Bloody_Mary_Bonney Posted December 22, 2004 Posted December 22, 2004 Mary scampers in and sneaks a box filled with all kinds of diffrent chocolates from around the world next to Merry with a note attached to it that reads "Find yourself something sweet even if you have to travel the world to find it." Next she slunks over to rogue and slips her a new flask filled with spiced rum on the cover engraved is "If they make you cry they aint real pirates!" Then she continues on to captian scurvy dog and to him she slips a few chocolate kisses into his pocketses when he ait lookin. Lets see did i miss any one? oh wait how could i forget carefully she pins a stocking stuffed with chocolate and aroma therapy candels for calm on the wall labeld laura silver touch and die signed Bonney-claus But why is the rum gone? Save a horse ride a cowboy! Take me away and take me farther, suround me now and hold me like holy My toes are getting pruney Also my head is round that window is square.... My name is Micheal J Kabous and i eat babies! Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black stuff
Captain Scurvy Dog Posted December 22, 2004 Posted December 22, 2004 Bloody_Mary_Bonney said: Captain Scurvy Dog i shall have top remeber to give you a bell next time for i go so rarely from lack of escort unless ye count me vehicle (ford escort zx2). It sounds weird but i usually dont go to those places because i was raised (in faire) that a true lady is never unacompanied by a gentleman. sure it be thee opposite reason i hasn't gone... fer i won't be goin' to a place like that with a male friend... i would feel kinda fruity ridin' on mr. toad!
Captain Scurvy Dog Posted December 22, 2004 Posted December 22, 2004 Rogue Mermaid said: Captain Scurvy Dog said: *Opens a barrel of eggnog & fills Merry & Mary's tankards* "I'll has a blue, blue, blue Christmas witout ye..." *Looks into her empty tankard* *Sniff* None for me? plenty of nog here fer everyone...& Merry be right... but i didn't know thar be such as un-spiked eggnog... me nog always be made wit dark & thick rum & a burnt cinnamon stick...
Captain Scurvy Dog Posted December 22, 2004 Posted December 22, 2004 Merrydeath said: but damn iffen a hard hug wouldn't do wonders about now. Nothing like having the stuffen hugged right out of ya to cure the hang-dog (no relation to youse, Scurvy) blues... Aye... i tries to get or give at least 3 hugs a day... some days i only has me Wolf Z to hug but when she hugs back i be loosen some blood! ...& IN BLAZES! what be this melted mess in me pockets... looks like...*sniff - sniff* be chocolates! (wipes his brow) fer a minute thar i thought Z left me a present! Thank ye fer thee sweet kisses, Mary
Bloody_Mary_Bonney Posted December 22, 2004 Posted December 22, 2004 Captain Scurvy Dog said: Bloody_Mary_Bonney said: Captain Scurvy Dog i shall have top remeber to give you a bell next time for i go so rarely from lack of escort unless ye count me vehicle (ford escort zx2). It sounds weird but i usually dont go to those places because i was raised (in faire) that a true lady is never unacompanied by a gentleman. sure it be thee opposite reason i hasn't gone... fer i won't be goin' to a place like that with a male friend... i would feel kinda fruity ridin' on mr. toad! i supose it would and ye be very welcome sir But why is the rum gone? Save a horse ride a cowboy! Take me away and take me farther, suround me now and hold me like holy My toes are getting pruney Also my head is round that window is square.... My name is Micheal J Kabous and i eat babies! Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black stuff
Rogue Mermaid Posted December 22, 2004 Posted December 22, 2004 Aw, thanks Mary just what I wanted! Yay! Now I have two tankards to so I can hold twice as much alcohol! It's a Christmas miracle!
capt.deke slinger Posted December 22, 2004 Posted December 22, 2004 wow. pretty heavy stuff in here. BOYS ARE DUMB :) my daughters have said that a few times over the years,21&20 they are. and you know what? seeing the games that are played and the effect it had on them, if i ever run into my first "love" girlfriend, I will apoligize for treating her the way i did. Heres a girl that adores you and you take advantage of that and make her cry on purpose....what the F#@K is that all about...boys are dumb! But anyway, ladies, if you get involved with a married man, he is going to stay married to his wife no matter what he tells you, and you are, and this is harsh, nothing more than a "BOOTY CALL". Oh yeah, sometimes thats a good thing, but I'm just saying watch your heart!! to put it pyratically, iffen ya's both had ta' walk de plank, he'd let you go first, then try to talk his way out of it after ye leaped! Hey Rogue, excuse me, Miss Mermaid, and all ye other strong drink lovers that do some homebrewin' .do a search, (i use and look up Krupnikas. Its a lithuanian honey liqueur that is REALLY good. main ingredient is grain alcohol, but mellowed out with honey ,ginger and other spices.
Bloody_Mary_Bonney Posted December 23, 2004 Posted December 23, 2004 Rogue Mermaid said: Aw, thanks Mary just what I wanted! Yay! Now I have two tankards to so I can hold twice as much alcohol! It's a Christmas miracle! awe so glad you liked it But why is the rum gone? Save a horse ride a cowboy! Take me away and take me farther, suround me now and hold me like holy My toes are getting pruney Also my head is round that window is square.... My name is Micheal J Kabous and i eat babies! Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black stuff
Rogue Mermaid Posted December 25, 2004 Posted December 25, 2004 capt.deke slinger said: Hey Rogue, excuse me, Miss Mermaid, and all ye other strong drink lovers that do some homebrewin' .do a search, (i use and look up Krupnikas. Its a lithuanian honey liqueur that is REALLY good.main ingredient is grain alcohol, but mellowed out with honey ,ginger and other spices. I'll have to check that out. I've been attempting to make my own apple wine. It's supposed to be ready to drink but I think I'll let it sit a little longer. I tryed some a few days ago and the taste left something to be desired. (Immediately after drinking it I desired to spit it into the sink )
PyratePhil Posted December 26, 2004 Posted December 26, 2004 Quote But anyway, ladies, if you get involved with a married man, he is going to stay married to his wife no matter what he tells you, and you are, and this is harsh, nothing more than a "BOOTY CALL". doesn't quite work out that way for everyone, Capt. Slinger... ...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum... ~ Vegetius
Merrydeath Posted December 26, 2004 Posted December 26, 2004 sigh..I needed something fun to see and laff at.. I don't like Christmas like I used to. here ya go.... why Santa isn't a pirate Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES BLAST BREAST CANCER! GET A MAMMOGRAM AND SAVE YOUR TREASURED CHEST: http://www.myspace.c...iratesthinkpink http://www.myspace.c...oolsgoldpirates CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!
Rogue Mermaid Posted December 26, 2004 Posted December 26, 2004 I've got a kinda funny one for you guys. My two little cousins got Tamagotchis for Christmas (keychain virtual pets that you have to "feed", "play with", and otherwise "take care of".). So after dinner the family is sitting around and the younger of the two (9) asks his sister to take care of his. She says, "Sure, your's and mine are doing the same thing anyway". He goes, "Yeah, playing with their balls". Now he meant the toy sort, but I almost had to leave the table. I managed to be a lady (who me?) and bite back the laughter.
Bloody_Mary_Bonney Posted December 26, 2004 Posted December 26, 2004 thats nothing try this one my grandpa made prime rib and as it was cooking he comes out and asks my dad if he wants to see this big hunk of meat. But why is the rum gone? Save a horse ride a cowboy! Take me away and take me farther, suround me now and hold me like holy My toes are getting pruney Also my head is round that window is square.... My name is Micheal J Kabous and i eat babies! Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black stuff
capt.deke slinger Posted December 26, 2004 Posted December 26, 2004 Rogue Mermaid said: capt.deke slinger said: Hey Rogue, excuse me, Miss Mermaid, and all ye other strong drink lovers that do some homebrewin' .do a search, (i use and look up Krupnikas. Its a lithuanian honey liqueur that is REALLY good.main ingredient is grain alcohol, but mellowed out with honey ,ginger and other spices. I'll have to check that out. I've been attempting to make my own apple wine. It's supposed to be ready to drink but I think I'll let it sit a little longer. I tryed some a few days ago and the taste left something to be desired. (Immediately after drinking it I desired to spit it into the sink ) Quote yeah. i read somewhere else you posted you were making wine, there is an art to that. :) this stuff though, even if it goes bad, it's still pretty good
capt.deke slinger Posted December 26, 2004 Posted December 26, 2004 PyratePhil said: Quote But anyway, ladies, if you get involved with a married man, he is going to stay married to his wife no matter what he tells you, and you are, and this is harsh, nothing more than a "BOOTY CALL". doesn't quite work out that way for everyone, Capt. Slinger... Quote no doubt, there are excepttions to just about everything :) I'm sure there are honest cheaters out there
PyratePhil Posted December 26, 2004 Posted December 26, 2004 capt.deke slinger said: I'm sure there are honest cheaters out there No doubt... ...if you're going to cheat, at least be honest about it...with yourself, if not with anyone else... ...but I'm probably scaring off all the single-types here, so I'll just leave by that conveniently-situated back door... ...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum... ~ Vegetius
Silver Steele Posted December 27, 2004 Posted December 27, 2004 Perhaps my thinking is flawed in this day and age, but if a married individual, man OR woman, feels the need to have an affair, then that individual has no business being married. So many people seem to forget their vows... "Till death do us part".......... or divorce court. I was raised and I still believe, although at the age of 37 and never married, that marriage involves honor. And if there is no honor, then there should be no marriage. How can you even respect an individual who is married, and wants to have an affair? The days of honor seem to be ancient history. (Yes there are those who do still honor their vows, I'm not slamming everyone.) If you don't like your partner, separate and divorce. If you think of having a relationship with a married individual, how can you be sure they mean what they say, while going home to their significant other everynight? Actions always speak louder than words. ~~Starting to believe that my "prince" has either been kicked off his white horse and has lost his memory, lives on another continent and we shall never meet, or he died at birth........~~~
Hawkyns Posted December 27, 2004 Posted December 27, 2004 I normally don't respond on this thread, since single I am not. However, this topic is one where I have experience and perhaps something to contribute to the discussion. Cheating is wrong, it hurts people. There is, however, the option of polyamoury. This is the concept that one person may love many people and that love is not a limited commodity, to be doled out to one person only. It is also the concept that to require one person to meet all your psychological needs for the rest of your lives is a pipedream and unfair to you both. In honesty, fairness and trust, relationships can be multidirectional and fulfilling to all. Honesty is the big thing here. It is a type of relationship that must be entered into freely by all parties and not forced on anyone. Discussion and communication is absolutely neccesary before entering into any such relationship. It does work and works well, under the correct circumstances. Gwen and I have been married for nearly 30 years and we're still having fun and still in love. That is something that cannot be said for most of our friends who have tried and failed at the conventional, traditional marriage. Hawkyns Cannon add dignity to what otherwise would be merely an ugly brawl I do what I do for my own reasons. I do not require anyone to follow me. I do not require society's approval for my actions or beliefs. if I am to be judged, let me be judged in the pure light of history, not the harsh glare of modern trends.
Silver Steele Posted December 27, 2004 Posted December 27, 2004 Hawkins, you are correct. It does come down to deceit. A consentual open marriage, agreed upon by both parties, and known by all parties is another matter, although I personally would not choose to involve myself in a polygamy situation, and do not personally agree to the sitation. But hey, if it works for two people, that's their business, just please don't ask me to agree to it, as those are not my beliefs and we will get along just fine. :) Please don't get me wrong, to each their own. I however, am selfish, and I would want to be keepin' me man all fer meself! I was speaking however, on one married person portraying themself as being "single" or looking for an affair while the other person knowning that the said person is married in the previous post.
PyratePhil Posted December 27, 2004 Posted December 27, 2004 Interesting post, Hawkyns! Marriage is one of those subjects, like politics and religion, that are "hot-buttons" for most people. You either believe one way or the other. Fair 'nuff. But if you are able to step back and rationally view the event we call "marriage", you might understand some others' views. Firstly, it is a non-natural event. By this I mean, no other creature in nature seems to get married. Oh sure, there are critters that take life mates, but as far as we can tell, there is no religious or civil ceremony involved. And that's essentially what marriage is, "divorced" of all emotional, religious, and romantic content - a ceremony. The traditional concept of marriage is assumed to be based upon love. No problem there. It's when the highly doubtful concept of "eternal love" comes in that so many have problems. People change - that's the only constant involved here. A piece of paper that says you are bonded until death hardly qualifies as a blockage to indulging in one's changing ideas and emotions. Don't get me wrong - I'm all for the idea of marriage, if it appeals to YOU (not you specifically, Hawkyns, but the generic YOU ). Enjoy yourself. But realize that being the imperfect animals that we are, we are born with wanderlust. Forcing yourself to stay wedded to someone when you both are changing is difficult if not impossible, irregardless of any vows taken. So what's the solution? One is to stay married to your partner no matter what. Another would be Hawkyns' method. Or, stay single if you know you can't stand the concept of marriage. Steele, I agree with your comment that if you're married, you shouldn't portray yourself as single. If you're going to play the game, play it with some honor. It boils down, I think, to the way you think and believe. If you feel you are joined in the eyes of God, then you'll make all efforts to stay together, even when those efforts lead to destruction of both parties. If you don't take the vows and ceremonies seriously, you might destroy each other with your dalliances. In the latter case, there HAVE been people that can live their lives as a lie, but it seems to be a difficult life. Love is an unholdable thing, despite what Hallmark would have you believe. If love disappears, no piece of paper or metaphysical rite will hold you together. ...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum... ~ Vegetius
PyratePhil Posted December 27, 2004 Posted December 27, 2004 capt.deke slinger said: I, AS I'M SURE ALL OF US KNOW SOME FAIRLY LOW CHARACTERS WITH REGARDS TO "SCORING". I WAS SIMPLY TRYING TO LET THESE LASSES KNOW THAT THERE ARE DOGS OUT THERE, THAT'S ALL. HEY PHIL, I SEE THAT DOOR YOU WERE TALKIN ABOUT, I'M A HEADIN' THAT WAY BTW, SHE WAS 16, I WAS 19, 23 YEARS LATER AND STILL GOIN' STRONG! Understood - but I think the ladies here could teach US a few lessons concerning doggish male types... (Cap't. Deke and Phil both rushing headlong for the door...) Congrats! ...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum... ~ Vegetius
Merrydeath Posted December 28, 2004 Posted December 28, 2004 Hey Pete, save me a seat and I'll share a platter of crabs wit ya.. BTW, as a friend of mine likes to say, take the nasty stuff off the board. No blood drawn on the deck please. Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES BLAST BREAST CANCER! GET A MAMMOGRAM AND SAVE YOUR TREASURED CHEST: http://www.myspace.c...iratesthinkpink http://www.myspace.c...oolsgoldpirates CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!
Christine Posted December 28, 2004 Posted December 28, 2004 Oooh....yummy, crabs! I be single and am proud of it. :)
BLACK SKOT Posted December 28, 2004 Posted December 28, 2004 *Just listening & learning* BLACK SKOT ---(BLACKIE) "Quarter" Master Pyrates of the Coast "Permit me aboard and I'll be takin' over yer ship... Don't permit me aboard and I'll still take over yer ship"
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