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Everything posted by Animal

  1. never said ye were a cheap bastard.............chinsy bastard maybe, but never cheap. Animal
  2. Ok, clue me in..........wot the hell is "Woad"? Animal
  3. Boats?! I don't see any stynkin' boats. Wot ye need boats fer??? All they do is leak and sink and stufff!! Now liquor on the other hand, why ye can use it to warm yer self, as an anit... natips....uhhh wound cleaner and seditur...steit....make them pass out fer surgery, yea that be it. Good stuff that liqr....lqui....uhhh...booze. Better than dem dumb pieces of wood dat sink. Aminal (promptly fall over backward and passes out)
  4. Soooo...anyone on watch with me gets twice as much beer and I have to carry them back to camp. Works fer me William Animal
  5. Thanks guys. I also want to use this during hunting season here in Florida. Bear, deer and turkey are the most often hunted here. Been debating between smoothbore and rifled. Will have to check or call Fish and game for restrictions, ect. Animal
  6. I have been looking at various guns for the early buccaneer period. I must assume that they were smoothbores during that time. Does anyone have any information on the standards of the era??? Animal
  7. No my dear, I think it would be the start of the DTs after drinking in Port Royal for 2 weeks Animal
  8. I hate weekend staff!!! Even the supervisors can't do anything. Why do they even bother staffing on the weekend except tech support. the rest are useless. Animal
  9. Welcome back Capt'n Jim!!!! haven't seen ya around for a while. Was going to ask if anybody has seen or heard from ya. Animal
  10. During my short stint with the Washington State Corrections Department as a "guard" I worked in the community work release program. It was still prison with the ability to get out in the community to seek work and start reentering society. I never had a problem dealing with bikers and the guys who really did time. The problems were with the younger inmates who were in for petty crimes, burglary, dui, minor drug charges and the gang bangers. I'll take a biker or "lifer" before the rest. Maybe that's why I have a hard time putting up with the petty crap with the younger guys at work. They have no time under their belt. Animal
  11. Wot ever they said about me, my dear Lady Kate, believe not a wurd o it. I am as pure as the driven snow, really!!!!! Just ask me!!! Animal
  12. Very nice images, Kate. I really now wish I could have been there. If everything goes well, nest year. Animal
  13. Interesting parallel. Something a social psychologist might have some take on. Red Jessie??? Animal
  14. I would think that if they were in the company of local natives, what ever the custom was, they partook. Chewing coca leaves and chewing beetle nuts have been doone in South American countries for centuries. Animal
  15. Nay Lass.... nary a pink ribbon fer me. I learned me lesson last year at PIP. Not going to be in the condition that I wind up looking like Mickey. Still I keep waiting fer photos to show up. Maybe I gots lucky an none were taken Animal
  16. My dear Lady Diosa, you must post the pictures of Mickey getting " made pretty ". They are a must see to truly appreciate the final product. :angry: I will see about putting this on my calendar for next year. I was hoping for this year but made commitments for my vacation time elsewhere. Looks like alot of fun. Animal
  17. did he just call me a flowering chimpanzee?? (Well who wouldn't want to be a flowering chimpanzee?) ...well, I have been known t' de-flower a few.... :P Chimpanzees???? :P
  18. Callenish, that was tooo good!!!!! Bothmy wife and I were laughing so hard that we had to fight to get to the bathroom first. She won!!!!! :P Animal
  19. As LadyB posted in another thread, yew art an EVIL man, Sutler Animal
  20. I have to agree with "Dogge's statement about personal responsibility. Responsibility is a must when owning any firearm. I used to belong to a very irresponsible group at one time and now I'm paying for it with some loss of hearing. They are still doing their thing, I've moved on. Responsibility is a personal issue. I would think that if we as a group at an event see something out of line, it is our responsibility to make the matter known to those in charge. I also believe that a basic review of the events safety policies should be addressed at the Safety meetings. I know guns and I feel it is my responsibility to teach and counsel others in the proper handling of them if I see something out of line. The Second Amendment is a right under the Bill of Rights. Along with that right come responsibility to keep that right. My feelings, that's all. Animal
  21. More than likely you'll have to " reposition it's current location" Animal
  22. Aw Dutch, they're just jealous of yer new laptop. It is dandy indeed. I love the rich wood it is made of. Nice piece of work. Animal
  23. Very nice piece It would look lovely on your arm. Animal
  24. What's the name of the book? Animal
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