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Pirate re-enactment demo


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umm i added a few more things to the back of silas' van---

blueberry muffins { vast amounts}

monster cookies { one large popcorn tin and one smaller cookie tin}

brownie bites double batch

my goal was to make sure you all gained about 3 pounds @ by the end of the weekend....

oh--- and feel free to FLOG with the cat o nine tails any child/ teen of ours that does not behave.....and tell them "your mother said i could do this to you!"--oh-- and this includes silas for any miscreant behaviour from him too!!


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Finally home and settled in (and we only live across town), but I must say this was an awesome event!

Pictures and a more well thought out post to come, just wanted people to give us a shout out when they get home safe and get a chance. Diosa, Salty, Callenish and little Hamish are staying the extra night to rest from the weekend before heading home.


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Hoist High, the Jolly Rabbit!

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


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Glad ye all be makin' it home safe an' sound.

Eager t' see pictures of th' fabulous event. T'was upon m' mind th' whole weekend.

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

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Almost home.... at the Columbus airport waiting for my flight.... should be home in about 3 hours....

Thanks to Mickey and Kate for taking great care of me over the weekend! It was a wonderful time.

Thanks Dogge for your patience with me and a sword. Yes, I said Dogge was patient... perhaps I caught him at a weak moment... or perhaps he was just happy I did not bring the Nair Red Jessi and I were talking about :)

Diosa De Cancion

aka Mary Read


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Okay, now that I have slept...

I really want to thank everyone who helped make this event happen and those that have supported it (whether you were able to make it or not!)

I really want to thank Lady Constance for letting her incredibly well mannered and great guys to come play with us. And an even bigger thanks to Lady Constance for all the cooking and food she sent with those boys. She spoiled us all rotten! Thanks to Silas, Miles, Alex, and Andrew for coming up and looking like you all had a great time!

Thanks to the Beach boys (M.A. d'Dogge and Tiger Bill) for coming out and being a right riot. You guys are nuts and all too fun to hang out with in all the best ways. The pics of you climbing up top and sword fighting on the mainyards will live on with me forever!

Thanks to Matty for being so entertaining and for taking time taway from the family to come out and play. Always a pleasure sir!

Mission, it is always great to see you, and thanks for lugging all the medical gear and presenting it all day in that special way you do. And an even bigger thanks for not using any of the medical gear on any of us present! :angry:

Callenish and Salty (and Hamish too), it was great to see you all again as always!

To Perkeo, Grizz and Afira(hope I spelled it correctly this time!), it is always a please to have you guys (and gal) out to play with us. Thanks for bringing enough booze to sink the entire crew! ;)

A big special thanks to my Florida girls, Diosa, it is always a pleasure to have you around.... Apparently I do need another women on my back to keep me in line... And you can always do it with bringing a smile to me face as well. Red Jessi, thanks so much for coming up and spending your birthday with us! The pair of you travelled so far, and it really was great to see you both. I truly hope it was worth the trip!

A special thanks to Mark and Jennie for doing so much of the leg work to make this happen, and specially to Mark for bringing his boat out and letting many of us play in it! And to Jennie for spending so much time cooking and caring for all of us (as she does too often).

A big special thanks to those who have been bidding on the "Dead Man's Chest items" and to all of those who wanted to come out and for whatever reasons couldn't make it! And do remember there is still a few days to bid on the earlier posted auction items, and more days for the later posted items!

There are so many more thanks to give for this. but my mind is blanking out, and I think most of the other thanks need to be said where those who deserve them can see them (as in people not on this forum).

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Ok... I am home... had a nap...and am now clear minded enough to go through my whole list of thank yous

Kate & Mickey - as I said before, thank you so much for telling me i should come up and hosting me and taking care of me for the past 4 days. It was a joy to spend the time with you all and the kitties! Mickey - sorry about you having to get up at 5 this morning to get me to the airport... than god the coffee shop was open :)

Mission - Hey Handsome :) It was nice to get to know you a bit better this time around. I am sure that had something to do with the fact that often times you couldn't walk 10 feet away from me, but you were really a joy to chat with and I really liked getting to finally hear your surgeons presentation!!

Silas, Red Jesse and Billy - I really loved getting to better know you all this time around. I have always seen you guys in the past, but never had time to sit down and talk to you. This event was fantastic for that. There were enough of us to look good, but in a tight enough space that we really had time to get to know one another and it was a complete pleasure. and Jesse - I ma very thankful for you and your Excedrin!

Lady Constance - while you were not able to be with us, I am willing to move in with you for more cookies :) Those were wonderous! I am not sure what they were called or even how to explain what all was in them other than they were truly yummy, wonderful baking masterpieces! I am pretty sure once I found the tin I just spent the rest of the weekend living off of those! Thank you so much for taking care of us from afar!

Dogge, you were the highlight of my weekend..... I could just leave that there and make everyone wonder.... Let's just say the trees in my backyard may never be the same, and I know my niece will never be the same after her time with you...

Of course it was a pleasure to see Salty, Hammish and Callenish, and meet Mark, Trish, Shannon, Perkeo, Grizz and Alfiera (I know, I probably spelled them all wrong). Just all around a fantastic time! Anyone I forgot, i am truly sorry, but i really have still not had much sleep....

Lots of love to everyone who made this happen!


Edited by Goddess in the Bodice

Diosa De Cancion

aka Mary Read


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The auction is winding down but there are still some great deals. It has been a huge success. We've raised over $500 so far. To put it in perspective - that's more than the ship takes in on admissions on its best day. Thanks to those who donated and bid.

Check out the remaining items here.


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Glad to hear you found it Silas!

On another note and carrying on with the whole "Lost and Found" theme.... I found a pair of loose short pants, pretty big size, khaki green colour, look like they would be about mid-calf length on an average height person.

Do these belong to anyone?

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never mind !! found the stupid belt... it was hiding :)

How stupid could the belt be?

It had you lookin' high & low and was probably giggling the whole time you was lookin'.

that's pretty much what i figgered... but didn't want to say anything... the little people listening might think i'm strange :D

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ok...since ya asked....

anyone find a pair of glasses,(yep i wear em)....never got home wit em shoulda been over where all me shtuff was....shoulda been

otherwise gots to go a buy a new pair.... :blink:

Hey M.A. d'Dogge, I contacted Linda (the director of the ship) regarding any items found on the ship after the event (there doesn't seem to be any), so unfortunately your glasses have not turned up there, although she has asked the staff to keep a look out for them in case they do turn up.

As for the tax deductable question, I posed that question to her as well,... And judging from her answer it does appear cash donations are tax deductable, but her response was such that she thought I was inquiring as to the deductability of the items donated to the auction, so there was some mixed signals. I have sent her a hopefully clarifying email to get a more solid answer on this though.

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Okay, Linda got back to me really quick on this one. Cash donations ARE tax deductable, receipts are sent out for donation whether the donation is made via check or money order and sent via mail, or the donations are done through the online form on the santamaria.org web site.

Now I don't know how it works in the USA (I probably should as I've been here three years now), but in Canada, tax receipts for cash donations were not issued nor claimable on ones taxes unless they surpassed a minimum limit (which I seem to recall being about $20)... I don't know if that is the same here or not. but it is something to consider.

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