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Capt. Morgan

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Everything posted by Capt. Morgan

  1. I'm learnin' ta play th' bagpipes... *looks behind him* I'll slit yer throat ta the one tryin' ta break me pipes!!!
  3. Ahoy and welcome! General concensus round these parts are that the line is a "Depp-ism" (thanks fer that Ryann, lass!), added as part of the song, "A Pirate's Life For Me" from the PotC ride as Disney... been to the ride many times, and never remeber hearin' anything about really bad eggs... meself, I use this line when singin' the song... "We drink lots o' rum 'n eat really bad eggs, drink up me 'earties, YO HO!" Call it a "Morgan-ism" if'n ye want!
  4. *looks over his shoulder towards the back door* "No, sir... I haven't seen a one eye'd man with a skeleton for a head... wassat? Red eyes, bones sticking out of his head? I understand you are a very large man and your 21 year old daughter's honor is at stake, BUT I HAVEN'T SEEN HIM!"
  5. Ha ha! Good quotes!! Run, brother, I'll cover for ya!
  6. Right, right... I hear ya Nigel me mate... its best if ye "lay" low... my philosophy EXACTLY... *lays finger aside his nose and nods knowingly*
  7. AARRR! 'ello, Fish! Scroll up a bit... we gots us one a' them *boxes* a sparkly wine... sorry, the box o' wine was all I could afford til' I get a raise... cheers, mate!
  8. But did you get drunk and... well, you know!
  9. I have to admit that I like Jimmy Buffett very much, but have been a fan "in passing" so to speak... i.e. I'll turn up the radio if "Margaritaville" "Cheeseburger in Paradise" "Let's Get Drunk and..." or "Son of a Sailor" comes on, but I don't own any CD's or tapes of his... after reading the above lyrics, I see that's a serious mistake on my part... could someone help me and tell me which songs those lyrics come from? Or which CD I should buy to REALLY experience Jimmy Buffett? Thanks all!!
  10. An' furthermore, may ye always have fair winds and following seas; May the sun be always on yer face, and the wind be at yer back, May the rains be always on yer fields, may the road (or sea) rise up to meet ye. -ancient Irish Blessing So, break open a jug (or on me salary, a box) o' the sparkly wine! Happy New Year, me shipmates!
  11. A 'appy an' prosperous New Year to us all! Cheers, Mates!
  12. I've been looking for the other two, but no success yet... maybe eBay or Amazon... Return to Treasure Island is fantastic so far, and I'm glad to hear about Pirate Hunter... !
  13. I made a trip to my book store / music store / cafe yesterday, and found two books to spend my Christmas gift cards on... The first is called "Return to Treasure Island: the Search for Captain Kidd". The author, Barry Clifford, sponsored by the Discovery Channel, searches for the sunken pirate vessel "Adventure Galley", Captain Kidd's flagship. Interspersed through the tale of the recovery effort is a lot of good info on Caribbean pirates in general, and Capt. Kidd specifically. I'm only a few chapters into it, but its great so far... Secondly, I found a book called "The Pirate Hunter", an historical account of Capt. Kidd versus Robert Culliford, a man who caused two mutinies against Kidd... and come to find out, Culliford is being backed by the British as well as the East India Company... I haven't read too much yet, but the parts I have read are easier to read and just as interesting as "Under a Black Flag"... Just me two doubloons worth fer some interestin' readin' fer us pyrate types as we swill rum, curled up by the fire on these cold winter ev'nin's... hopefully with an attractive buccaneer o' the opposite sex... any takers? AAAARRRRRRR!!!
  14. I've been reading some of the old posts here, about edged weapons being sharpened, and I have this info for any interested... To this day, Marines are forbidden from sharpening their issued bayonets, exactly for the fact that bayonets with sharpened edges will rust in a martime environment. Furthermore, it was a detachment of Marines that stormed Harper's Ferry and took John Brown's militants captive... the Marine Lt. who led the Marines (under command of Rob't E Lee), carried his ceremonial (unedged) dress sword into battle by mistake, and broke bones of those he fought with... if memory serves, he broke John Brown's arm with said sword...
  15. Wow, Deacon, nice piece o' steel! How much did that run you... "I'm in the market, so to speak"
  16. I haven't seen too many of the Hornblower episodes (keep missing them), but there were pirates, privateers, or buccaneers on the show? I must up my efforts to see more of the show!
  17. By the by, Cap'n Sparrow... let us know when yers are ready... I'd like to add a double sided coin to me collection!
  18. I have one of the 882 props made by Disney (I know a guy who did some set design & construction for the film) and mine is single sided... you see the single sided a few times (some of the extra selections on the DVD show the single flipping into blackness). Both singles and doubles were made as props, and are seen on screen. I don't know the rhyme or reason for this, but there it is... the design on the back is supposed to be an "Aztec design"... anyone out there know anymore about this phenomenon? I'd be interested ta know meself!
  19. Cool! Thats the info I was looking for; by the by, are any of us here "normal"? Aren't we all pirate geeks? Isn't that why we're here? You're in good company! *lol*
  20. I have never seen this movie, and can't find it at my local video store for rent. I found a few copies at my local Wal-Mart for $10... is it worth buying?
  21. Ya done good, lad... it warms me ol' buccaneer 'eart to see the look of joy on a young one's face. I can't wait ta see the birthday pictures!
  22. Here's the original message sent to me by the guy who makes these... believe me, he is very reputible (sp?) in the prop world, and his work is top o' the line! To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: propreplicas-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com My Groups | propreplicas Main Page I've just finished a run of the Aztec coin from Pirates of the Caribbean. For pictures and info go here: http://www.indyprops.com/pp-azcoin.htm They are gold plated metal, not resin, and, since my master is a second generation cast, they are VERY close to the original props. There is a hole drilled at the top for a ring. I'll also have an accurate chain ready in the very near future (hopefully this week or the next). If you're interested, these coins are only $30 each (plus $4 s/h). Payment can be made via Paypal to: indy_magnoli@yahoo.com I don't have the price for the chain yet, but it shouldn't be very much at all. Feel free to e-mail me with any questions. Kind regards, Indy ===== + Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam +
  23. Great card, Nigel me lad! It 'as been my experience that the more naughty ye are, the better yer gifts!! Have a prosperous New Year me 'earties!
  24. Here ya go... the pictures just don't do it justice, but ye can get a general idea! Key Wester
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