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Capt. Morgan

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Everything posted by Capt. Morgan

  1. Rupert the Pirate?!? He'd love to be a member, I'm sure! Anyone else notice his wife's tee-shirt, tied dyed with a skull and crossbones?
  2. *raises tankard* A toast to Lady Barbossa, one of the finest lady pirates around! May the wind be always in your sails, and your rum always come in tiki cups! Happy Birthday, Lass!
  3. tie him up, and drink his rum slap him with a codfish and call him stinky (no offense, Stynky!) put him on tv and call him Scupper watch him draw and call him Nigel give him a cool ship an' call him Cap'n Gary hang him from the gallows, call him Hawkyns drop her in a chopper and call her Ryann give him flowers and kitties and call him Sjor, er, Sjoder, er Sea Rover! paint her pink and call her Paisly toss her in the hot tub an' call her Merry give him a Guinness and call him Conner watch her write stories an' call her Quill (poison type...) Wow!! This could go on and on and...
  4. I got one, as well... cool sword, and neat flintlocks w/working locks... keep your weather-eye open towards the treasure ship eBay... I scored mine for $32, including shipping...
  5. Cool show (we need more pirate edu-tainment on History and Discovery Channels, yes?), and it was neat to see Scupper and Hawkyns... ye looked good, Scupp, me laddy...! On a related note, I was up until the wee hours ( who, me? No!), and I caught an episode of Battlefield Detectives abut the battle of Trafalgar... too cool! There was a part where they shot the heck out of a sail with bar, chain, and round shot... if you haven't seen this episode, try to find out when next its on, and record it. It was really good... but, anyhoo, well done last night, mates!
  6. Hmmm... I've had enough to drink in my life that my liver will be forever preserved, and I've had Marines and sailors tell me I've had too much... and seeing how my LAST drink was on my 21st birthday, well... yikes!
  7. Aye, me blasted VCR is on the fritz, and I'm working, so I missed it too... HOWEVER, History Channel is pretty good about replaying things... check back around 11 pm central time (midnight everywhere else), and it'll prolly be back on!
  8. *sticks tongue out at Merry* No worries, lass... I'll be firin' off notes to ye all via fast ship and homing pigeon at every opportunity... ye won't even have time to miss me... *breaks out in song (Morgan sings?? Yeah, but he SHOULDN'T!!) in a south of the border accent, " Don't cry for mee, Ar-hen-teena...! " My Colors See if the above works... the pic of my colors, signed by all of you kids... *sniff*
  9. Yeah it was a great night! Thanks to all out there who signed my colors, it really means a lot to me!! Great pics, Sir Jewels (and great tunes too!)... I look forward to seeing you again soon! I promise, we'll find your marble, no matter how long it takes! darkRose, it was a pleasure, as always (Ploughboys, May 14th!! I'm there!!) And, Merry... well, 'nuff said... thanks lass... Lady Barbossa, Scupper, I can't wait to see you upon my return! Once again, thanks all... a better bunch of shipmates a pirate never did have... *sniff*
  10. But, don't chicks dig scars, and tatts? *winks and gives thumbs up* Always got yer back, Merrydeath... always will...
  11. Ooooohhhh... key lime pie from Trader Joe's... to die for!! And if you're feeling adventurous, do a web search for salamagundi... a true historical pirate dish... I've made it with beef and chicken, and its actually pretty good!
  12. *nods* Its a deal, for sure... I'd be honored to take 3rd!
  13. For all of you scurvy wolves without cable, you should be able to purchase a copy of the show on historychannel.com after the show airs... the copies (usually only available on VHS, however) run about $20, plus shipping costs.
  14. "AArrrrr, right hook, blue... left peg green... aaarrrr..." Nekkid Pyrate Twister... hmmm... Bilge, mate, sorry ye couldn't make it... I be spendin' lots o' time in the Port of Milwaukee, so ye never know where I might catch ye... won't make it to Bristol this year, but definately next year... Sir Jewels, mate, we'll celebrate yer 35th in fine pyrate style! Scupper, cheers, mate, til next we meet... I don't wanna stir yer wrath, so I guess I'd better hurry home
  15. Congrats, mate!! I just hope the article doesn't give too much personal info, as it will make it just that much easier for those angry fathers to find you!
  16. Wassat about recording your posterior, Merry?!? *gets on the ship to shore radio...* Conner, mate... yeah, its me, Morgan... what? Yeah! I'm great, anyway, I have a business proposition for you... no, no, it doesn't involve sheep, and there's no chance of the constables catching you in a degrading posture again. Hey! Will you just trust me?? Anyway, I've got a source for video of Merry's thumper bum... Yeah, thats EXACTLY what I thought! We'll make a mint on eBay, and late night info-mercials!!
  17. *Morgan rubs his hands together in anticipation... sets VCR, and lays in a big supply of popcorn and Grape Grog*
  18. *holds tankard high* Happy birthday, Sir Jewels... one of the best pirates around (even better cuz yer from me home town)! May we be hoistin' drinks together for many long years to come!
  19. Aye, good point, Katarina... if you go to Amazon.com, and do a general search for "caribbean music" (or whatever music you may be looking for), you should be able to sample about 30 - 40 seconds of each song or piece of music on the CD... happy hunting!
  20. Bumbo? Never heard of it, but it sounds fantastic, if it be piratey... where can we find the recipe? As far as music goes, some of Jimmy Buffett's tunes be right tropical and jaunty, even if they're not directly pirate music... check out "Meet Me In Margaritaville," there are a bunch of upbeat songs, that will have everyone thinking Caribbean in no time...
  21. Awesome, Katarina! Um, could we persuade you to post some of the comic, when you finish it? It sounds great!
  22. Back in the my younger days, I used to draw all the time, almost exclusively in pencil or pen and ink, although I sculpted a few items... time just doesn't seem to allow for it much any more... however, you are a great artist, as well as story teller, Katarina! Keep it up! And Nige, you know I've always admired your work... good to go, mates!!
  23. Just keep away from any open flame, and we'll be okay, I think!
  24. Aye, Sir Jewels, mate! An' a plate of cabbage, too! Ooohhh, Meeeer-ry!!
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