'm sure we have a bunch of folks around here who have experience with such things and have all the advice I need... See! I have faith in you guys already! So someone please tell Ol' rats a thing or two about a thing or two, before I wet my pants and run out and buy some crazy camera and editing system without knowing what the heck I'm doing!!!??? I can work wonders with a digital camera... I just need to know the facts about video! Help m…
Last reply by Jack Roberts, -
- 20 replies
christmass is weird.... what other holiday do you sit in your living room, looking at a dead tree, eating candy from a sock ??? thought i'd share from a funny card :)
Last reply by Silkie McDonough, -
- 16 replies
As I will naught be make'n port again till next yar I just want t' share a few thoughts with me mates: Tis amazing when ye stop t' think that humans be th' only creatures upon this planet that be obsessed with th' com'n 'n go'n o' a year. We number th' years, we count th' years, we name th' years, but mostly we detest each one 'n revel in it's departure. But t' other creatures we share this life with, a year be just another day; there be no difference between December 31 and January 1, heck, there be no January, no February, no October, no December, there naught even be a summer, winter, nor fall, just more days with some hotter then others, some longer then others...j…
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 0 replies
Nothing piratical. Yet. Refinancing, so I spent a couple days cleaning. Decided I didn't need... MERP Mirkwood... Middle Earth Roleplaying Game, 2nd edition, Mirkwood supplement. If you are a Tolkien fan, books like these are worth the price just for the maps! And... British WWII Sergeant chevrons... I seriously doubt I'll be doing WWII Brit again. I have a full kit. I figured I start ditching it piecemeal.
Last reply by blackjohn, -
- 2 replies
- 471 views SO cute
Last reply by JohnnyTarr, -
- 49 replies
Well since the old post of this subject is long go...Or atleast I can't find it anywhere after searching like I'd be searching for booty(the gold kind ) I thought i'd bring it back up because I'd like to add all of you to my myspace My Myspace Page Link
Last reply by MadL, -
- 13 replies
70 hours down, 3.75 GPA! Not bad fer a dumbass old hillbilly I reckon! An 'A' and three solid "Bs" (two were 89.36 & 89.68, almost A darnitt!) If it weren't for the tragic death of our friend and the extra horses and such I think I could have done better, but heck... I'll take those grades anyday! Man I am sooooo happy I am going to get bloomin' drunk this afternoon!!! Bo...(doin a happy dance and glad no-one can see it!)
Last reply by callenish gunner, -
- 6 replies
in Ye Olde Tavern Dutch started posting a buncha stupid videos... So now we can post 'em here... You know.... the stuff that get funnier and funnier the drunker you are and the more you watch them..... Numa numa with the funny eyebrow movements... And Banana Phone You are a Pirate..... Oh yeah.... and the complete series of Bus Pirates
Last reply by Patrick Hand, -
- 0 replies
Just joined Second Life and found that there will soon be an new island dedicated for all things nautical including, I think, piratey things. So any of you a member there and if so, what do you know about the upcoming new island?
Last reply by Lady Cassandra Seahawke,