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Pirate 'Fourth of July' Weekend......

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On a slightly related note:

I'll be makin' the "Looping" DVD today. And, hopefully, I'll be pickin' up some DVD's to burn copies of the "Pyrates of the Royaliste VOL:1" DVD.

Yarrr! It's fun seein' Saber bein' drenched, Claire...seein' as how that's what he did ter me not long ago (under more dire circumstances I'll grant you). :lol:


YARRR! The Oktober be silent now! Just call me "REDD!"

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Ahoy Mateys,

Captain-I should have enough copies of the DVD for you by the 4th!

Crew-Few those of ye who already passed on $$-requests fer DVDs, I'll be getting some made for you later.

Claire, if you could email me a list of people who've "paid up" I'd appreciate it.



YARRR! The Oktober be silent now! Just call me "REDD!"


Ahoy Stitch!!..It came to me inna flash, but if'n ye have the time 'afore headin'up this way, by chance is there a full size, twin heat-type solderin' gun in your arsenal???..If so, bring it along, and we kin tidy up some wire ends o'er the weekend!!(Thar be a rather nasty coax on the depth sounder)......... :)

Man, we're all stoked at this end 'o the Bay...What an outrageous moon out!!!.............Sails in the moonlite on the Bay tonite, tomorrow...... :ph34r:

the Royaliste Posted: Jul 1 2004, 10:04 PM 

Ahoy Stitch!!..It came to me inna flash, but if'n ye have the time 'afore headin'up this way, by chance is there a full size, twin heat-type solderin' gun in your arsenal???..

Happen to have brought home me tools wit me ta sees wot I kin do fer the Land Shark tomorrow. Alls I have right now is an old soldering iron I've used fer years work'n on car stereo's. It's in me tool box wit a coil o' solder. Not sure if'n it be hot enough fer wot ye need, but i'll bring it along an we kin give it a shot.

...I could use a good solder'n gun but I jus' dropped alla me greenbacks inta fix'n me truck an I be skinny fer a wee bit till I's recover.

Damn mechanics... :ph34r: ... a bunch o' pyrate'n scallywags if ever I met... :huh:


We'll see if'n it works, right now it'll make contact when you squeeze it, but...rather get the tip resoldered....I'm gettin' a wild signal at present, but I'm figurin' it be echo off the seawall, etc. affectin' the transponder. :ph34r:


Arrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!! Drink up me hearties YO-HO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ph34r:

Got me wee Land Shark parked out in the parking lot at work today- It was fun to show her to me students, who have seen the 3D construction model.

6:00pm and we'll be on ARRRRRRRRR!!! way north!! What a weekend this is gonna be mates!!!!!!! Pirates everywhere! The Royaliste firing her guns for the masses.... Aye, she is going to look SO beautiful lit up in the night eh?!!! :huh: Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas



An' jus' so's ye know, methinks that Raul will be lightin' up the night sky alla the way there!...Crazy arsed pirate!!!......So, darkthing, don' feel left out by leavin' the blunderbuss at home! :ph34r::huh: ........YEEEEEE-HAW!!........Pirates on the loose, mateys!!........


All I ken say is that there outta be a law against havin' that much fun in one weekend! :huh:

Much kudos to Claire, the Royaliste crew, and all 'o Jill and meeselfs new piratical buddies! :lol:

Parades, emcampments, annoying squeek-box playin' :ph34r: , new friends and contacts, plus "Murderous Molly" got to clear 'er throat in fine fashion on F dock just before the big show! :huh: (toggle switch broke off in me hand afterwards, so that's why there was only the one shot! :lol: But it was a fine blast from where we be sittin'!)

Royaliste looked absolutely beeeoootiful against the just set sun and the flame from 'er cannons wuz sumthin' to behold fer sure!

It be takin' me weeks to recover, brothers!

Hope everyone made it home safe 'n sound and the dear old barky has swum safely back to 'er berth. Thanks again fer the great piratical good time!

:ph34r: [/color]

Iron Jack: Scourge 'o the Shores!

Some mornings, it just doesn't seem worth it to gnaw through the leather straps.

- Emo Phillips


Buccaneers Ball Info


By the way, Iron Jack, I really liked them cannons ye brought. T'were an excellent addition to our dock.


YARRR! The Oktober be silent now! Just call me "REDD!"


Aye! T'was a fine weekend! Iron Jack, I wish we'd had video rollin' on deck when you fired yer cannon from the dock- For although ye had permission, apparently they forgot to tell a few people because the radio lit up immediately and we heard

"We are extremely concerned about that explosion..."

We've got photos and discussion on the Tiburon Cafe topic beginning here

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas



Ah Quill, . . . I swear on me skull 'n bones I had permission to fire the girl :unsure: (I think from Bob Slusser hisself. Can't really remember, as we hadn't been properly introduced yet when I first spoke with him about the firing. I was busy jammin' on the poop deck when he sidled over. I do remember the official looking jacket on the man however and I did speak with him about other matters later).

In that case, it's probably best that my toggle switch broke when it did, :lol: since he also encouraged me to participate in the finale at the time. Sorry fer any undue arse chewin's Molly and I might have inflicted. Although Molly was a sight to behold at dockside! :huh: Jill thought I was on the verge of dancin' a jig after that first blast!

Actually, those pyro cartridges be rated fer indoor use too ifn' ye can believe it :lol: !

Glad everyone enjoyed the guns, though. It was great fun taunting the audience with 'em during the parade as well!

Pirates 'n pyro, a lethal (and fun!) combo. :huh: If used, um, . . . sensibly, o' course ;)


Iron Jack: Scourge 'o the Shores!

Some mornings, it just doesn't seem worth it to gnaw through the leather straps.

- Emo Phillips


Buccaneers Ball Info


Try now...twer post'n more photos an twek'n wit it.... B)

Too much bandwidth....seems to get overloaded easily...sure seems like a pain try'n post pictures... B)


Ahoy Quill...I'll be happy ter remove the "Pyrate Travel"video ter make more room...as a matter of fact, I should do that anyhoo!


YARRR! The Oktober be silent now! Just call me "REDD!"


Ahoy ,

Just wanted to say thank ye for all the hospitality twus showed whilst in yer port. Quill you were the best, oh and Iron Jack I agree that yer cannons were great. the indentured servants and meself had a most memorabnle time and av near been plundered by a better crew than that of the seven seas.



Texas Terror the flatland Pyrate


Texas Terror the Flat Land Pyrate -- guitarist abord the land Yacht "Lady Gale"

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