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POTC 2&3 Rumors, none verified

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You're a wicked, evil, WONDERFUL woman, Iron Bess! *grins and shakes his head*


Ship's Marksman & Crab Fiend

Pyrates of the Coast

"All the skill in the world goes out the window if an angel pisses in the flintlock of your musket."

"Florida points like a guiding thumb, To the southern isles of rumba and rum, To the mystery cities and haunted seas, Of the Spanish Main and the Caribbees..."

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You're a wicked, evil, WONDERFUL woman, Iron Bess! *grins and shakes his head*

(snickers from behind her cupped hand....) :ph34r:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


Guest SirenSong

Aye Bess most wicked! Tell them to hurry up so I can go see it already...*sighs with frustration and great anticipation*


Well, this is not telling any tales out of school so...

Filming begins here on the lot on February 14th.

Happy Valentines Day m'dears! :ph34r:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


Have they decided on extras yet? Just curious.

No, not for awhile yet. :ph34r:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



Well, I ask, cuz I read this:


Sande Alessi Casting has listed the names of about 30 men chosen to play pirates and other roles in POTC 2. They have all of them listed by parts.

Turkish guards, Tortuga ( which will be in LA ), Dutchmen in LA, Dutch pirates for the Caribbean, prisoners for LA, black pirates and Dominicans.

Sande listed all the names on their hotline. They have no shoot schedule for now since Gore and all are out on a location scout in the Caribbean right now. If you name was listed, just to stay tuned and do not contact them.

They also mentioned that Gore has not gone through all of the cards from the first auditions..... so if you have not gotten called, you still may have a chance for POTC 2.

Fittings will start in the next week or two. Plus they will start the scouting for POTC 3 soon.

No info yet on the ladies who tried out but stay tuned.

They still need the cannibals and odd looking pirates so if you know anyone send them on down to the casting office.

But this has started popping up on several legit news sources:


Next 'Pirates' film plot revealed

Thursday, February 3 2005, 11:48 GMT -- by Daniel Saney

Everyone, just two posts above quoted is a post of mine about the very same thing WITH a link to the sound recordings of the investor's conference of Disney.

First they talk a whole lot of business and then anounce this about the next movie's plot.

It's definitely not a rumour, it's legit. :)

I didn't find it, someone in a group posted it, and it's the first one that finally was from official sources, makes a nice change to all the rumours on internet indeed :)

Well, I ask, cuz I read this:


Well.... if you *read* that then you already had the information.

30 *specific type* people have been contacted.

Extras..... no. People still have a chance.

Call your hot line and you'll find out what you need to know. B)

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



Someone in the Pirates_of_the_Caribbean yaho group who says she has a friend in Hollywood posted this:

<<The casting agents are currently (as of 2/2/05) looking for the following


Piratical-looking men who are lean and hungry-looking, especially

African-Americans (long dreadlocks a plus!), mixed race and character-looking

skinny Caucasian guys. Nobody overweight -- must look as if you live on rum and

vegetables. These need to be good actors; acting background is preferred. They

need a LOT of pirates. Most of these will be sent to the Caribbean for location


Need a lot of Asian male pirates -- also very thin and lean.

Need a LOT of African or African-American people (male and female) with very

dark skin, very lean, no body fat, for the voodoo scenes.

Need Thai, Indonesian, Filipino, Pacific Islander or Asian people (male and

female) for the cannibal scenes -- need about 150 people. Some of these could

be speaking roles.

Need a weathered-looking older Arabic man to play an elderly Bedouin. He needs

to be very angular and thin -- can be in his 40s or 50s, but needs to look

older, 60s or 70s. This is definitely a principal role. He will be taught how

to act if he doesn't know how -- they just need someone who looks the part.>>>>>

Sounds very interesting and i suddenly have a vision..i think at the end, voodoo scenes..you see Barbossa coming back alive, and then...it's over.

It would be promising and very interesting LOL..


GAAAAHHHHHHH! VOO-DOO scenes??!! I SO know this is gonna be just like Weekend at Bernie 2...

Pirates of the Caribbean: Weekend at Barbossa's II

plot summary:

In a continuation of the story in Pirates of the Caribbean, Jack and Will are wrongly accused of Barbossa's acts of piracy and are promptly condemned to death. To clear their names, and to get some well-deserved compensation, the two use the voodoo-revived corpse of Barbossa to track down the hidden loot. Unfortunately, the voodoo spell didn't quite work, and Barbossa can only move when he hears catchy Calypso music...




i suddenly have a vision..i think at the end, voodoo scenes..you see Barbossa coming back alive, and then...it's over.

It would be promising and very interesting LOL..

Uh..... no. :rolleyes:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


Without giving anything away Bess, will Barbossa be in the 2nd movie longer than 10 minutes?

Ooooooooo... sorry lass, I canna say one way or the other. :rolleyes:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


Need a weathered-looking older Arabic man to play an elderly Bedouin. He needs

to be very angular and thin -- can be in his 40s or 50s, but needs to look

older, 60s or 70s. This is definitely a principal role. He will be taught how

to act if he doesn't know how -- they just need someone who looks the part.>>>>>[/b]

Sounds like Keith Ricards would be perfect for this part. He could pass as bedioun not to mention lean weathered looking in 60-70's. :lol:

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.


More insights on the Keith Richards thing, more news and GREAT news on an official fansite for the trilogy!

Are Disney's "Pirates" sequels about to set sail without Keith Richards?

It's less than two weeks 'til production is actually due to begin on those two high-anticipated follow-ups to "The Curse of the Black Pearl." But -- based on what Jim Hill has been hearing lately -- this Rolling Stone vet may have already passed on the opportunity to play Capt. Jack Sparrow's pop. Plus other "Pirates" -related news.

by Jim Hill

Late last fall, it was all that "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" fans could talk about. The rumor that Keith Richards -- the rock legend who supposedly inspired Johnny Depp's performance in the first "Pirates" picture -- had agreed to play Capt. Jack Sparrow's dad in the sequels.

Well, with less than two weeks to go 'til the official start of production, word has begun leaking out of producer Jerry Bruckheimer's office that it might be a bit premature to definitively say that the Rolling Stones vet is definitely going to appear in "Dead Man's Chest" as well as the yet-to-be-named third fim in the series.

"What's the problem?," you ask. Well, it appears that Disney's reps & Keith's people can't quite come to terms over what Richards' share of the "Pirates" booty should be. Given that Depp is reportedly recieving more than $20 million (as well as a chunk of the picture's back end) to reprise his role as Capt. Jack, Keith was supposedly looking for a similiar sized check to play Johnny's pappy. And -- given that Richards was only supposed to spend four days shooting his part of the picture (Whereas Depp will be on-set for the full 8-to-10 months that "Pirates II" & "III" are in production) -- Well ... I guess you can understand why the Mouse might be reluctant to give this rock star a seven figure salary for what is basically a glorified cameo.

That said ... Folks close to Bruckheimer's production office still say that it's still way too early to count Keith out. "We're going to try & keep the lines of communication open," said one un-named insider."With the hope that -- sometime between now and the end of October -- we can come to some sort of financial arrangement that both sides can live with. We still very much want Keith Richards to be a part of these pictures. To have Sparrow father & son on screen together. But -- as of this moment -- the numbers just aren't lining up. Maybe further on down the line, they will."

If this bit of bad press weren't bad enough ... Disney also finds itself dealing with Charles Williams, the chief of the Carib Indians. Who is said to be upset with the scenes for the sequel that will be shot on his home island of Dominica. Which will reportedly feature cannibalism. Which Williams sees an insult to the island's indigenous people.

Said one clearly frustrated member of the "Pirates" production team:

"Talk about making something out of nothing. We're not shooting a documentary that alleges that the Carib Indians ever indulged in cannibalism. We're shooting a big budget fantasy film where pretend pirates are threatened by pretend cannibals.

Though officials from Walt Disney Pictures have yet to officially comment on this somewhat sensitive issue, Bruckheimer's people are reportedly already talking with the film's director -- Gore Verbinksi -- about what they can possibly do to deal with Williams' complaints. After all, changing the shooting location for these back-to-back sequels isn't really an option this late in the game. By that I mean: Given that "Pirates" is supposed to shoot on Dominica for six-to-eight weeks, set construction for the films has already been underway for quite some time now.

Okay ... Enough with the bad news coming out of the "Pirates II" & "III" production offices. How would you folkslike to hear some good news associated with these two films?

Well, for starters, all you "Pirates" fans out there better start making room on your book shelves. For I hear that Jason Surrell (AKA the author of such well-received volumes as "The Haunted Mansion: From the Magic Kingdom to the Movies" and "Screenplay by Disney") has not one but two "Pirates" related books in the works. The first volume -- tentatively titled "Pirates of the Caribbean: From the Magic Kingdom to the Movies" -- will reportedly hit bookstore shelves sometime this fall. While a yet-untitled follow-up (which will cover the production of all three "Pirates" films) will be released in the Spring of 2007. Just before the third film in the trilogy rolls into theaters.

Also ... Speaking of fun "Pirates" - related stuff that we can all look forward to ... I hear that an official fan site for the "Pirates" trilogy will soon be popping up on the web. Given the folks who are associated with this project, I think that I can safely predict that this new website will be a hell of a lot of fun to visit. So -- as soon as I know the official URL -- I'll be sure and pass that info along to JHM readers.

Anyway ... That's pretty much it for today's "Pirates" related news. In the meantime, I'll keep you posted on what's going on with Disney's negotiations with Mr. Richards & Chief Williams. Though I can't help but think that both of these issues could be quickly dealt with were the Mouse to hire a real cannibal to to meet with Keith & Charles.

By that I mean: Wouldn't you be in a hurry to reach a settlement if the person across the table from you were to say something like:

"Please sign on the dotted line. Otherwise I'll eat your spine."

Your thoughts?

  • 2 weeks later...

Avast there mateys, I be the one that Mr Hill was referrin' to in his post about the official Pirates fan site:

I hear that an official fan site for the "Pirates" trilogy will soon be popping up on the web. Given the folks who are associated with this project, I think that I can safely predict that this new website will be a hell of a lot of fun to visit. So -- as soon as I know the official URL -- I'll be sure and pass that info along to JHM readers.

The URL is http://www.KeepToTheCode.com

The site is acceptin' mailin' list additions right now and will go fully live on March 18.


I know Jim was having some access trouble last week, so that may be why he's not mentioned it yet. The site is a production of DizHub.com, which I co-run with three other people.

The reason Jim couldn't mention the URL in that article is that it wasn't live yet. We didn't tell anyone what it was until it went live two days later.


Jason's working on "Pirates of the Caribbean: From the Magic Kingdom to the Movies" now, and there will also be a second Pirates book in 2007.

The first one (the cover is posted at KeepToTheCode.com) will be in 3 sections from what he tells us:

1) Designing the original Disneyland ride, including abandoned concepts and some concept art that's never been published before;

2) The ride itself, and

3) Transitioning the ride into the film.

The second one is "Pirates of the Caribbean: Making the Movie Trilogy" (working title). It should be out in spring 07.


OH YEAH.....keep the good news coming, i'm drooling at the thought of getting those books.

I've got a HUGE hard cover book i bought in Disneyland, it's called Disneyland from scetch to reality, and it's got a good amount of pics info etc about POTC but these books cover ONLY POTC, seems a must for the fan :)

Thanks for the info.


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