dasNdanger Posted August 16, 2004 Posted August 16, 2004 Ah, no worries about the stout!!! Flows freely at the fair this year - both next to the old Swashbuckler's (which is still there, just not open for dining), and down at the other end of the shire, near the jousting grounds. I had a pint just to quench me thirst, but not enough to get sparrowed*. I did catch a bit of the Pyrates Royale show, and love the Rakish Rogues and Terrors. I didn't see them this past weekend, but my must-see-every-show-twenty-times-in-a-day sister did. She's an anal retentive pirate. Some other nice features: They're building a wall around the shire, and facing the parking area, high on the wall, is a BEAUTIFUL mural of a pirate. Also the stage by the ol' Swashbuckler's has black fabic drapped about that looks suspiciously similar to the sails of the Black Pearl. And there is also a lovely mural/picture of battling ships behind the stage. I was told that the plan is to enclose the stage for next year and that are will become a banquet hall - so that's something to look forward to! The entire cast now seems to have distanced themselves from the fantasy thing, I didn't see a single faerie this year amongst them. However, I noticed an increase of Goth/bondage/Pagan/Van Helsing visitors...and a few King Arthur enthusiasts. In fact, when I first got there, I thought I was gonna be the only pirate...but eventually the scallywags began gathering outside the castle walls, and I felt a little more at ease. When I was buying me ticket, the gals on the wall starting yelling down to me 'Where's yer ship, pirate?!', but I didn't realize until it was too late that they were actually talking to me (after noticing I was the only pirate in the vicinity). I just caught the tail end of 'em mumbling something to the effect of me being a blind and deaf pirate... I, however, prefer to think of myself as Captain Clueless... das *means drunk. http://www.ajmeerwald.org/
PyratePhil Posted August 16, 2004 Posted August 16, 2004 Katherine "Kat" Adams said: **looks at Phil, raised eyebrow and silly smirk on her face**and what if Mommy says you can't? hmmmmm, what then? **gets devilish smirk on her face** do ye always listen to yer mommy? hmmmmmmmmmmmmm? ...it be dependin' on WHO be portrayin' me Mommy at th' time, lass... ...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum... ~ Vegetius
crimson corsair Posted August 16, 2004 Posted August 16, 2004 My self and a few other maybe making it on sunday.could you inlighten us what shows to catch......we saw the Whalling Banches at the Celtic Fling and man are they good,i didnt see them on the schedule.....
PyratePhil Posted August 17, 2004 Posted August 17, 2004 crimson corsair said: My self and a few other maybe making it on sunday.could you inlighten us what shows to catch......we saw the Whalling Banches at the Celtic Fling and man are they good,i didnt see them on the schedule..... My personal faves are Empty Hats and Giacomo the Jester - give 'em a try, you might enjoy it! Of course, the Wench Auction is a foregone conclusion... ...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum... ~ Vegetius
MoonShadow Posted August 17, 2004 Posted August 17, 2004 blenderwench said: Meetin place - - But, iffen I can make it on SUNDAY, Meet at the outdoor pub near the pyrate ship at 1:00 (this is to the right, near the entrance). So people recognize each other, keep doing loud obnoxious toasts, especially to the PYRACY PUB! I think the plan is also to meet on Saturday at the same location at 10:30 (this is noted under the pirate crews, and Jury Rig thread) I wasn't planning on being at gate, figured I would hit the faire around 11:30. I'll make the 1:00 meet up time though. Now to figure out how to ditch the non-pirate people I have with me....mmmmm....LOL I'll be in purple and black and most likely a corset (vs. a bodice). I'll have on my pirate pins and a Savvy pewter pin. I'm SOOO excited.
Madam Macaw Posted August 17, 2004 Posted August 17, 2004 crimson corsair said: Im hopin to be there sunday...and i cant wait Aye mate! Ready raise the sails at 8? Me own bloke stayin home, so if'n I need a bit o' luvin, watch ye self, crimson! What Madam Macaw wants, Madam Macaw gets!! Rotten, evil, no-good plotting, spoon-fed, going-to-hell-in-a-handbasket lass! Always trying to bury that little devil on my shoulder and go to the angelic side - even if just for a moment - choking down whatever evil scheme I was plotting!!!! A Fine Crew Indeed My Webpage-----Pyrate Invasion at PARF-2004-----MDRF 2004 Opening Day
Madam Macaw Posted August 17, 2004 Posted August 17, 2004 MoonShadow said: blenderwench said: Aye, I be not sure on this, but tryin my mightiest to be there on Sunday...(conflicts - too many requests for my presence in too many locations!) I found out I have a chauffeur iffen I do. Mighty thanks, Crimson Corsair. Next round is on me! If ya'l do figure to go on Sunday, I'll move my plans to then....wanna see ya'l both!!! Where might we all meet? Rotten, evil, no-good plotting, spoon-fed, going-to-hell-in-a-handbasket lass! Always trying to bury that little devil on my shoulder and go to the angelic side - even if just for a moment - choking down whatever evil scheme I was plotting!!!! A Fine Crew Indeed My Webpage-----Pyrate Invasion at PARF-2004-----MDRF 2004 Opening Day
blenderwench Posted August 17, 2004 Posted August 17, 2004 Gute Morgan said: queenrogue said: Gute Morgan said: P'raps, we be needin' to start our own forum for our own bloody crew. me thinks this is a right good idea! We'll wait 'til we parley next month and decide on a name for ourselves. Those o' us what been plannin' this band o' pyrates 'ad more 'r less settled on a name fer our motley crew, but bein' pyrates, we be all democratic and such, so we'll let the new recruits 'ave a vote 'fore we finalize the name. Then we be creatin' our own forum. Til then, we'll jus' make a nuisance o' ourselves in everybody else's bloody forum. Gute - I vote to be called the "Bawdy Bunch!" tee hee..... Ok, seems me arm is being twisted quites a few times on my attendance at this event. I really really want to go and meet up with everyone, however purse strings are runnin a tad tight. But, relyin on the kindness of others, and the twistin of Crimson Corsair, MoonShadow, and Madame Macaw, it looks like I very well may go!! I will have a definate answer on Saturday. happy dance and tankard of brew spills on the deck. whoops - better stop that for now. A Wench By Any Other Name..... Would Not Taste the Same! Proudly serving as Bartender and standing orders of Second Mate on the notorious Juryrig Crew!
blenderwench Posted August 17, 2004 Posted August 17, 2004 OK. Worked it out w/ Crimson Corsair, I am in! yee hee!!!!! A Wench By Any Other Name..... Would Not Taste the Same! Proudly serving as Bartender and standing orders of Second Mate on the notorious Juryrig Crew!
blenderwench Posted August 17, 2004 Posted August 17, 2004 OK, following this idea that Crimson Corsair had... He thought it would be neat to identify people w/ piracy pub to meet up. I am assuming that the final word for SUNDAY (I can't speak for Saturday) is meeting at the outdoor pub behind the pirate ship at 1:00. Crimson Corsair suggested we all have some indicator like a "PP" on our garb, or something of that nature. I can print up black and white stickers that say Pyracy Pub and if we meet up, I will stick ya! I can't be missed. I have a pewter pin on reading "Blender Wench". It will be on my bosom, a very well-exposed location. Also, as always, this wench will give out free kisses for beer! Extra Red Kisses! Here's a pic to show you what I mean.. https://pyracy.com/gallery/details.php?...3&mode=lightbox Huzzah! A Wench By Any Other Name..... Would Not Taste the Same! Proudly serving as Bartender and standing orders of Second Mate on the notorious Juryrig Crew!
Katherine "Kat" Adams Posted August 17, 2004 Posted August 17, 2004 Quote ...it be dependin' on WHO be portrayin' me Mommy at th' time, lass... **grins wickedly as she looks at Phil...** Come to Mommy. Now will ye be a good boy and listen to yer Mommy?
PyratePhil Posted August 17, 2004 Posted August 17, 2004 Katherine "Kat" Adams said: **grins wickedly as she looks at Phil...**Come to Mommy. Now will ye be a good boy and listen to yer Mommy? Aye, Mummy! ...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum... ~ Vegetius
Mad Woman Cheryl Posted August 18, 2004 Posted August 18, 2004 So's 'ow many arrrre going up on Saturday??? Blind Rhoid, PyratePhil, are ye both on Saturday??? Sunday is out for us, I need to give our 4 yr old a day to rest. Mad Woman Cheryl By Odin's mighty spear, I hereby snap and go berzerk!!!"
crimson corsair Posted August 18, 2004 Posted August 18, 2004 We are going to be there around 10:30 too. I'll keep an eye (patch) out for you......If you want,we can exchange cell numbers if you want??????? I hope the weather holds out,my Hat didn't like the rainy pirate cruis.Looks like i'm bring up 5 or 6 pirates in the old pirate jeep.I'm countin the days.
PyratePhil Posted August 18, 2004 Posted August 18, 2004 Mad Woman Cheryl said: So's 'ow many arrrre going up on Saturday??? Blind Rhoid, PyratePhil, are ye both on Saturday??? Alas, no - only Sunday. ...one of these years I'll take two days off in a row... ...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum... ~ Vegetius
crimson corsair Posted August 18, 2004 Posted August 18, 2004 How many of you are going to make it to opening day at MDRF? That is Sat.the 28th of Aug.
blenderwench Posted August 18, 2004 Posted August 18, 2004 Mad Woman Cheryl said: So's 'ow many arrrre going up on Saturday??? Blind Rhoid, PyratePhil, are ye both on Saturday??? Sunday is out for us, I need to give our 4 yr old a day to rest. I know on Sunday it is: Crimson Corsair MoonShadow Madam Macaw Pyrate Phil Blender Wench (myself) I am sure there are others, but those are the ones I know for 100% sure. I think the Jury Rig crew, led by Duncan McGuyver will be there both Saturday and Sunday, but not 100% sure. May want to PM him A Wench By Any Other Name..... Would Not Taste the Same! Proudly serving as Bartender and standing orders of Second Mate on the notorious Juryrig Crew!
Cutthroat Kate Posted August 18, 2004 Posted August 18, 2004 Hello. New member Cutthroat Kate here. I will be attending on Sunday with my husband and daughter. Is it OK if we join you to introduce ourselves? I believe I've met a few people from this forum already at the Blackbeard Fest this year in Hampton, VA. I am interested in meeting the crew from Juryrig. Thanks. Cutthroat Kate.
Gute Morgan Posted August 18, 2004 Posted August 18, 2004 blenderwench said: I know on Sunday it is:Crimson Corsair MoonShadow Madam Macaw Pyrate Phil Blender Wench (myself) I am sure there are others, but those are the ones I know for 100% sure. I think the Jury Rig crew, led by Duncan McGuyver will be there both Saturday and Sunday, but not 100% sure. May want to PM him So let me get this straight, luv. Did I understand ye t' be sayin' ye'd be givin' out kisses if'n a pyrate buys ye a beer? What'll I get fer two beers? At yer bloody service, Nathaniel "Gute" Morgan Buccaneer, Brigand, & Cutthroat Plundering the Spanish Main Since 1701® "Refuse that, 'n' ye've seen th' last o' me but musket balls."
Scarlet Jenny Posted August 18, 2004 Posted August 18, 2004 Quote So's 'ow many arrrre going up on Saturday??? Blind Rhoid, PyratePhil, are ye both on Saturday??? I'll be there both days, but probably not the whole day on Sunday. Got to head back to Jersey on Sunday. Quote Crimson Corsair suggested we all have some indicator like a "PP" on our garb, or something of that nature.I can print up black and white stickers that say Pyracy Pub and if we meet up, I will stick ya! A grand idea, Blenderwench! We'll be lookin' for ya! Avast, ye limey lubber! Didn't ye think if Scarlet Jenny (Cutthroat Lass, Scourge o' the Seas, Deadly Duchess o' the Deep) hated ye, ye'd be sliced, skinned an' sunk to Davey Jones' locker? Aaaar! Ye would, and ye'd better start believin' it
Madam Macaw Posted August 18, 2004 Posted August 18, 2004 blenderwench said: Mad Woman Cheryl said: So's 'ow many arrrre going up on Saturday??? Blind Rhoid, PyratePhil, are ye both on Saturday??? Sunday is out for us, I need to give our 4 yr old a day to rest. I know on Sunday it is: Crimson Corsair MoonShadow Madam Macaw Pyrate Phil Blender Wench (myself) I am sure there are others, but those are the ones I know for 100% sure. I think the Jury Rig crew, led by Duncan McGuyver will be there both Saturday and Sunday, but not 100% sure. May want to PM him Me thought Jury Rig crew was out of 'arbor on their vessel? Rotten, evil, no-good plotting, spoon-fed, going-to-hell-in-a-handbasket lass! Always trying to bury that little devil on my shoulder and go to the angelic side - even if just for a moment - choking down whatever evil scheme I was plotting!!!! A Fine Crew Indeed My Webpage-----Pyrate Invasion at PARF-2004-----MDRF 2004 Opening Day
blenderwench Posted August 18, 2004 Posted August 18, 2004 Really? hmph. I wasn't sure.. and maybe it was while I was in my drunken stupor on the pyrate cruise, that I thought Duncan was talkin me into goin to PA this weekend. (crosses arms, taps foot, looks around for Duncan.) Damn. what the hell... I need a drink. hmmm - I know he is at Pennsic. Maybe that was it. oh well.. (shrug shoulders, goes to pub) A Wench By Any Other Name..... Would Not Taste the Same! Proudly serving as Bartender and standing orders of Second Mate on the notorious Juryrig Crew!
blenderwench Posted August 18, 2004 Posted August 18, 2004 OK, this is sort-a cross posted. Crimson Corsair was trying to figure out how we will all identify one another @ the meeting places (again, will be there on Sunday). I personally have a pin w/ my name on it, so that is pretty simple, but overall.. maybe this is too much organization, but anyways.. his suggestion was to show the letters PP somewhere on your garb for Pyracy Pub. pins are seeming to be pricey or hard to find, stickers wear off.... so... here's another PP idea - i think a lot of people have garb pins, or just use a safety pin... anyways, what if we just took a fabric swatch and permanent marker and write a PP on it, and pin it somewhere in a VISIBLE location (like not on a pouch) to identify each other? Ok - now discuss....... A Wench By Any Other Name..... Would Not Taste the Same! Proudly serving as Bartender and standing orders of Second Mate on the notorious Juryrig Crew!
PyratePhil Posted August 18, 2004 Posted August 18, 2004 I kin see th' hordes o' folk comin' up ta me all day long... "OOO...he's got PP on his shirt!" "Aww...are you a PP?" "I can see your PP" That's when me sword starts to sing... Be that as it may, I'll be strivin' mightily ta have PP on me come Sunday. A good idea, but not, I fear, as good as my original one...of everyone wearing a dead rat somewhere on their person... ...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum... ~ Vegetius
blenderwench Posted August 18, 2004 Posted August 18, 2004 aaaahhh - I didn't hear of the dead rat one. I like that, too, even more so, as I was having the same PP apprehension... "hey blenderwench, I didn't know you had a pp..." I am also going to have favours to bestow on folks. Seeing as how I am a blender wench, probably drink umbrellas! (thanks for the idea, moon shadow)... A Wench By Any Other Name..... Would Not Taste the Same! Proudly serving as Bartender and standing orders of Second Mate on the notorious Juryrig Crew!
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