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I almost fell out of my chair when I saw the new patterns for the year from simplicity.....aren't they a year behind? It's not like they could make it easy on us the year the movie came out or anything.....I went out and bought a period pants pattern that was a NIGHTMARE to put together and made my own jacket pattern and used a butterick pattern and a simplicity pattern for other parts.....and THEN they came out with a pattern for everything. Oh well I guess I'll buy it anyway.... :D


One question, does the jacket have any fit and flare to it or is it just straight up and down like the other pattern they have?

Men are like a deck of cards - You need a heart to love them, a diamond to marry them, a club to beat them and a spade to bury the bastards.

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I think it should be nicely fitted. I know that pattern you are talking about, and this one isn't anything like it. Okay, well other than the fact that they're both coats. . . :D

I'm hoping to make a coat that has the same lovely drape and flow as Jack's coat does in the scene where he "docks" his boat, and gets stopped by the harbormaster to pay his docking fee. Right as he walks down the dock, you get a fabulous view of the back of the coat. Mmmmm. Still not sure what fabric to pick yet. . .


"Let them eat cake. No wait, kill 'em all instead, and plunder the cake for yourself. Mmmmm, cake. . ."

  Captain Wolfy Wench said:
Hey, do you girls know the best available pattern for the best looking frock coat? I don't want a "costume" looking coat, I want a nice one.

What sort of frock coat do you mean? Modern, or 1700's?


"Let them eat cake. No wait, kill 'em all instead, and plunder the cake for yourself. Mmmmm, cake. . ."



Looked at this pattern in Walmart tonight. The coat kick A??. Fitted upper torso with 3 sets of pleated skirts (sides and center). The Cuffs are oversize like POTC Depp style. B)B)

The pants are definetly drop front. Easy to make knee breeches or full length trousers. Waist band may need to be widened and a gusset with draw strings put in rear seam.

This will be the closest pattern to period for .99cents Jo ANNS that you can get.

shirt and neck stock is close enough.

Vest is so so.

I would use butterick pattern 3896 for vest / weskit. It is dead on as a match to period patterns.



I cut out the pieces tonight and the frock coat definitely has some width at the bottom. I am so excited about this.

I even found some fantastic grey tapestry/upholstery fabric for my coat! B)

Fortunately this will give me an opportunity to screw up my coat before I try to make one for someone else. I will never claim to be a seamstress, just a hack. B)


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


Oooh, I plan to return to JoAnn fabrics to get more of the pattern & other patterns! Mostly to make new pirate outfits for myself as well as a couple more types of outfits.

But I want to get a couple more so I can make outfits for people as well. Granted I am an ameteur, but I've had people eye my black clad outfit so much I'll soon be willing to make attire for people. I was thinking about making the pirate outfits for men & women as well as wenches, even a meso-American/Native attire.

I look forward to the Sparrow like pattern, making another outfit. I'll probably use the pattern to make the white pirate look.

& I SOOOO love the pattern for the drop front breeches! ::Cheers; Snoopy dances:::


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


I havent been on in a goodly while and was planning on posting this pattern as soon as i had m ine finished.

Im already starting the outfitt sot that itll be ready for las vegas ren faire. Im doing the jacket in a red/rust corderroy and the vest in a colonial era print that looks embroidered from a distance. but i will say to be careful on the price of your buttons due to the jacket needin 28 to finish it off. good thing i Have decent funding at the moment :( cause im gonna kill my recent plunder on the buttons and trim

Ill have it pics posted when im done


I'm nearly finished with my coat. Just have to sew on the rest of the buttons and set the hem. Fabric's nice, I got some italian wool on major clearance at Fabric Place, so I'm happy (need the coat to keep warm as well as look good) I must say though, that having finished the bulk of the coat, it's bleedin' huge! and I sewed the extra small. I tried it on, looks like a choir robe! But then, so do most things on me. But whatever, it has a nice drape to it. If anyone's looking for buttons, I got mine at Walmart. THey have a nice assortment of antique looking metal buttons

  Captain Wolfy Wench said:
Aye, glad to hear someone's usin' the pattern already fer their own purposes!

Does anyone know where I may find a full length (to the floor) pattern for a wench's chemise?

Captain Wolfy Wench

Try McCall's pattern # 4091

This is a 2 type pattern, 1 of the styles is colonial... so, can pass off as a chemise/shift. Ruffles can be added or not. Check it out. I think it's worth it. Besides, this weekend McCall's & Butterick patterns are on sale for $.99! So.. time to shop some more fellow pirates! :)


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Ye be welcome, Wolfy.

I've already bought 6 today(Thursday). Going back Friday & maybe Sat to get more. ;) Majorly stocking up to make some kick arse pirate outfits... as well as Ladies' attire.


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Oh poop! I won't be home tomorrow for the sale to go and buy the pattern!

Yo, Capt. Grey, can I take a look at yours? Give me a holler!

Rumba Rue

**Sew happy** :)

  Nyre The Black Rose said:
If you can't find it at Joanns try Handcock's. I got mine there and their patterns are always 50% off. I am trying to make the vest for my Cap'n Jack (Bartholemew that is). Being as he also uses it when he is performing, it needs lots of pockets added for storing walk-around illusions. ;)

Anyone out there know how to how to incorporate top-it's? ;)


A top-it in a vest? Interesting.

I don't use e'm meself.

But I think I do need ta pick up this pattern ...

and then learn ta sew ;)


I'll bring it tomorrow, you can take a look. I actually like the vest on the McCalls revolutionary costume better, but the coat looks great. Oh and the new Simplicity pattern has real breeches!


"Let them eat cake. No wait, kill 'em all instead, and plunder the cake for yourself. Mmmmm, cake. . ."


Never mind Capt. Grey, I just got back from Yardage Town on Grand Ave, they had the pattern for 50% off of the $15.00 price tag! Got it for 8.00 (tax included).

Ugh, the vest sucks, not right, but the coat pattern is usable, the pants, well, just cut them off from the length thats shown.

Also, Yardage Town has the best selection of materials I've ever seen that can be used for pirate slops and bodices. Check it out Capt. Grey!

Rumba Rue

**Sew, sew happy** :lol:

  AkashaZuul said:
The model they got to pose is just. . . eeeeeew.

Ahhh M'Lady.. they cannot all be Johnny Depp now can they ? Sigh, what a wonderful world that would be... makes me want to write a song ... oh wait, that ALREADY is a song hehehe :lol:


Well maties, this be the hardest pattern I ever did try. I bow t'ye experienced seamstresses because this poor hack had a helluva time with t'coat.

But, bloody fingers and all, here be the results:


It still be needin' a hem, pockets, and a few more buttons but at least I kin say I survived the battle. :huh:


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


Nice job Cap'n, but don't be leaving it lying about, or it'll end up in me closet!

"Remember, on a pirate ship, in pirate waters, in a pirate world, ask no questions. Believe only what you see. No, believe half of what you see."... Burt Lancaster




Ye'll have t' get through me vicious attack cats first matey! Me 15-pounder will force ye t'pet and scratch him and ye'll never make it t'the booty. :huh:


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


A very stunning frock, Cap'n Grey! That be a shirt underneath that coat?

I applaud thee upon such a fine venture. It be worth it's weight in gold, to be sure!

Here's rum on me for such a fine coat. :::Gives ya rum bottle:: :huh:


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Aye, thank'ee Lady B. That be high praise comin' from such a talented person as yerself.

And what be ye scallywags doin' up so late in the night?! :huh:

At least my excuse be that I'm on Pacific Time. :huh:


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.

  maudelynn said:
  AkashaZuul said:
The model they got to pose is just. . . eeeeeew.

Ahhh M'Lady.. they cannot all be Johnny Depp now can they ? Sigh, what a wonderful world that would be... makes me want to write a song ... oh wait, that ALREADY is a song hehehe :huh:

I beg to differ. Check out Ace's avatar. Proof that *some* men can be like Johnny Depp. . . .

Silly Simplicity. They should have gotten Ace to pose. Would have sold a lot more patterns with people thinking it really was Johnny Depp.

That's a lovely coat, by the way, Captain Grey. I love the fabric you chose! How long did it take you to make?


"Let them eat cake. No wait, kill 'em all instead, and plunder the cake for yourself. Mmmmm, cake. . ."


ohhhh ve-r-ry nice.... Did ye find that the sleeves were a wee bit short, because when I were sewin' mine, I did. But tis lovely indeed

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