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Everything posted by RyannMacGregor

  1. Oh...I read this out of order. whew.
  2. *carves into the seat cover dispenser, upside down* He packed quite the grand dirk, That ne’er failed to work, Wooing many a lass, alone and in mass, In this thread d’ he lurk? let the silliness continue
  3. "something D..O..O...economics"? "Voodoo Economics"....... ahhhh......one of me favorite movies I'd love to h'lp ya....but beyond the Sheraton Bal Harbour....I don't rightly remember much. And no one can prove a thing. You might want to check out the Miami Museum of Science....their Smithsonian Exhibition looks interesting. SMITHSONIAN EXPEDITIONS: Exploring Latin America & the Caribbean Have a great voyage!
  4. Oh Claire....ye know not what ye start'd 'ere. Rosalinda~ miss the old pic, but glad to hear, it twasn't ye.
  5. Bravo Good Sir!
  6. *carves under the chewin'* 'Ere once was a pirate called Black Jack, who proclaimed to h've a hairy back. The lasses all swooned, and shav'ed him, under a full moon. They say he lost more than his knack.
  7. [quote name=BLACK JACK SHALAQ' date='Nov 12 2003, 06:43 PM Ryann lassie, Ol' Black Jack wears BLACK or nuttin' at all (just like Johnny Cash). And then it's HAIR....Lot's of it. I think I'll even chase da queers away (I'm NOT sayin' I wants them ta hang around either)! At least me tattoos on me back are nice n' warm. Black Jack[/quote] Hmmmm....black ye said. Hmmmm....nice pic. Guess blood red is ok too? Oooohhh....you did say tattoooooosss.....MMmmmmm.
  8. Rosalinda...ye rock! I shiver at the thoughts of your talents being used for EEEEeeeeeeeeeevil.
  9. *yawns and scribbles with her dirk* How clever a pyrate can be, to post such diddies as these. Alas, tis late night, and try as I might, I can barely see the keys. Love the thread......see ye's in the mornin'.
  10. Ye might be wantin' to look at McCall's Pattern 2258 also. Colonial style garb, and lately I've just finished the coat. Just need to trim it out. Another suggestion I would have, would be to not get yourself stuck into the mind set of JoAnn's Fabric or any other fabric retailer. Explore even the upholstery geared stores. I spent a fraction of the cost at a local store known as Econo Sales, that has hundreds of thick materials, and lots of muslin. The sewing of the pattern was simple. When in doubt....pin, and check. I did almost sew a cuff on backwards.
  11. Thank ye Paisley, it is cool....but I was a bit disappointed that Russell Crowe wasn't running about on the game board....HMS Rose was in Master & Commander. MMmmmmmm....yummy.
  12. 'Ere ye go....some reality show....like "This Old Boat"... "Dock Appeal"..."Wave Rules"? Alrighty ye square box producers....'ere be the next big thing....get yee's to it! Aye....online namin party.....I be there, lass. Guess I could e'en see meself providin' some cyber libations.
  13. For those who missed the airing...here's the website. History Channel - History vs. Hollywood: Master & Commander Perhaps the one thing I did learn from it was where the term Slush Fund came from. Yes, that was a nautical term.
  14. Hmmmm....be thinkin'....this just might make a rather interesting "make better" episode on Bravo.....could call it...."Queer Eye for the Pyrate Guy".... Try imagin' those Fab 5 runnin' around cryin' "Arrrrrrrr"...and flying a pastel Jolly Roger. Arrrrgh....I think I need sleep.
  15. Not much surprise really.....for some time there, if ye wanted to be shanghai'd, you just needin' to be in Portland. LOL Hmmmm....shanghai tunnels and pirates....might be quite the Halloween event for next.
  16. Alrrrriiight...which one of ye be workin' for the History Channel, eh? Looks like tonight (8pm PST), on History vs. Hollywood, they be focusin' on Master and Commander. Ye all be knownin' now. Good day.
  17. This be so dangerous for a recoverin' crafter. *zombie look in her eyes* oooohh...the buttons. Must resist. Must. Resist. Thanks, I think, for the wonderful links and photos. Best of thoughts for your grandmum, Broadside.
  18. I've been enjoying the photos you have been posting. Most bang up job!!! And the name!!!! I love it!!! Wish I could be there to see her christenin'.
  19. Aye a lass of the same deliciously wicked mind. I could just see meself lost at the store eyein' those pre-made columns and turning them into a large version of that bed. A full size bed just won't do.
  20. Quess the cheering section for the Captain will be a large one. If I be hearin' any at the theater, I'll have keen idea it be one of us from 'ere then.
  21. No kiddin'.....WOW! Utoh...I feel a room remodel comin' on. Quick...tie me to the yardarm, to keep me out of the home improvement store. Did ye note that it took two people to hold the headboard up? Unless one of thems got four feet.
  22. OOOOOOooohh....may have to plunder one for meself.
  23. Alriiiight.....ere's a thought for ye.....if thar be anyone in the Oregon area, who might be interested in this 'ere sport, I'd be more than happy to show 'em, and perhaps put on a little "event", as it is called, when thar be a gatherin' of cachers.
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