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Me thinks its the first time me'n ev'r seen a Pirate blush . . . :rolleyes:

Pieter_Claeszoon__Still_Life_with_a.jpg, Skull and Quill Society thWatchDogParchmentBanner-2.jpg, The Watch Dog

  Quartermaster James said:

"We are 21st Century people who play a game of dress-up and who spend a lot of time pissing and moaning about the rules of the game and whether other people are playing fair."

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Not around here, anyway! :ph34r:


Ship's Marksman & Crab Fiend

Pyrates of the Coast

"All the skill in the world goes out the window if an angel pisses in the flintlock of your musket."

"Florida points like a guiding thumb, To the southern isles of rumba and rum, To the mystery cities and haunted seas, Of the Spanish Main and the Caribbees..."


Aye mateys just got some o'me Parrot Bay stash out o' the tub's fridge. Anybody interested in sharin?? :ph34r:

<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Have Parrot Bay, will travel.

WILL SHARE TOO!!!</span>


WOHHH..Mad jack i confess to pirating your Jack smilie...oh wait..this isn't the confessional corner.. ;)

That thing rocks!

  Patrick Hand said:
It's on me lover... remember?

Fancy..... does that mean we get to lick it off ? (oops sorry... not pg 13 ;) )

to lick someone is not PG-13? Oh, wait, I reckon it all depends on where they get licked, huh? ;) could be R... could be X...

I also reckon it depends on where the rum rolls upon the skin... as to where one would be licked... unless, one isn't licking just for the rum. ;)



Remember, this is my thread and I don't care how wild it gets in here. Let's all lick the rum off Fancy! ;) LOL! ;)

Remember, this is my thread and I don't care how wild it gets in here. Let's all lick the rum off Fancy! tongue.gif LOL! laugh.gif
Commence licking mateys!! tongue.gif


Are yo volunteering? ;) (receiving or giving end, both'll be fine ;) )

  Captain Tito said:
Commence licking mateys!!  ;)

*pours the Parrot Bay over Fancy*



well, remember how you said it was chilled... it's cold, but feels quite good on this warm day...

and... the rum and all this licking is getting me quite wet...

I mean, the rum is running in places... that... ... ...

...where's Mad Jack when I need him? :D



:: leaves with Mad Jack, with a big wicked grin on my face... ::

I knew you'd come for me, lover... it was fun getting soaked with rum... but I'm looking forward to being taken care of by you!



*watches Jack and Fancy leave*

Well, I do like to share and that's what I want to go on in my thread.

*lays down on the towel while wearing only a bikini top and sarong. Let's her blonde hair fan out around her.* ;)


Hi Christine!

You know I can't pass up an opportunity ta be taken care of by Mad Jack...don'tcha know how he thinks, and mmmm... the things he does....??? Let's see... how did he put it exactly...

And damned be the man what hasn't figgered out that getting a woman to scream in ecstacy by whatever means necessary is a blessing, indeed.


I'll see you later.



DANG>>>DANG>>>DANG>>>>and DRAT..... just when I got the Hot buttered Rum all ready........ Warm water, brown sugar, slippery butter and rum......

guess I will just have to drink it........ ;)


Well, Patrick, you and I can play and whoever else wants to as well. I come here to the pub as means as an escape from the real world. And also play with the other members. One on one private stuff is fun too, but not all the time....


Ah now, Christine... I come here to play too. you know that.

:: sits in the sand next to your towel ::

Here, I brought a bottle of rum and a deck of cards... ... friends?



I must admit I got a bit miffed at Jack's post on the sharing part. This be a public board and people want to play. It's like when Phil and I would play. People wanted to join in, it's expected to happen on boards such as this. Private stuff is best in aim or yahoo chats....the stuff we've done there...... ;) Woof!

Ah, cheers to ya luv! ;)


hmmm... I really need ta get me one of them instant message things loaded up on my computer!

Don't be miffed at Jack, he didn't mean no harm by it.

Cheers to you too, luv. ;)



Well, it also be some advice too. Whenever Phil and I played just one on one we got complaint emails. Some people didn't like that we played by ourselves. So, we learned to just play around and have fun openly on the board. But in private chat.....well.....that be another story luv-LOL! ;) Aye, ye need to get one, tis a lot of fun and ye can do anything in there! ;)


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