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We are building a full scale replica of the Rotter Lowe may be done next summer, anyone interested

She is 90 feet long and 27 feet wide, and she is a mean pirate machine and she has has cannons to. She will be sailin' in june. All I need is a crew and music and all the pirates I can put on her.

Capt. Bloody Jack Flint


She is called the Busty Wench, and she will be ported at Coos Bay, Or. And we will sail from there to Pirates in Paradise and any other pirate meeting they be . You are wecome to sail with us, matey.....

Capt. Bloody Jack Flint B)

B) Hmmmm. I had another post wot disappeared here. Whassup? Anyway, I'm a bench sitter on several wooden boat forums and have heard nothing of your construction. More details,please. type of scantlings, const. type,clinker, carvel,?Plank mat'l,fastenings, brand of cannons? Designer?Rig type,sail plan, type of keel?Rudder?Powerplant? B)
B) Grace, have ye checked the 'tall ships list' on NQG, or Mark Rosensteins Sailing Page for a ship near you? I know they are out there, although its the time of year for big events(Tall Ships 2003 Great Lakes) :)

Where's the NQG list at? I am working my way thru Mark Rosenstein's list. It's time consuming but sooner or later I'll get a hit. He's listed alphabetically so you need to open each listing til you find their home port.

I have been on the Meerwald here in Atlantic City. I'm thinking long term, so mainly I'm trying to pull the schedule and see when they'll be home next.

Alot are heading out for Tall Ships.


B) All we was askin was a little news on the new ship , you knows , like where the keel is bein laid an what type o matterials is gona be used an what yard she will built in. But it seems that that there Capt'n flint is touchier than a bad tooth on the subject. An I lay to it he may just be pullin our hauser , it be up to him to prove us wrong eh lads ?


Lord above please send a dove with wings as sharp as razors , to cuts the throats of them there blokes what sells bad booze to sailors ..

" Illigitimiti non carborundum . "


Make sure you 're talkin about the right Capt. Flint mates. I be the one who came up with me own name and didn't get it from whats my pirate name site. it seems a lot of folks are using this site for thier names and they are all bloody or iron or whatever something flint. Use your imagination people. Be a little creative. It will be more fun for you ...

The "original " Capt. Flint



(Bowing to the "original" Captain Flint)...

Hey, man! I believe you cheated as well. Captain Flint was in Treasure Island...ha!

Just jerkin' yer wooden leg, Cap'n! Who cares about a name? Of course, if some scurvy dog comes a-stealin' mine, they'll have a mighty high price to pay. I MADE UP THIS NAME! Spelled wrong on purpose and stamped with a date, so it's legal!

Did I just get out of line again? Oh well...it's late.

Whatever happened to dear Bloody Jack? I thought he would give us specs on what types of wood would be used. The Royaliste did just that without being asked. Cedar over oak. Very nice. Very aeromatic. Lovely. I'd like to sail on it one day. Also, I wonder what Mr. Jack was going to make sails out of...or was he going to cheat and buy them from a supplier? That wouldn't be very "original" pirate-like of him, since he was so hell-bent on making one authentic.

Come on, Jack! Show us pictures!!!!


Capt. WE Roberts

"I shall uphold my indignity with the utmost dignity befitting a person of my undignified station."

  Capt. Flint said:
Make sure you 're talkin about the right Capt. Flint mates. I be the one who came up with me own name and didn't get it from whats my pirate name site. it seems a lot of folks are using this site for thier names and they are all bloody or iron or whatever something flint. Use your imagination people. Be a little creative. It will be more fun for you ...

The "original " Capt. Flint


:) Beggin yer pardon Cap'n as I know thee to be the one an only Cap'n Flint but this here place seems to be showing more flint than a brittish frigate . As fer imagination it is a sorry state that a feller finds hisown self in when he needs a machine to tell him who he is.. So to the real Captain Flint I says Fair winds an smooth sailin an to all you others I say ye best watch the horizon fer strange sails an black flags


Lord above please send a dove with wings as sharp as razors , to cuts the throats of them there blokes what sells bad booze to sailors ..

" Illigitimiti non carborundum . "


Mad Mary... I was payin you no insult lass. I was trying to reply to a comment made about a capt. flint and simply wanted everyone to know who it was...... not me........... To all the rest of ye, I say fair winds and smooth sailing. In my dreams the good ship Margaret is open to all who want to sail. In my reality, my little boat.. Maggies Smile is a fun way to take any of ye fishin; if'n we ever meet.


fast is good, but, accurate is better....... Wyatt Earp


Okay, Cap'n. I understand. Actually, I'm lookin' to change me name, but to what I'm not quite sure yet. And I needs to be findin' me a good ship name too... Think, think, think...


Iam not trying to upset anyone, but when someone says crap I will responed. As for Mr. Royalist , I will not pay attention anymore. I lost one dream, and I will not lose this one. Anyone who is still interested in sailing with me are welcome.

And as for you Mr. Royalist, do you give sailing lessons for Tall Ships. If you do, what do you charge and when will you do it. I have sailed small craft, but not large ones. I am not doing this to make-up, but to prove a point. That I am a better man to admit that I was wrong.

All I what to do is to sail the seven seas and not fight with other Pirates, and to be with other Pirates, and will not let no pirate sink my dream of 30 years, So Mr. Royalist, I stand down and push on with my dream.

Thank you all, and if you will still have me , I will love to talk with all of you.

Captain Morgan ( not to piss off Capt. Flint, I changed my Name)


Hey me hartys,

I am back and ready, and Capt. Flint you have your name to yourself. Once Capt. Bloody Jack Flint is now Captain Morgan.

The Captain

If ye be pirates, then come sail with me.

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