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Costume Pictures


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Oh I LOVE the Cardiassian! I've never seen anyone do one before.

Although I haven't been to "Grand Scam" in a few years....

Dang, now I want to pull out my Admiral's uniform - except it's 100% wool and VERY hot. :rolleyes:

(Note to self: In all my free time between autistic child in school/San Diego Star Wars Society/Scouting, I must join up with Stranglehold!) :rolleyes:


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.

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My 501st profile:


A still-in-progress Browncoat (Space Pyrate) from Whedon's Firefly/Serenity:


Oh yes, awesomeawesomeawesome!!! You're in 501st, eh? Nice stuff, we love the 501st. Heh. If I was an Imperial, I mean.

And Firefly!! Great costume, looks a lot like Mal's.

I can post me anime cosplay pictures later...

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Wow Gigi....I haven't seen you in the IKV Stranglehold costumes....maybe I need to cross over to the dark side too......looks like fun!


"There be the chest, inside be the gold, we took them all. Spent them and traded them. We frittered them away on drink and food and pleasurable company. The more we gave them away, the more we came to realize... the drink would not satisfy, food turned to ash in our mouths, and all the pleasurable company in the world could not slake our lust. We are cursed men....Compelled by greed we were, and now we are consumed by it."

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Gigi how did you get that green makeup all over your body so nice and even? 

Whenever I do full body paint it's all blotchy.  What do you use?  Got any tips?

I'm planning to be painted full black for Halloween and I want it to look good. B)

It was a couple of years ago and I'm trying to remember....It wasn't easy.

The paint is from a local costume shop with clown make-up, and if I recall correctly it was the biggest cake of green clown make-up I could get my hands on. It was water based, not grease paint.

I used a big make-up pad, like you use to put on powder foundation, wet the pad, loaded it with green and PATTED the make-up all over. Same thing with any kind of oil based make-up, you have to pat it on, not rub. Rubbing is what causes the streaks and lifts it off so it gets patchy. Use a lot of the paint, too. When you're done, go over everything with translucent powder to keep it all on (for a while, anyway...eventually everything sweats off).

The thing I remember about this water based stuff was that when it dried, it kept turning into powder that would just fall off, so I had to use a lot over and over. I was terrified I was gonna bump up against someone and leave green marks everywhere...but, somehow it all pulled through. :D

I hope that's helpful. What's the black for? I did a dark elf as a teenager that was a disaster!

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In the late 80's I did a Phantom of the Opera costume. I used liquid latex over half my face and on one hand. It had the intended effect - "Dr. Phorbes"esque scarring - but as the night went on, the latex loosened. My date freaked out because I was aging before her eyes. It looked like half my body was at least 100 years old, and the rest was young. A Dorian Grey nightmare for sure! B)

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?

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yea, i'd wanna see that! where do you get liquid latex anyway? i havent seen it anywhere (of course, most of my costume needs are filled at party city). oh, and anyone have any tips for turning me blue? i need to make a corpse bride costume... and i might need help to make the skeletal effect on one arm and leg as well. oh, this is going to be fun... :ph34r:

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If you live in San Diego, we get all our stuff at Gypsy Treasure. They'd have blue paint for you, and probably some skeletal prosthetics and adhesive.

Of course if you don't live in San Diego, then just forget everything I've written.


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It's gonna rub off fairly quickly anywhere your body "rubs"...armpits, cleavage, neck, etc. I try to make a bag or pouch of some sort part of the costume that I can carry my touch up stuff in and try to work the costume so most of the rubbing parts aren't showing so I don't have to paint them (which works out mostly to be just the armpits!) You can layer things, too, to create an effect. I put on green tights that matched the body paint and then put fishnet stockings over them so I didn't have to paint my legs. Gloves are a good idea so you can actually use your hands without leaving color everywhere.

I think the green lasted a few hours. Washing it all off is a major wreck in the bathroom. You can count on ruining a few towels and probably taking two to three showers to get it all off.

We use, of all things, baby wipes to remove most of the make-up pre-shower.

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