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Everything posted by RyannMacGregor

  1. Aye....not quite sure what was more enjoyable....the photos or the comments. Thank ye for makin' me day lass. Now I be needin' to find meself a cold shower.
  2. *pours a tankard for Zephyr* I be knownin' how ye feel lass. Just don't be thinkin' yeself alone in it. *click, click, ooooohh lookee 'ere...click, click, hmmmmm....must have....click, click.....utoh, forgot to go to work*
  3. Cheers to ye!!!
  4. Best of thoughts be with ye and yours.
  5. Aye....looks like me work be done down here in San Diego on the Cedar Fire. Might be having a day to meself tomorrow, and want to see the local 'tractions. Where be the places on the "must see" list?
  6. Well, done Captain Vale. (raises her tankard) I be liken those boots.
  7. Arrrrrgh......so many grand hats! I finished my first tricorn just last month, complete with plumage. Now that was quite the adventure in "how to curl an osterich plume". Answer: curling iron....but only heat up the back side of the spine, and curl with your hands. It be a grand hat now! Currently, it shares the space of my hotel room, whilst I'm down here in the San Diego area for the Cedar Fire. There's something about wearing it whilst pillaging and cavortin' around this forum.
  8. Aye...Mad Tom Storm....supposin' I be mad due to bein' a lass.
  9. Well, since I am one...I can make that remark...though maybe not safely.
  10. No worries,El Pirata....we be sendin' a searchin' party fer ye soon.
  11. Capt.Grey~ Blessed be your kind soul. There are so many in need down here. I have truly seen the meaning of the word, devastation. ~Ryann
  12. And here I be worried you'd be sayin' cheeze-whiz. ~Ryann
  13. Oh...I be knowin' the answer to that one...they be called " Government Contractors". ~Ryann
  14. If ye be the ship's cook.... I be thankin' the saints that be, no possums be found in any of the seas. Ryann MacGregor
  15. Aye..do to the last minute travels...I be only having me Tricorn, outfitted with plumes, of course...wonder if the CDF be wonderin' if they are under attack? Now, if I could only lay me hands on a Jolly Roger to be flying from the helicopter fuel truck. Been lookin' to score me some of those sugar skulls for El Dia De Morte (beggin's forgiveness on the spellin') whilst anchored here in San Diego or El Cahon..or where ever the h'll I'm at (lost me bearin' 'bout 24 hrs ago). Think they be rather fittin' a pirating occasion.
  16. Aye...that too...thou theyst not be as good cooked with a wee bit of butter and garlic.
  17. Aye!! Tis a tandy of a sport, and the folks ye be meetin' are a riot too. Been doin' it for many years, and can say you must at least try it.
  18. Har! What a deliciously tw'sted costume. Thar be sum huevos!
  19. Kuthroat Kim, I've send you an email with a tad of info in it. Hopefully you received it. If not, the pattern McCall's #2258 is colonial style garb. Jacket, vest, britches, shirt and even a tricorn hat are included in it. Good Luck, and email me if you have further questions. I'll try to help.
  20. Paisley, I thank ye for makin' this heart a wee bit h'mesick for me childhood. Pray tell, there still be Mud Beggars 'bout the festival? Whilst anchored in VA fer 21 years of me life, I prowled the fest a few years 'fore traveling westward. Gratitudes to ye!
  21. Blawdy H'll...now me curiousity is truly peak'd. May be need'n to take a wee bit of a trip down yonder, and see it for meself. Thank ye!
  22. Aye! 'ften wonder'd meself at the brains of such foolishness. Ha! And them shoes they be wearin', how do ye board a ship, without landin' on the arse?
  23. Aye! I raise a tankard to ye! And pray ye mum don't still curse the day.
  24. How good ye be with a needle and thread? I be happy to give you some info.
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