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Door to Door sales reps even when theres a No Solicitation sign posted.

Political canvassers and religious zealots that do not understand pitching me their platform or their god is solicitation!

Actually I found the way around that one..*Grins wickedly* I had dressed as a Pirate for one of hubby's co workers child's B-day and we had just come home and I was removing my sword when the door bell rang. I throw my sword over my shoulder and head for the door and open it thinking it's a neighbor. Nope it's a few Jehovah Witnesses *nothing aginst them or any other religion it just happened to be who was at my door at the time* Anyhow they see me, take a good long look before going to my sword and they ask me if they caught me at a bad time, I told them nope and they said apparently we did, bid me good day said they would return at another time and fled. Have not seen hide nor hair of them for two years...till yesterday.


If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)



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How about when you hold a door open for a person, but instead of saying thank you, they act like you aren't even there. Worse yet they glare at you.

Funny thing bout this; Holding th' door open for 'X' be an American thing. When me military tour o' duty sent me t' Germany in 1983 I learn'd that over there it is RUDE t' hold th' door open for someone - Reason: in th' olden days as well as their traditional narrow roads, often with no "sidewalks", one never knows what is on th' other side o' that door; entering a building there could be a brawl going on inside, exiting a building there could be a speeding horse carriage (today even a speeding car or bicyclist with blinders on!) and therefor ye would NOT hold open a door and shove a dainty woman through t' see if it be 'safe' on th' other side before ye pass through!! NAY! Th' proper gentleman would Go Through That Door FIRST in order t' make sure it be safe before th' proper lady would enter/exit through that unknown portal! - makes sense t' me!!

So, I was married when I was there so I quickly adapted t' th' German's more logical approach and upon returning t' America it twas simple second nature for me t' rush up and enter th' door BEFORE th' ladies....over there th' Germans thought I was a rude ill raised barbarian when I first got there, upon returning t' th' backward America (here we force th' women t' check th' safety on th' other side - after all, women are Expendable, loose one ye just call upon yer spare - "Hello, Linda? Ya, I just lost Suzy in a tragic door exiting accident, are ye free tonight?")

Well, with that said; I am a rather quiet person, I gain 'connection' t' those I trust and care about and we need say few words t' communicate, I do naught NEED t' be touchy feely nor continuously enforce me intentions upon them, and if they are th' 'touchy feely' kind that must reminded every few seconds that I still be there for them, then they can just move on - therefore, I express my intentions and emotions via me body language - a 'Nod' in yer direction means "Thank'ee" or "Okay" or "I concur" where on th' other hand, a 'Glare' accompanied with No nod means "Move It Or Loose It" or simply "CUR!"

What annoys me tis when someone holds th' door open for me and I Do nod politely me content t' their action (they are probably some week ilk that needs me protection anyway) and they get all huffy and declare "Well DONT say thanks" - in those cases I turn and give them th' Glare indicating "Well then, I TAKE BACK me node - ye bloody ilk!"

A slightly different example: Me last job had a Cross Walk just out th' main door on a side street leading t' th' parking lot, it be Clearly Marked - now, a cross walk with cross painted stripes and a flashing Yellow light with big sign means "STOP FOR PEDESTRIANS". Now, many workers there just barge out into th' cross walk in front of cars and Force them t' stop - Not me, I don't trust people in driver seats! I always stop at th' curb and Make Sure th' car coming down th' street comes t' a stop, then I proceed and give them a thankful nod o' me head and a smile.

BUT, one day it was raining, I stopped for a suburban was coming down th' street (different story but I DO NOT trust women drivers in suburbans anymore!!!), well, th' lass stopped and I proceeded, me head was bent down protecting from th' on coming rain BUT I did raise me head as I passed in front and gave her a nod - NOW, that bloody ill raised *BEEP BEEP* of a female Rolls down her window and shouts out t' me in an angry huff "WELL DONT SAY THANK YOU THEN!" - - - :( (but I did, I did not have t' raise me head - In The Rain - and give her a thank'ee nod as I rushed t' get out of the rain - But I DID!!)

:( -> :D

So I Stopped, right there in the rain, and hollard back at her "WHAT?!! I Nodded At Ye! What Do Ye Want, A Happy Thank'ee Dance?!!?" and began t' give her a 'Happy Thank'ee Dance' right there in th' rain, then followed by giving her a bird (hey, they say "A Bird On The Hand Be Better Then Two In Th' Bush" :blink: )

some people just don't INSIST on having it Their Way, I say No, ye will get it MY Way or No Way! After all; Ye can't please everyone so ya gotta please yer self (hey, not my quote!....hmmm, me right hand be much stronger then me left...hmmmm)

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!

Posted (edited)

My Petty Annoyances is the lack of common manners in this country.

I grew up as a military brat (Air force) and the one thing that my mother ingrained in me as a child is ‘common courtesy” such as, ‘please’, ‘thank-you’…and so on. So, no matter where we lived...we would not be known as those "Ugly Americans".

I find it difficult to believe that these basics are becoming extinct! Yesterday, I popped into the Grocery store to pick up some milk and bread. As the teller handed me my changed I said, ‘thank-you.’ All I got in return was a blank stare…as she continued to chew her gum like a cow.

Oh…the youth of American….be afraid people…be very afraid!!!

Edited by Cheeky Actress

Member of "The Forsaken"


I always get a chuckle out of the lads that hold open a door for me (And for some reason there seems to be plenty... maybe I just look pitiful when not in Pirate garb) :blink:

I thank them and say"“Who say’s that chivalry is dead!?" and give them a big smile. :(

They love it! :(

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


Coworkers who start drama and throw others under the proverbial bus because they can't do their own job right. That the worst one in my book.

Kate, I didn't know you worked at the same place I do!!!!????? :blink:


Buccaneer - Services to the highest bidder!!!


Actually, this is more than a petty annoyance to me, this is a MAJOR gross out....

Men who spit on the sidewalk, grass, whatever. Especially when they take five minutes to work up a really slimy lugie, and then hawk it. Makes my stomach heave. :blink:

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog

...i have actually had cashiers pull out photos of family to show me. i am only trying to get me grociers home.
Use to happen to me on the bus to work all of the time when i was starting work at 1:00 PM years ago. I was seeing photos of grand children all the time. I started carrying photos of my dog and my sisters dogs to show in return. For some reason the same people never approached me more than once ...most of the time. lol
Coworkers who start drama and throw others under the proverbial bus because they can't do their own job right. That the worst one in my book.

Kate, I didn't know you worked at the same place I do!!!!????? :blink:


I work with 50 women. And I am sick of the constant need for drama (so is everyone else, I find out today). There is peace, so someone needs to stir the pot....

Posted (edited)

I was going to avoid this thread as there is little positive about it until I read Kate's post...then I saw red. Damnation but I am forced to agree... I DETEST drama unless tis in a skit/scenario... why can't people just do their jobs and get on with their lives without having to stir up all the trouble...if you don't get something JUST ASK.. without having to go behind everyone's back sheesh...

Edited by Capt. Sterling

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




People who get in th' "Express Lane" at th' store know Full Well they have over 15 items in their cart (I have counted over 30 on some!), they stand there in line and Avoid making eye-contact as ye size up their over loaded cart...they KNOW full well what they are doing! :( even worse yet be when they get t' the checker and suddenly remember they Forgot something and ask th' clerk, being polite th' clerk calls for assistance and we All have t' wait while th' box boy/girl is sent t' fetch Yet Another item!

Also people who think they are So Friendly that they strike up a conversation with th' clerk (wait, I'm not done yet...) and because they are So Friendly they keep talking, keep talking, discuss religion, politics, how t' make th' earth "greener" and their purchase has already been rung up and bagged, th' clerk is waiting politely for an opportunity for them t' SHUT THEIR MOUTH so he/she could ask for th' money, then even after paying and receiving their change they KEEP TALKING and just stand there as if they are the only one in th' line - meantime th' long gets longer, ones at th' end begin moving on thinking th' register must be out of order - and this "friendly person" (so rudely t' everyone Standing in line patiently waiting their turn) KEEPS TALKING! Everyone casting her evil glares, ones in th' back mumbling "move along lady!" - then FINALLY getting th' message (or perhaps about t' pass out fer lack of air because their trap never shut t' take a breath) they wish th' clerk a wonderful fantastic day and FINALLY move out of everyone's way - th' clerk then looks at me as I move up and rolls her eye whispering "I have No Idea what she was talking about :( "

Ya, me peeve be "friendly people" that are so 'friendly' that they are down right Rude t' everyone around them. :D

Another one be people who do not LOOK where they are going - they walk through a door with their goose neck fixed on something still outside, they do not even walk a straight line so others can walk around, no, instead they THINK they know where they are going and actually make a turn and start going in another direction (usually th' one ye be using in attempt t' miss running into them). Usually this be some young kid with pants hanging around their knees and their boxer shorts pulled up over their chest. And if ye do run into them then they give ye their 'evil eye' or even say "Watch it!" - NAY, do NOT pull that on me! I grew up in carnivals, I learned at an early age how t' weave me way in great haste through extreme crowds with nary disturbing anyone I pass (I hope, I duck, I dodge, and weave - but I do not crash into anyone or knock anything from anyone's hand...at carnival that could literally start a riot!) and should I ever run into anyone I STOP and apologize.

Yet another one be them people that, some a reason I have yet t' grasp, always think a door way t' a public establishment (such as a grocery store) be a good place t' STOP, dead center they just STOP, begin t' check their wallet, their hand bag, read th' receipt or their shopping list. These also usually be them what likes t' park their shopping cart DEAD CENTER in th' isle while they read th' ingredients on the package, blocking the isle so others can't get past...then give ye a dirty look when ye get tiered o' standing there, blocked from th' items ye be trying t' reach so ye Squeeze past them - I have even had these RUDE S.O.B.S say such things as "Boy your rude" and other such comment.......If ye gonna stop while shopping then PULL IT OVER T' THE SIDE! And if ye don't then do Not think it 'others' that be rude because ye Force them t' push their way through....nay, I do not say "excuse me" to someone so obviously discourteous t' other shoppers....I do however say "excuse me" if they be properly standing in front of something I am after and I choose t' reach for it if they be taking too long for me own taste.

Oh, and one more: Young lassies who wear short short skirts and high heals with loose tops and no bra then go shopping off th' bottom rows! Now that just be RUDE! That is So distracting!! Do ye have Any Idea how many times I have gone All Th' Way Home just t' realize I FORGOT something I was supposed t' get simply because o' one o' them tarts?!!! :blink:

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!

Men who spit on the sidewalk, grass, whatever. Especially when they take five minutes to work up a really slimy lugie, and then hawk it. Makes my stomach heave. :blink:
As someone with nasty alergies and snius goo I can say I know where that comes from but I can also say ...that sound and the spitting are NOT a necessity! Makes me sick too.

I get pretty much annoyed with stupid people and those who have no common sense. MY NYC attitude is out be warned.

People who smoke right outside the door there is plenty of room AWAY from the front door. So I get a procession line of smoke. Step a few feet to the side there's plenty of room trust me.

When I am at crosswalk is it UNNECESSARY to ride so close to the curb when making a turn, I don't know if you are going to drive on the sidewalk. you might as well. CT is the only place I know(in all my travels) that does this. Why haven't got a clue.

When I have the WALK light I have right of way, you WILL wait until I get across, you aren't in that much of hurry.Its called a red light for a reason. Pedestrians have the right of way at a designated crosswalk pg 15 of the CT DMV driving manual.

Red light means STOP Green light means GO- Not the opposite stop racing for a light that is already red and watch the blender flush when light turns green. A city street is not a Nascar race track.

Crackberries-no explanation needed.

Drivers on cellphone and crackberries-no explanation needed. Pay attention to the road

I hate drama(work, friends,family kinds) I am not a producer of a TV show I don't want to hear it or care. Its called life deal with it. Stop complaining about it here's some cheese for your whine.


Welcome to my nightmare....

I have embraced my inner magpie. OOH SHINY!!

an' showerin' regular

Dang here I am in the wrong thread agin'


"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



I was going to avoid this thread as there is little positive about it until I read Kate's post...then I saw red. Damnation but I am forced to agree... I DETEST drama unless tis in a skit/scenario... why can't people just do their jobs and get on with their lives without having to stir up all the trouble...if you don't get something JUST ASK.. without having to go behind everyone's back sheesh...

I agree... I hate drama too, for with it usually comes gossip. I think that if ya got somethin' to say, go directly to the person it concerns, not everyone but... It's just not helpful otherwise.

And the comment erisblackrose made about people complaining & responding with their wanting a little cheese with that whine..!! I use that line alot when I hear a whiner. Even when things go badly ~ given a little time, there's usually a silver lining to be found, if you're just willing to look for it...

an' showerin' regular

Dang here I am in the wrong thread agin'


RIGHT! Regular shower'n be SO over rated, that be what th' good Lord give us Rain fer anyway! If it ain't rain'n then ye aint stink'n! Don't like it? Take it up with th' captain up top deck! :rolleyes:

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!


Just a reminder that this is NOT a rant/whine thread. Nor is it meant to promote non-positive vibes. It was meant more as a fun way to post the little annoyances that bug everyone ( And obviously, I'm not the only one who has them). To that end, let's keep it short and simple, okay. :rolleyes: There are other threads where you can post your major gripes.

So, here's one:

People who spit their gum out in drinking fountains. Bleah!

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog

I always get a chuckle out of the lads that hold open a door for me (And for some reason there seems to be plenty... maybe I just look pitiful when not in Pirate garb) :rolleyes:

I thank them and say"“Who say’s that chivalry is dead!?" and give them a big smile. :lol:

They love it! :lol:

Iron Bess is my hero...she's one of the people I've always wanted to meet, so she could properly eviscerate me for comments I've made in Pirate Pop about certain movies and particular certain characters. :lol:

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."



I have a pet peeve...

I caught it in the wild, domesticated it...but it eats too much and I always have to take it for walks...

Damn, thats sharp!

I always get a chuckle out of the lads that hold open a door for me (And for some reason there seems to be plenty... maybe I just look pitiful when not in Pirate garb) :lol:

I thank them and say"“Who say’s that chivalry is dead!?" and give them a big smile. :lol:

They love it! :lol:

Iron Bess is my hero...she's one of the people I've always wanted to meet, so she could properly eviscerate me for comments I've made in Pirate Pop about certain movies and particular certain characters. :lol:

Not if you don't hold the door open...... :rolleyes:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


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