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Everything posted by Animal

  1. Aye Captn, 'ow much o me coin ye be needin fet dey cards? Animal
  2. Aye De Benbow Inn was a favorite o mine. Me had many a drink an de crewedat ran it were top notch. Tis a sad day when a landmark such as dtbe turned into a yuppie eatery. At least de TnT next door still be open fer business. Animal
  3. Me tinks dat de position fer ye, dey Captn' have inna mind already Dere wa a position dat was vacated recently. Me cann remember de title but it had someting to do wit setting up places ter raid when wehits a town. Me brain is fuzzy dis early inna de morning. Dey Captn' know of which I speak. Animal
  4. Aye lass, welcome aobard. Ye be in fine company wit de crewe o de Blackheart. We be da most scurviest crewe areund altho de Doc been workin on dat scurvy ting. Me mate, de Doc will be comin aboard soon. So far she ha ben gettin "F's" inna all o 'er subjects. De F means fine. Dey instructor keeps saying Fine onna all 'er lessons. She be especiallary good at apmut... anpupt.... err...romvin tings. Captn' Hurricane, we be gonna gets her a new picture and I been tinking about dem fine words ye been rightn aout us all. Me has an idea fer 'er and will send it along wit de picture later. Animal
  5. as Quartermaster, me approves yer election. Me still reserves dey right ter do de occasion inspection meself Animal
  6. me agrees, Olaf. Dey ladies be bold an we loves dem fo it. Been a long time since me kilts ha beeninspected Animal
  7. It be inna de plans, Captn'. Jus waitin fer de government ter finish up wit de Doc sos we knows where we stands. Animal
  8. Dread are hard to start but if you keep at them, they will grow well. You have to keep them clean. Rasta make that a ritual as it follows in their faith. When I say this, I mean real Rasta. There are several who cal themselves Rasta but don't follow the whole religous doctrine. The Commitment to dreads is not a frivolis on and should be done with much care and thought. Read up on the faith and then make your decision. Animal
  9. Aye mates!! dat black box ware amkin noise again and din de Captn was speakin ter me. 'e said dey be fin ewit mimimal damage. Dey still don 'ave power (what eber dat is) an dey be heading to de local pub fer some cold refreshments. He say dat he will post as soome as dey power (whatis dat) come back (maybe it took a walk?) He said he has some images o dem dat he'll post later(how canna 'e post images inna his 'ead). Animal
  10. Aye lads an lasses, me be in touch wit de Captn Hurricane. He say dye be all well an good. Him called me last night when de blow was starting over again. He say de eye o de storm wa verrry strange. Real quiet like and den de wind started up again. ( funny how when he calls de black box inna me cabin mak a funny sound, never was tol what de box is fo ) Animal
  11. Tahnk ye Studley fer de offering o de leixir. Dat cal us square. Me wonder if dis stuff have de same effect on me as de Guiness? Hmm last time me 'ad dat stuff, me wen green an slipped de crewe inna Cayman. De crewe tried ter catch me but de town folk barred der way. **eyes the flaggon of Elixir** Me wonders......................... Animal
  12. **sticks his head in* Nay me nuh hear de ocean but me keep me ear dere to continue to try. Night ladies, Animal
  13. **looks over to KW** ye keep yer head down and take care o ye self, lass. The blow swill hopefully not be so bad. Animal
  14. Aye Captn', me be raisin ye two eyebrows an a taste o me private stash.**goes looking in the bilge then remembers Studley got to it** STUDLEY!!!! me swears on me own mothers undug grave dat me be gonna trottle ye we me sees ye. How in Neptune am I going to raise de Captn' wen ye gon an swill be private stash. **fondles the chain attached to his collar** Animal
  15. **sees crimsoncrow shaking his head and muttering to himself** **pokes his head in to see hoe the slumber partyis going** Well dere be William and quite a dance he be doin fer da ladies. "ere be anudder cask o rum fer ye ladies. I found it floating inna de harbor. Finders keepers so dey say. Have fun wit 'im but be gentle, ladies. ** slips out the door** Animal
  16. Nay Nigel, ye be a elloquent writer. It jes be me brain dat don work most o der time. Studley!!! I knew ye had a nose fer rum but I dinna tink dat anyone would find it inna de bilge. Me compliments to yer smeller. Me tinks the Captn's cabin went dat way -----------> Animal
  17. Me tinks dat de rum be getting to all dees crewe posting as guests and mind drifting abou loggin in. Tank ye MerryD fer de translation. I was getting a head hurt from trying to sipher tro dat. Animal
  18. **looks around, hearing a strange** Aye, dere be spiritsabout. Me tinks dat it sounds like Olaf but me eyes canna not see im. **draws his cutlass and stands in front ol the ladies** Show yerself spirit. Ye not be taken de ladies wit out a fight fro me. Animal
  19. Nay lass, yer needs not de dagger. Yerwit and sharpe tounge serves ye well.**holds his empty mug up in the air** I be 'aven another dark rum iffen anyone be near de cask. Animal
  20. Ummmm grapesssss.................. Animal
  21. **hears giggling and laughing in the room, sticks his head in a sees a lovely gathering of ladies** Aye ladies, jus heard the sweet sound of ladies laughter and had to pop in. Here be a keg o dark rum fer ye**rolls in the keg** Have a grand time**makes a run for the door before he gets hit by well aimed pillows** Animal
  22. **eyes MerryD from his new found favorite place-the floor** Ummm Nice grapes Animal
  23. **looking confused** Jeweles????? Dem green tings be Jeweles??? I t'ought dat dey wer riock candy. It'ought dey tsted a wee bit queersome. Was tinkin dat alla dat rum inna de intro room was palying tricks wit me taster. Ah well. Ye can hav em back inna day or so. Animal
  24. **bows low to MerryD and promptly topples over*** dat meetin & greetin inna de oter rooms be taken a tool on meself. Alla dat free rum. De surgeon be doing well, Captn'. Aye she did get a F in Amputation and dat do me Fine. De mostest clean and quick cut de instructor ever say. De patient dinna even know his leg was taken. He got up and fell onna his face. He finally got up wit some help and said" A pegleg, just wot I alwas needed. and Tanked her fer her quick qork. She gave him 3 pints o dark rum and told him to contact 'er inna de morning. Animal
  25. Aye lass, Happy Birfday!! I'll keep me pants on dis time as dere was nay posting of nekkid pyrates. Hope ye have a grand day. Animal
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