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'Confederate Privateers', Yaarrgh!

the Royaliste

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the Royaliste Posted: Jun 19 2004, 07:59 AMĀ 

Hmm, Just got a chance to skim thru these... wazzit a heavy breeze, or be this a 'near miss' from the Hawaiian Chieftain???..We've no guns this far aft...........

Twer heavy breeze fer sure...twer trim'n sail all afternoon.

Lots o' thermals that afternoon too... B)

Sooooo much fun took me 2 days ta recover...still feel'n tired... :D

:D ...here's ta doin it again.


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Ahoy All,

I just added a couple of photos (Courtesy of me mate "Boston" Richmond) ter the Pyracy Gallery. There are about 25 in all...and I sent all of them ter Claire (Talesofthesevenseas) just in case she wanted ter post them on her site.

But here are my three favorite!



Number One!

Number Two!

Number Three!


YARRR! The Oktober be silent now! Just call me "REDD!"

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Thanks Redd!

OK here they are- I'm due to get a CD in the mail from Rod, which has the photos taken on the deck of the ship, so I'm waiting until I have those before the CW page is emailed out to the masses, but here's a preview...

The Great Battle of 'O4

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas


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This just in this morning from one of the Rangers at Angel Islands

"Hi Claire,

I wanted to thank you again for participating in the Artillery Battle event

this year. I was on shore both days and observed the battle...it was great!

Please give my thanks to your captain, crew, and musicians aboard the

Royalist. The drum and fife were a terrific effect and clearly audible on

shore. We also look forward to working with you on future events."

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas


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  • 2 weeks later...

After long last, ('eck, they wuz shipped out, then back) 'ere be some more Civil War Battle shot's for alla ye Southern Privateers out there!!


Royaliste 'in harbor', proper colors


CT Ben and Andrew 'Beat to Quarters'....


'Quill and the crew closin' in.......


Raul doin' wot 'e does best,..RamRod leanin' back trimm'n heads'ls


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