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Bloody Bloomin' 'eck?????????

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Oh, and when me has time I'll be gettin a pic of meself for me avatar instead o mister death!

aaarrrr some more!!


"They'll have to kill me before I die"


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fer my part, aye, I be on the young side. I knows bein' 18 doesn't entitle me ta havin' any kind o' real experience wi' anythin' whatsoever, but I thinks that if'n we discourages young'ns (meself included) then there's no possible way any o' us will get excited abou' pirates, which is the reason I joined this forum. I'll allow that sometimes we can be annoyin' an' sometimes we show our greenness an' maybe unwittlingly embarass oursel's, but I'm willin' ter wager that somewheres back along, every one o' the adults has done tha' too.

That said, I agrees completely wi' the fact that sometimes there seems ta be an excess o' posts tha' are completely inconsequential an' annoyin' by the pups in question. An' I ain't sayin' I'm innocent o' that, but methinks tis a wee bit o'erboard (pardon the extreme corniness) ter ban genuinely interested young folk from the pub.

[steppin down from oerturned barrel]

So pass the gingerale! An' reg'lar ale too. :P

PS I HAVE been without internet fer more'n a week. Six weeks in fact, an' I were doin sea turtle taggin. on a boat.

  Duchess said:
are not we all 16 years of age and 36-24-36 on this ye' ole internet?


The Duchess

16 and 36-24-36? Those are the undercover FBI agents working on sting operations.


Just speaking for myself, age is no big issue. It's content that I'm seeking. So for me, here's the lay of it. There are places here for off-topic chatter. Lets keep it in those places.

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I agree with most of what has been said, I think the biggest part of the prob is with the ranking system. Noone wants to be a "Bilge Rat" or "Deck Swabber" for very long, so they post and post to every topic so that one day they can be a "Dreaded Pirate" or what ever it is for the most postings. The fact is the rankings on this really mean nothing to most people. When I read something that inspires a reply I look at that persons bio, how long have they been a member, and other posts they have done. A better ranking might be how long they have been an active member, but even then does it really matter?

As for the age thing, I was 16 once (A loooong time ago) and did some dumb things back then trying to fit in with the crew. Most of the "Young Ones" learn fast and step in line, the others get bored and go away. I have read some pretty good stuff by a few of the youngins here, and a few goofy things too, but it all works out in the end.

Bottom line; Don't post for the numbers, post to add to the topic.

Now, Ifin ye need me I'll be in the bilge scurryin' about!


As I have always loved the sea and I can't remember a time where I didn't love tall ships an the culture that goes with em . I don't believe age is the question , the question is the sinserity of those wishing to gain knowledge of the tymes an the traditions of things nautical . Them other ropeyarn mother pleasers what tries to pass themselves off as pyrates will show themselves for what they are quick enough an they won't last long when the rest o the crew shuns them . There is a a lot of knowledge and information here for those who are interested and the rest will evetually get bored an head back to their rpg soon enough . B)

Lord above please send a dove with wings as sharp as razors , to cuts the throats of them there blokes what sells bad booze to sailors ..

" Illigitimiti non carborundum . "


Aye...Tis me turn ta make some noise.

It was mentioned that some are here to watch their ranking go up.....I just noticed that I stopped watching my rank a while back.

I also agree that if ye ignore the "knats"...they will go away.

If the "unwanted" come into the Pub, they'll walk right back out after they figure out that they are actually "unwanted".

Isn't there a way to delete members that joined for the heck of it and never posted?

One more thing...

Here's ta all ye who be standin' up on yer boxes! B)


"Quarter" Master

Pyrates of the Coast

"Permit me aboard and I'll be takin' over yer ship...

Don't permit me aboard and I'll still take over yer ship"


I know I don't post alot, but I do try not to post nonsense either... and I am 24 years old, married, and have 2 kids. (that being the primary reason I haven't stowed away aboard the Royaliste...) :lol:


Captain of the Iron Lotus

It is the angle that holds the rope, not the size of the hole.

Ya know, this is the reason I love reading and posting on this forum -- this has to be a collection of some of the most reasonable, intelligent people I've met. I guess I pretty much agree with all of you. We all are concerned that about the quality of discussions, but we certainly don't want to discourage anyone with a genuine interest in our main topic - pirates. Sometimes we are "playing" pirates, sometime we are talking about historical pirates, sometimes were just sharing our lives in Beyond Piracy. Many will join, few will stay on account. "Adult" behavior is in the eye of the beholder. If you become annoying here, someone will call you on it, no matter what your age. If you make friends here, you'll have lots to talk about.

My soapbox, however: rank, smank. I'd rather those rankings didn't even exist. I remember the fuss when the criteria changed when Bloody Buckets took over -- people took it as "demoted". Honestly! (Not to take away anything from you "Legends", mind you. Royaliste, Merry -- it isn't the number of posts that has made you "Legends" )

OK, I'm off the soapbox now.

But I mean what I said about the population of this Pub. Always good dialog, even on controversial subjects.:)


Aye Red!

Where ye been????


"Quarter" Master

Pyrates of the Coast

"Permit me aboard and I'll be takin' over yer ship...

Don't permit me aboard and I'll still take over yer ship"


i'm a bit embarressed to reply to this, 'aving just started posting again after a several month travelling expedition (I do try to live up to my title)

but i've been on the ugly of youth for a while, and methinks i'm salty enough to say, darn kids!

not much to add, but I concur with what's been said.

though, since all good pirates should be able to spin tales and handle their grog at a young age, I say we give the sods a chance.


I'm trying to look at the picture from both sides.

There are a number of people who join, who either have an email address here (like my friend Boats does) or just would rather read the posts. That doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed here. Many read the posts and do learn things about pirates that they didn't know before. Many are very shy and posting may be hard for them to do for that, be a bit more understanding. I know, I've been there too.

Yes I understand the youngster problems, it happens on everyforum I go to where there are message boards. Don't worry, eventually the Trolls, as they are called will leave. Some tend to get rather nasty in posts that they make, the best is to ignore them or notify the moderators.

All in all however, I think we have a fine Pub here and in a strange way we've become a 'family'. That's a good thing and when we need to get things out we've held in we go to the Beyond Pyracy forum to do so.

I thoroughly enjoy the posts here, I've learned a hell of a lot, and I've made new friends. So from me, Thank You.

Rumba Rue

**Life is what you make it, so make it happy!** :)


I have to agree with Rumba. I've been a member of quite a few forums and whatnot, especially when I was younger (hehe, like how I talk like I'm 83 as opposed to 23?) and I have to say that there is much less of the usual nasty drival here then what goes on in other places. The pub is pretty clean by most standards, and I haven't run into a lot of the crap I did when I was a member of an amature fantasy writing/artwork site. It was redicilous the amount of 13 year old brats that would post just to get their jollies by insulting work people have put hours into. This is actually the longest I've gone posting on a board for a few years for just that reason, and I have to say that I quite like it here. And we will run across the few wee pirates who are actually curious and enthusiastic about piracy in all it's forms, and figure the best place to start is to talk to people like us (or rather yall, since I'm still learning myself). As for the trolls, well, they'll either dissapear or get used to being ignored or run through. Pyrates have little use for nonsense.

Pardon my spelling, I know it's awful.



I 'aven't a problem at all with 'age', it's drivel. Does drivel have to be 'nasty' to be offensive??..No, says I!...Informing 'younger' pirates is my freakin' occupation and hobby; which I hold dearly and love, it's the non-piratical, useless babbling over crud that has nothing to do with piracy, as I stated. So, without deviating over 'age', I stand quite pat on the 'meaningless to piracy' posts. It's my assumption that this is why the management has a specific column for 'beyond piracy'. My inference, for those whom it flew over their heads, is that the 'useless crap' sounds like the children (you are, you know) have been 'drinking too much'.............Lighten up, read your history, and post something that could concieveably seem'interesting'. And yes, I could just 'wait for 'em to go away' like they generally do, but Bloody bloomin' 'eck, why not try an' educate 'em??


I am enjoying this thread, and there are a lot of valuable points made, and really, I don't think that there is a comfortable solution for everyone. Just make sure we are thoughful and creative in our posts instead of one liners just to get rank.

Like this one.


A Wench By Any Other Name..... Would Not Taste the Same!

Proudly serving as Bartender and standing orders of Second Mate on the notorious Juryrig Crew!


I be from other forums and I personally cannot stand one liners! Now, I may do them every once in a while, but that doesn't mean that I like it.

Spammers are so rude. It is what's killing my first forum. Less and less people are joining because of people who do one liners.

I find it really offensive that people have the nerve to come into a place for chat and pleasure, and just trash the hell out of it with spam.

But an age limit? That's kinda mean. I mean, I am barely 18, does that make me a one o' the 'lil buckeneers? One of the annoying little dweebs?


I agree with all the comments that most of the younger ones who post just to see their ranks go up, eventually go away.

Ye must admit though that sometimes we get some younger ones 14-16 years or so, who are into either Pirates, Ren Faires, or other subjects here, where they are eager to learn more, and also have thier own experiences to share. We need to help nurture those youngens, so their interests don't fade, the way we want the "post-happy" ones to.

<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Have Parrot Bay, will travel.

WILL SHARE TOO!!!</span>


I have been thinking about this topic for the last few days so I am glad that Silver actually posted it.

I think part of the problem is that off topic ( or unappropriate) stuff is not being moved to the appropriate forums.

Maybe there should be an expansion of the moderator corps with folks west coast and east coast (to cover different time zones) so that there will always be an "adult" present to keep the decks clear. There only seems to be 3 main moderators that cover 11 categories.... I think that we are asking too much considering the stats for this site

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I am not saying they have to be forum nazis or anything... help with the management.

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I personally came here because I liked pirates and wanted to find out more. Now, I am looking at reenacting and ren fairs.

Me thinks the idea about a separate Spam section would work. Just as long as ye keep tight rules on it. Like no spamming outside that section. and if there is a sudden spam outside it, then the thread either gets tempararily closed or moved to said section.


Lady Sakura, though not as young as those I said in me earlier post, is exactly who I was talkin about; she likes pirates, ren faires, and wants to know more.

<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Have Parrot Bay, will travel.

WILL SHARE TOO!!!</span>


We've already got an 'offtopic' section... and that's worked REAL well, eh?

Redd and I've been talkin' about this for quite a while. Couldn't really figure anything to do about it.

It's gotten to the point now where I don't read the rest of the pub... just a couple of threads. And while the signal/noise ratio is still better than most online boards, it's still past the point where I have time to deal with.

If'n ye want to "chat", there are messenger programs and the Pub's very own chat room to facilitate all yer needs.


LOL I mean she be the type of young person I be talkin about!!

Not that I was referrin to her specifically :lol:

Heres to ye Sakura and all youngens who wish to know more and can also enlighten the older folks.

<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Have Parrot Bay, will travel.

WILL SHARE TOO!!!</span>

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