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Everything posted by RyannMacGregor

  1. Best get to privateerin' then. Hawkyns, ye are a treasure trove of information yeself. 'fraid meself be in the same situation as EP. Have you fired one of each, that is, one with the stainless steel lining, and one without? Did ye notice any difference?
  2. Only way I can get past the aspartame....I still get an unusual look or two from a server...but hey, I'm paying for it, aren't I? A dirk stuck in the table usually gets 'em moving.
  3. will....not.....touch.....tooooo.....easy......will...not....reply.......arghhh must....control.....ohhhh....f@ck it I wish more men felt that way!!!
  4. *Quickly pours a Diet Pepsi in a tall iced glass, and adds a wedge of lemon on side...in case EP takes his poison that way. *
  5. RODLMAO.....*almost spilling her tankard*
  6. Thank ye kindly MerryDeath. *tops off MerryDeath's tankard as well* Now, it not be well know, but meself be a member of PETA. Of course, that be the People for the Eating of Tasty Animals.
  7. Something like that.....gotta keep her just to wear off the viagra, don't ya think?
  8. Ye know.....the boards 'ere, are goin' to be quiet with the lot of ye's "engaged" in one-on-one communicatin', and what not fer the next day or two, or three. How's 'bout lettin' us know ye's are alive, when you surface for air? He's a keeper if he brings ye java in bed, in the wee mornin'. And that just be for "reinforcin' the troops", so ta speak. All jokin' aside, have a great time you two. Best for ye travels Hellava.
  9. Didn't see the first one..but I like you current selection MerryDeath. Reminds of a bumper sticker I spotted tonight.....Save a Cow, Eat a Vegetarian.
  10. *doles out the vitamin C to everyone, along with the vitamin R.....rum*
  11. T’morrow, if it viddles ye be wantin’ to eat, With all the trimmin’s, white and dark meat, Best get to startin’ now If the family be sayin’ Wow! Go out for dinner, ‘n get out of the galley’s heat. Happy Thanksgiving All!.....now where to make my reservations?
  12. LOL...just remember that, and not have a convient memory lapse, when your's is a wee bit older.
  13. Well...you could always just have out your guns and knives when he come to pick her up. Go back to cleanin' them, when he comes in, and just calmly say, "she will be home at 10, right?" That would be exactly why he'd do it. Sort of a passive aggresive technique of death by social embrassment. But a good Da, holds your hair back, and sits with you, when you stagger in horribly drunk, at 17. Then waits til mornin' to see if you need anymore punishment.
  14. Now would that be 'cause you have a little daughter of your own. I grew up in a family of twisted humor, late nights watching Monty Pythons, and nothing is sacred.
  15. Both...but the movie nailed it. Sadly, I can see my own Dad doing that.
  16. OOOOooooooooooohhhh! *sorry...just watched Toy Story again.* Very nice!
  17. Just remember luv, being clapped in irons, doesn't mean applauding when handcuffed. Grinnin's ok though.
  18. Isn't that suppose to be "Pyrate" lessons?
  19. OH you just made a slow day at the office for me co-mates and me soooooo much better. *wipes a tear or two from her eyes*
  20. Hmmm...sounds like one of them Mastercard commercials.
  21. Aye...the SoBe Long John Lizzard's Grape Grog isn't to bad. Especially with the cold season running rampant over 'ere. Grape with Vitamin C and Zinc. I like it with a splash of 7up. Pssst....Mad Maudlin....it's got to be there....cause I live just south of you 1.5 hrs, and found it at the little convience store in town. On a different note....'ere's a shirt I came across on an internet foray one day.....their own Jolly Roger design is rather cool. Would it sound to weird to a travel agent to say, "Book me a flight to St. Thomas, I need to get a shirt."? Doubloon's Screaming Skull Shirt
  22. I really like your choice in accessories. Guess I'm just trying to figure out, how are ye gonna get on the plane?
  23. I knew thar be a reason I like'd ye, Hellava! ...Always did wonder, is it proper to wear spurs on a first date?
  24. Hmmm...ye wouldn't be referrin' to the other half of the population, now would ye, Hellava? 'Cause it ain't just thar hearin' that's "selective"...so is thar memory. ....tsk..tsk...what's a gal to do?....just ride'm til dawn, I suppose.
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