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POTC props on ebay

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I'm posting this here for the rest of you to see.

Boats and I looked over the stuff and guffawed a lot! Good greif, we've

got better stuff in our treasure chests then what's being sold for

mucho bucks! Most of the stuff can be gotten at any craft

store(package of gems, $1.99) worth it's weight! Gee go get some lava

rocks off your barbeque and paint them gold...get some Xmas beads for

color really cheap at the holiday times for a couple of bucks. I could

go on and on about how disgusted I was when seeing what was offered

and the outrageous prices that were being offered by those wanting to

buy them. Geesh, just cuz the movie prop stuff was in a movie doesn't

make it valuable! (Hmmmm, maybe I could get 5 grand for my trunk? NOT!)

And any decent thrift store can hold far more better treasures than

what is offered! Truly a case of Piracy at it's worst.

My suggestion, SAVE YOUR MONEY for more worthwhile things.


**Yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me** :ph34r:

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> Geesh, just cuz the movie prop stuff was in a movie doesn't

make it valuable! < :ph34r:

Yes I know there are collectors out there that want this stuff, but come on, value is only what one considers it is.

Doesn't mean a way to waste your money.


**Far better armed than disarmed** :ph34r:

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*ahem* the good film props are still on display at disneyland. all four of the swords, both of the pistols, two costume pieces, the faulty compass, the coin medallion and the sculpture from the bow of one of the ships (can't recall which), are all on display in the disney gallery above the pirates ride. i know because i do my schoolwork there, as silly as that sounds. they may be moved for the opening tomorrow to the el capitan theater in hollywood.

or maybe they'll be sold. but really. what's the point?

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Well, if there are fools out there to part their gold for it...Disney will sell it. I do believe Mr. Eisner is the best modern day pirate there is out there. I remember when they were tearing down the Swiss Family Robison Treehouse to make room for the new Tarzan Treehouse, Disney sold each of the plastic leaves for 5 bucks a piece. They sold out.


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:D Pyrate skivvies just naturally stands on their own an by the time we're through with em you should be able to use em instead of holy stones when srubbin the deck...

Lord above please send a dove with wings as sharp as razors , to cuts the throats of them there blokes what sells bad booze to sailors ..

" Illigitimiti non carborundum . "

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OK I confess... I plunked down some hard-earned dubloons and bought a lot of 3 coins and 3 'golden nuggets' which were used in the treasure cave scene.

I know, I know, you could buy the coins at Fern Canyon Press for sixty-nine cents each and the 'golden nuggets' are painted lava rock.

But... its a little piece of something that is special to me. Doing the premiere of POTC was one of the biggest kicks I've had in ages and I liked the idea of owning a small piece of something from the film.

My humble coins n' nuggets are going into a display case along with their certificates from Disney and going up on the wall in the computer closet.

And on them dark n' lonely nights, I can stare up at 'em n' wonder if our handsome Johnny Depp might o' sat upon those very coins...


-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas


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Here are a couple of the more interesting final bids from Ebay...

The compass used by Johnny Depp and featured prominently in the movie, went for $1,025

Johnny Depps pants went for $1,325

So now ye' ladies know the price o' gettin' in Johnny's britches!!! :blink:

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas


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And here be me weeeeee bit o' the Pirates of the Caribbean treasure, in all it's superficial tin glory! Me silly treasure coins n' painted lava rocks don't look half bad mounted like that, eh?!! Ye' know what they say, one pirates junk is another pirate's treasure!



-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas


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  • 4 weeks later...

Well now, THAT'S a relief!! :D

I'm after being as comfortable as I can make m'self what with the hot-flashes and all. And I not be speak'n of cannon fire!! :D

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


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It's sad that so many cash in on on the witless about these treasures.

'Tis fine if you like what yer buyin', but $4000+ for a bloody hat, come on! Nothing's worth that.

Cutthroat Islands' auction was much more reasonable and had some great stuff one could actually wear. Check out our pillaging of that auction at http://www.piratesofthecoast.com - click on the Artifacts link.

And there is a woman who's making duplicates of Sparrows costume - custom. Would like to see the workmanship of that first though- she hasn't posted any real finished product.

And watch out for the sharks on ebay - one must ask who's the better pirate -- them or us?

-- Hurricane



  • Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast
  • Author of "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Year Before the Mast" (Published in Fall 2011)
  • Scurrilous Rogue
  • Stirrer of Pots
  • Fomenter of Mutiny
  • Bon Vivant & Roustabout
  • Part-time Carnival Barker
  • Certified Ex-Wife Collector
  • Experienced Drinking Companion

"I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic."

"Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com

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  • 1 month later...

Ok, I know this is probably late in saying this and I know I don't post all that often BUT as I look at ebay for costuming pieces I find it extremely funny all the POTC costumes that people are selling for outrageous amounts of money! :ph34r: As a costumer it bugs the bejeezus out of me that people don't do their research to get a somewhat decent outfit. Ok, I will step off the soap box now, oh wait, it's a bit too tall too step off, I have to go get my rope and climbing gear.....GRRRRRRR!!!!!!! :lol:

Men are like a deck of cards - You need a heart to love them, a diamond to marry them, a club to beat them and a spade to bury the bastards.

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Browse, browse, browse; then:

...As a costumer...

What's this? 'Ello, lass, nice to make your aquaintance. A costumer, you say? And what, exactly, do you costume? Got any samples? Mad Gracie and myself are always on the lookout for resources. Brains to pick, if you will...

Only by great risks can great results be achieved.


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Ok, I know this is probably late in saying this and I know I don't post all that often BUT as I look at ebay for costuming pieces I find it extremely funny all the POTC costumes that people are selling for outrageous amounts of money! :ph34r:

See, this is why I am going to be spending my time making my clothes instead. :lol: It's not easy, and gods know that I'm none too perfect in me work, but I 'ave a good start to m'stuff already..

In fact, me pirate coat got a right whuppin' over the weekend..should look a tad more like what it should now...

"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Hate me because I am robbing you, tossing you overboard, and stealing your ship!"

-the only thing more dangerous than her.. is her needle-

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Ok, I know this is probably late in saying this and I know I don't post all that often BUT as I look at ebay for costuming pieces I find it extremely funny all the POTC costumes that people are selling for outrageous amounts of money! :ph34r: As a costumer it bugs the bejeezus out of me that people don't do their research to get a somewhat decent outfit.


I agree. I am not a skilled seamstress, but alas, the 9 year old wants to be Capt'n Jack Sparrow for Halloween. I downloaded pics of me subject and am creating my closest, economically accurate costume. These on ebay are not even close. Tis a shame to take something so beautiful and corrupt it for profit. Tis better to take what you can and give nothing back.


Like any unmanned ship, a novice sailor will eventually steer into the wind and then in circles.

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Most of my projects are related to Queen Elizabeth's time and very restricted in the group I am in. (Scots) I have also done Victorian (1890's being my favorite time period) and the occasional halloween costume here and there (some of which I will selling on ebay before too long to thin things out) :ph34r: . My b/f is getting a reproduction from POTC for Bucaneer days in Catalina but due to $ I had to leave off a few things so he's now getting an outift "inspired by the movie" I on the otherhand have decided to be completely creative and go the gaudy, outlandish pirate just because I don't get to do it very often. I am going to try to post pictures of the partially done costume which needs to be done by next weekend. So there you have it. Although if you have a question I can sure try to answer it but I am sure there are a lot of people on this board who know a lot more than I do about this particular time period.


P.S. It's funny how many people love 99 cents Simlicity Patterns on ebay. :ph34r: And I did e-mail the woman who is selling the "almost exact" replicas of the costumes and she is making the jackets out of upholstery fabric (I'm sure it's cheap polyester) I sure wouldn't want to be wearing it on a hot day. :blink:

Men are like a deck of cards - You need a heart to love them, a diamond to marry them, a club to beat them and a spade to bury the bastards.

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These be POTC props, but they not be on e-Bay.

I be havin' a friend what is makin' POTC coins fer sale. If ye scurvey sea dogs be interested. $5 unpainted, $10 painted; price includes First Class shipping.


Ye can e-mail or PM me fer his info if ye be wantin' ter order one.



Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.

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