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Filming has begun...possible spoilers ahead

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Yeah, you guys are right!

It's POTC and it will be great, 'nuff said ;)

Sorry for taking it too serious for a short moment there.

I would NOT want to meet anybody from Barbossa crew down a dark alley

Oh i wouldn't mind running into Grapple though :lol:

I wouldn't mind at all..no sirrey, i'd actually enjoy it i think :huh:

Let alone Barbossa himself.. :lol:

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  Charity said:
Oh i wouldn't mind running into Grapple though :lol:

I wouldn't mind at all..no sirrey, i'd actually enjoy it i think ;)

Let alone Barbossa himself.. :lol:

Is Grapple the one that hooks Will around the throat and says, "Say good-bye!!"? Because I would totally second your sentiments on that one, then. :huh:

"Pirates ... were of that old breed of rover whose port lay always a little farther on, a little beyond the skyline ... if they lived riotously let it be urged in their favor that at least they lived."

~ John Masefield

Those who live by the sword, get shot instead.


  Charity said:
I would NOT want to meet anybody from Barbossa crew down a dark alley

Oh i wouldn't mind running into Grapple though :lol:

I wouldn't mind at all..no sirrey, i'd actually enjoy it i think :D

Let alone Barbossa himself.. :lol:

Yeah, but you had said before in another post that Barbossa isn't real, just fiction. I for one see him as very real cuz Geoffrey Rush is very much real! He breathed life into that character, made him quite believable. Just like how Johnny Depp did with Captain Jack as well. And also, there are guys dressing up as these characters as well, making them even more real. I may even get my guyfriend to dress up as Barbossa as well someday too. Already has the long hair for him and so on......how nice that would be...... :D


Yeah, but you had said before in another post that Barbossa isn't real, just fiction. I for one see him as very real cuz Geoffrey Rush is very much real! He breathed life into that character, made him quite believable. Just like how Johnny Depp did with Captain Jack as well. And also, there are guys dressing up as these characters as well, making them even more real.

HAHA totally 100 true :lol:

I stand corrected :)

  Charity said:
Yes and yes, it is him (and he's ayummy one eh? :o ) and yes, unfortunitely he died.

This is a great site honoring him:

Toasting Trevor


He DIED?!?

Oh man, I think that news just broke my heart ...

Anybody know what happened??

"Pirates ... were of that old breed of rover whose port lay always a little farther on, a little beyond the skyline ... if they lived riotously let it be urged in their favor that at least they lived."

~ John Masefield

Those who live by the sword, get shot instead.



Most common version says he died of drug overdose after a very heavy time including divorce and the custody business of his children.

Someone else said JD said he had a heart attack, so how?

Not precisely clear but it is sad as he was clearly loved by all.


The reason doesn't really matter anyway, he is gone and he had many loved ones including children.

He was a great actor too, i know i'll miss him in POTC.


That sucks... I thought his character on JAG was pretty cool... too bad...

On a little lighter note, I saw on IMDB that they list actress Sammi Hanratty as "Cora Sparrow"... I looked her up, and she is about 10 or 12... Jack's daughter? Niece?


Ship's Marksman & Crab Fiend

Pyrates of the Coast

"All the skill in the world goes out the window if an angel pisses in the flintlock of your musket."

"Florida points like a guiding thumb, To the southern isles of rumba and rum, To the mystery cities and haunted seas, Of the Spanish Main and the Caribbees..."


Ugh, it sounds like this is going to be stupid! Whenever Disney adds kids to the sequels it ends up being really lame. I've already heard from people I know up in LA how the 3rd Pirates needed to be re-written. Johnny Depp found it to be very dumb and walked away from it. They of course want him to stay so it's being re-written.


Here ya go, my Disney Sis... found these descriptions of a soon to be released trailer... are these for real? Who knows, but it sounds good...

Descriptions of PotC 2 Trailers...


Ship's Marksman & Crab Fiend

Pyrates of the Coast

"All the skill in the world goes out the window if an angel pisses in the flintlock of your musket."

"Florida points like a guiding thumb, To the southern isles of rumba and rum, To the mystery cities and haunted seas, Of the Spanish Main and the Caribbees..."


I actually saw all the sneak peak stuff at the Disney panel at San Diego Comic Con. They said it was never before seen stuff, only the Disney employees of course saw it. Yeah, it looks pretty cool! The part with Johnny running around with the cannibals and the witch doctor made me go, "uh.....yeah, right!" lol! I've come to realize that nothing is set in stone with the way Hollywood works. I've learned that from my actor and other industry friends.

I saw on IMDB that they list actress Sammi Hanratty as "Cora Sparrow"... I looked her up, and she is about 10 or 12... Jack's daughter?  Niece?

From what I've heard, she's going to be Jack's niece ... which relieves the heck outta me, let me tell ya; I love the idea of bringing in Jack's family (his father and niece and so on), but if they go too far with it, it might lose some of its charm -- and I'm not sure we need to give Jack Sparrow a daughter!

Have faith, positive thoughts.

Amen. Sequels are always _very very very_ scary things ... but maybe if we just keep thoughts positive then all will be well ...

"Pirates ... were of that old breed of rover whose port lay always a little farther on, a little beyond the skyline ... if they lived riotously let it be urged in their favor that at least they lived."

~ John Masefield

Those who live by the sword, get shot instead.



Well, if Christine's news is true it seems to already have gone into the wrong direction..

I cannot see Depp leaving just like that.

I hope it'll be as great as we imagined it, the d*mn thing is 'tis so long yet..2 years..dang!


I would trust anything unless I hears it from Iron Bess herself. Otherwise it's just rumour. She has said again and again that the writers have not written anything for Keith Richards and there is no place in the scripts for him. That's good enough for me! :)


Uhm..okkk but what if she said it because it just wasn't supposed to come out?

I don't trust any rumours but if Johnny Depp tells it himself in an interview, which he did, i believe it to be true.


Okay, here we go...

Yes, I know I've been gone awhile and I don't feel like reading through all of this. I will just comment on a few things I've seen in the last few posts. If you have other questions ask me.

First, No, Depp never walked away from anything. He is too much of a professional. Besides, he loves the script and the story line. (more then I do)

Second, yes Depp said on TV that Richards was going to be in the film. This was to MUCH chagrin by the writers and Disney in general because Richards has not signed to do anything nor has anything even been remotely written for him. It's Johnny himself that wants it so badly and by saying it aloud he hopes Richards will agree. NOTHING has yet been decided on as far as that goes and no, I didn't say that before to hide any truth Charity. If I cannot tell you all something I know about this movie I simply do not comment. I don't lie about it.

Yes I've seen the working trailer and it sucks. The key here is *working* trailer. They will edit and work on that piece of junk. Don;t judge the final film by seeing that.

Filming begins again at the studio next week.

Nice to be home. :lol:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



Well, as I said, I got my news from friends who are actors and industry people who are involved with people who work at Disney. They go to the studios often for voice-over work and such. I've heard all kinds of things, all different stuff. So again, I'll just wait and see what actually happens.

Besides, [Depp] loves the script and the story line. (more then I do)

I was thinking about this the other day. I was thinking about the things we're heard about cannibals roasting Jack on a stick over a fire, and Will and Jack fighting the giant squid from Hogwarts and so on (well, it's SOMETHING like that, right? *grins*), and all of that ... and I was starting to think to myself, "Oh, this is starting to sound _stupid_, I'm going to be so very very upset if it's stupid, what are they thinking?! Please don't let it be stupid ..."

And then I thought back to the original movie for a bit. Now, the first movie consists of Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, and the British Royal Navy running around and fighting these undead skeletons for two and a half hours. When you put it like THAT, the original POTC doesn't sound any better than a B-rated horror flick (if even that good). "People fighting undead skeletons" sounds like a corny, silly, _unworkable_ film.

And yet, POTC is none of these things ... so, as silly as some plot lines sound to us now (and many of 'em may be rumors yet anyway), they will probably end up being just as fun and completely awesome as the "corny undead skeletons" ended up being in the first film. I mean, really! ;-)

It's Johnny himself that wants it so badly and by saying it aloud he hopes Richards will agree.

Yeah, I can see that! *grins* I mean, I've never met the guy, I've never even seen the guy in person ... but this sounds Depp-ish if you ask me. ;-) You can't blame the guy for wanting to work on a film with one of his heroes ... but he must drive the writers and Disney nuts when he says this sort of thing! *grins again* From what I've gathered about Johnny Depp from watching him in interviews, and hearing actors and actresses who have worked with him talking about him -- he's one of the nicest, kindest, most respectful-of-others guys in the world ... but he also sounds like, once he gets a bee in his bonnet (not that Johnny Depp wears bonnets ;-D), he's not likely to let it go. Which is a good thing, most of the time -- I tend to be that way myself.

But it'll drive his producers in Hollywood crazy. ;-D

Yes I've seen the working trailer and it sucks. The key here is *working* trailer.

Remember the first teaser trailer? The FIRST teaser trailer?! Which consisted mostly of the camera running past ocean waves while incredibly silly phrases flashed across the screen in a cheap-o white font? (And if you don't know how a font can look cheap, then you don't remember this preview. ;-D) That preview made POTC look _terrible_ ... but it was, of course, dead wrong. Even after they fix this trailer and release it -- even if it stilly doesn't make the sequel look cool, I won't be surprised if it's an awesome film anyway. There have been so _horrid_ trailers for really great films (and vice versa) ... the original POTC being the perfect example!

Thanks for all the updates, Iron Bess. I'm feeling much less afraid now. :) My only question that I desperately want answered is, "Did the writers lose their minds and give Jack Sparrow a Mary-Sue-type One-True-Love-sort of love interest, or did they spare us that?!??" ... but I also know perfectly well that you can't answer anything THAT big (though you will notice I couldn't help but ask it anyway; I really couldn't help myself) ... but I know better. *grins* So, once again, I'll just say thank ye kindly, Iron Bess; these updates are fantastic. Have a round on me!!


"Pirates ... were of that old breed of rover whose port lay always a little farther on, a little beyond the skyline ... if they lived riotously let it be urged in their favor that at least they lived."

~ John Masefield

Those who live by the sword, get shot instead.


  Capt. Morgan said:
Here ya go, my Disney Sis... found these descriptions of a soon to be released trailer... are these for real? Who knows, but it sounds good...

Descriptions of PotC 2 Trailers...

Yep.... as a matter of fact, that's the one we saw. ;)

I'd say it's pretty accurate. ;)

Yo Ho. ;)

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


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